• 2 months ago
Ocurrió en Monte Grande. Habla la víctima del ataque: "Me robaron en pleno verano a la mañana, no se puede vivir".


00:00A violent robbery of a doctor, there he went out with the car, that white car that you see that at times almost disappears from the screen.
00:09Stay looking there, as an old reporter would say, to the right of the screen.
00:14The car, I don't know if it's automatic, now we'll see it, and it goes backwards, it almost passes it above, to its owner.
00:21But of course, what we need to see there, in the out-of-image, is this.
00:25That in a second vehicle, the thieves intercepted him, forced him to stop, and now, with the car with which they had arrived to rob,
00:34and with that of this young worker, who was leaving with his vehicle, and they intercept him, there, this white vehicle, that's it.
00:43The friends of the stranger, they are not the magic kings, they are the usual, they are the usual, they never rest.
00:50It happened in Monte Grande, look there, they stop him, he falls to the floor, the door opens, the car almost passes him in reverse above.
00:59And cowardly, he kicks him.
01:01What a coward, because the truth, lying on the floor, he kicks him.
01:06The victim of this robbery, and to whom they attacked in that way, is Victor.
01:11We have him connected, he is online.
01:13Victor, nothing more than the formality of saying good afternoon, to thank you for attending us a few minutes.
01:18Tell me what happened, and above all, how are you, Victor?
01:23Good afternoon.
01:24First of all, I would like to thank you for being able to speak on behalf of the neighbors.
01:30Because I am not, I am a victim, but the victims are the neighbors who are fed up.
01:36They are fed up, they are fed up.
01:38It is the typical, no more can be done, that you will hear permanently.
01:43Here, this happened on Saturday, 7 in the morning, in summer.
01:48Already, totally, with all the light of day, it is not that it is winter, that there are no people.
01:55In a sports field, full of people, with adults, parents with children, riding bicycles, running,
02:03or just breathing air, so to speak.
02:06But that was also lost, that was also lost, because it was not the only place where, in quotes,
02:12we could have a little tranquility.
02:14And I tell you this, because it is described that this piranha robbery began there,
02:21as you want to call it, of several survivors.
02:24All the people are there.
02:26Victor, are you okay? Are you okay?
02:28I'm hit, I'm hit.
02:30There you can see that I look like a marathon runner when I run out of fear that they don't shoot me,
02:35or do more damage to me, or the car doesn't pass over me.
02:38Tell us and explain to us what we don't see.
02:40The part that we don't see, in the out-of-image, what do they do?
02:44Do they intercept you with another car?
02:46They intercept me with another car, I don't know if the car was braking or coming slowly,
02:52and then it accelerated from 0 to I don't know how much in half a block,
02:56so that it is understood.
02:58It must be there when they saw you, right?
03:01Yes, it's like a shocking car, I interpreted it like that.
03:05I said this, it's not normal, obviously.
03:08And I don't know if there in the movement I was listening to you,
03:13I don't know if the car crashed or I left it, but I got out of the car,
03:18I didn't resist or anything, and I fell,
03:21and that also gave me a lot of fright because I felt that the car was above me,
03:26that it was passing over me.
03:29Well, that's what happened.
03:31And the car they stole from me was from another man who came to walk,
03:36like any Saturday morning, calm.
03:39So they doubled it, two for one.
03:42Double and also all the fright that hit the people from the sports field,
03:46who stole their cell phones, wallets.
03:49There was a man who stole a cell phone in the fright on the other side of a wall,
03:54and nothing, and you can't do anything else.
03:57That's why I decided to speak, or I don't know, in the name of the neighbors,
04:02because here they start killing a lawyer in front of his family,
04:08in a 50-odd-year-old house.
04:11A couple of years ago, there were also other events with a player from Chicago.
04:18But nothing, well, it happens everywhere.
04:21Each neighborhood has its war wounds, so to speak.
04:25Now, what carpenters they are, what carpenters.
04:27I'm fed up.
04:28First they attack older adults who were there in a reactive activity,
04:32and then, when the theft is practically defined, you are lying on the floor,
04:36miraculously, your own car didn't pass over you, miraculously.
04:39Yes, yes, yes.
04:40On top of that, there's a rat that comes and kicks you in the back,
04:43with you lying on the floor, on top of that.
