• last week
अजमेर उर्स में जायरीन की बढ़ती आवक को देखते हुए रेलवे ने उर्स स्पेशल ट्रेनों की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी की है.


00:00we are running 18 special trains from Ajmer to Karnataka
00:08many trains have already started
00:14last train from Ajmer to Karnataka will depart at 11.01 pm
00:20we have started round the clock booking office to provide tickets to passengers
00:29for unreserved tickets 6 counters will run in day time and 3 counters will run in night shift
00:36we are providing 24 hours ticket availability to the railway
00:41many people are not able to see the special train system
00:49we have installed flexes to make it easier for people to see the train system
01:01we have installed flexes in Dargah as well
01:08we have installed reservation and booking counters in Dargah as well
01:15we have held a meeting to ensure the safety of passengers
01:20we have held a meeting to ensure the safety of passengers
01:27RPA and ticket checking staff will run round the clock twice a day
01:35any suspicious activity will be brought to notice immediately
01:42we have installed CCTV cameras around 130 places in the station
01:57we keep an eye on CCTV cameras
02:02we keep an eye on CCTV cameras
02:10we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
02:20we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
02:30we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
02:40we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
02:50we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
02:55we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
03:05we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
03:10we have a meeting with local police and CID to ensure the safety of passengers