04:45That kick, I don't know if it's hot, I didn't realize it,
04:49but I have a terrible hematoma in the...
04:52I have a terrible hematoma in the thorax and another in the gluteus, you see?
04:56I don't know if it's the blow or the fall.
04:59But well, yes, yes, I really don't want to talk about that,
05:02because, on top of that, you also get scared later, that you don't talk,
05:05because people also say that they are from here, they are from there.
05:09I want the police to act, the Intendete to act.
05:14Were they armed?
05:15I don't want them to erase the messages anymore, and I also commented on it.
05:19I don't want them to erase the messages from the neighbors anymore,
05:21when the neighbors are asking, sending the things that happen to us.
05:25No, let them answer, don't erase them, let them answer.
05:28Listen, were they armed?
05:29Did you get to see?
05:31Did you get to see if they were armed?
05:33They were armed, they pointed me in the head.
05:36But well, I told you that I tried to get out because of that issue,
05:40I also tried to get out, I fell.
05:42I don't know if you can hear a scream, fear, despair.
05:46When I fell, I think the car, I had it up.
05:49Tell me one thing, Victor.
05:51What time did you say this happened?
05:54Seven and a quarter in the morning, on Saturday.
05:57That is, in broad daylight.
05:59Yes, because if it was winter, there are not so many people in the sports field, in the streets.
06:03But at the same time, too.
06:05So there is no time.
06:07Yes, and it is also incredible that at that time, there are not so many vehicles.
06:14I don't know, there is no security camera, there is a gray car going in one direction.
06:19And have you taken any security measures, prevention measures among the neighbors?
06:23No, there is no neighbor alarm here.
06:26But well, I don't know, they should take it.
06:29The issue is that sometimes it is not enough.
06:31The feeling is that any measure that one takes is always insufficient.
06:36But since you can't go to a sports field with your family, it's incredible.
06:41Now, Victor, at this moment you have police presence at your door.
06:50What answer did they give you?
06:52Well, I'm asking anyway.
06:54I know that putting a person in front of you today is a bit difficult.
06:59But I would also be afraid, because they have your address.
07:02You also have to protect yourself in some way.
07:05Did they give you any answer at the police station?
07:08At the police station, no.
07:10At the police station, there are the corresponding complaints with the other armed men.
07:17And well, waiting for a resolution.
07:20Do you know if they have identified them?
07:23No, I don't know.
07:25People always say, they are from here, I'm sure they are these.
07:28No, no, I have no idea.
07:31I don't know, I trust that they will act.
07:35Well, well, Victor.
07:37I just wanted to express the complaint, the impotence of the neighbors
07:44that they can't go to a sports field or to the street.
07:50Look, we put the video when you kick him.
07:54Every time I see that kick, you know what?
07:57I get angry.
07:59As you say, in such an unnecessary way.
08:01Absolutely unnecessary.
08:03You already achieved what you wanted.
08:05You are taking the car.
08:07You also have to kick someone on the floor.
08:09Well, talk about them.
08:11Look, look, there he is.
08:13And there he runs.
08:15Now there has to be more police presence.
08:17He says something that is crazy, a delirium.
08:19It would be the least one could ask for.
08:21I mean, if there are so many attempts of robbery,
08:24so many violent situations,
08:26there should be more police in the area.
08:28Tell me, the urban area is ungovernable.
08:30You can't get there.
08:32No, you can't live in the urban area.
08:34You can't live there.
08:36Here the party is promoted as a green area,
08:40with the logo, with the trees.
08:42You have to come and invest and live here.
08:45This is hell, this party.
08:47Now I don't want to talk about the mayor,
08:50I don't want to talk about politics, nothing.
08:52I just want to let you know that I helped a lot
08:56in the party, also in the hospital,
08:58saving these lives.
09:00But these same people come out,
09:02kill the neighbors and no one protects us.
09:04That's what I wanted to express.
09:06We leave that closed.
09:08You dedicate yourself as a doctor to saving lives
09:10and you almost lose your own life
09:13We say it, you don't say it,
09:15you live close to them.
09:17Victor, we thank you for these minutes.
09:19No, thank you for the opportunity
09:21and I hope that later, in addition to
09:23the neighbors can also express themselves
09:25at some point and well,
09:27stay in touch.
09:29There we will be.
