• 2 months ago
এক সংবাদমেলত বিশেষ আৰক্ষী সঞ্চালক প্ৰধান হৰমিত সিঙে নিচাজাতীয় সামগ্ৰী, জেহাদী, চোৰাং চিকাৰীৰ বিৰুদ্ধে এছ টি এফৰ সফল অভিযানৰ তথ্য দাঙি ধৰে ।


00:00Moi apna ketaman, apna homokhut ketaman statistics ko am jeetu apna, it will show you kene ke
00:08STF aur kaam hoise aur u STF aur main kaam to ki, STF aur main kaam aise to keep the
00:15people of the state not only safe and secure, police aur crime aur to kaam thake but there
00:23are larger elements of crime jaar international aur u national ketaman ramification thake.
00:31Itu ramification of cycle hai, STF aur punar nirmaan aur karne ami nirek paislu from the
00:37manniye Mukti Mantri.
00:38Moi apna prathom to STF aur kiki mandate aise, itu alap ko bole bishar isu, STF aur mandate
00:47aise terrorist activities including those sponsored from outside the country, organised
00:54crime, gun running, motor vehicle, money laundering, narcotics, drugs, smuggling, FICN, mafia groups,
01:05any organised crime prejudicial to internal security and national security.
01:11National secret sector mandate aise, any action against the state including waging
01:20war or attempt to wage war or abetting waging a war against the state, against the government
01:25of India, sedition, cyber crimes prejudicial to national security and any other class of
01:33particular offences or class of offences that may be specified by the state government.
01:38So apni dikhi se, STF has a large national and internal security mandate.
01:45Itu mandate etiya loke, ke tiya aur aag badi aaha nai, aur kaam imaan hua nai, kintu etiya
01:54since 1st March 2023, jetiya STF aur punar nirmaan hol, revitalisation hol, revival hol,
02:01te tiya pora kene ke kaam aag badi le, moi apna call of Jana bole bishar isu.
02:06Jeetu drugs aur narcotics against operations hoi se, since October 2008 to 28th February 2023,
02:18the STF had only recovered 523 grams of heroin. Aur hu March 23 pora, December 31,
02:302024 loke, almost 60 kilograms. So apni dikhi se, kene ke STF aur revival,
02:36jeetu amar honourable Chief Minister sahab aur vision ase, te umote kaam tu aaram hoi se.
02:42Psychotropic substances aagot asle 13,000 in 5 years time, etiya hoi se 9,68,000.
02:51Fancy dill 37,000 bottles, ganja almost 4,000 kilograms, opium 37 kilograms,
03:08meth 1 kilogram, kintu asal narco katha hol, asal katha toh ki extremist,
03:17jihadi elements aur hu anti-national elements. Total 21 jihadi aur hu islamic extremist
03:25dhara pari se in operations of STF. Aur hu main asale, apni operation praghat tu saya se,
03:33kintu main asale all of Mahabharat, ISIS aur India Chief jeetu dhara pari le at our border.
03:41So 16 extremists, etiya Maoist central level aur etiya alpha aur hu Manipur
03:49based extremist teenta. So not only narcotics but also terror. Illegal infiltration,
03:58Rohingya against jeetu operation hoi se, mane only infiltrated, Rohingya dhari le
04:04amar kaam nahi hoi. It has, the network has to be broken. So Tripura, Akham,
04:10baaki North East auk milai, ye network toh bhanga hoi se, aur etiya katha ke liye,
04:15central level aur presentation hai koi se IG, STF. So 18 touts, pandrata tout asale,
04:23doota Bangladeshi aur hu etiya Rohingya. Kyaun bilak auk dhara hoi se, aur gute network toh
04:29bhanga hoi se. This is, etiya hoi se, before the situation in Bangladesh. Etiya
04:35Bangladesh toh situation aur agad. Illegal arms and ammunition, mota moti apna koi dio,
04:42je arms aur ammunition list apni pai jabo. But the main thing here was,
04:48four rifles, one pistol, and jeetu operation praghat aur IED aur IED making material pua
04:56hoi se. Jeetu, jeehadi bilak use koi lehetan, amar manu, state, citizens, properties, sabok
05:05bahut hani ho lehetan. Khati ho lehetan. So that was a major achievement. Against
05:13fake currency, kaam hoi se, fake currency aur atta printing machine dhara hoi se,
05:19apart from FIC and value, 63 lakhs aur FIC and fake Indian currency note dhara hoi se.
05:26Gold smuggler aur gold or fraud or against hoi se. So silver coated jeetu, apni jaane,
05:33fake gold or operations holi tha ke. So that was done. So almost one, more than 20 kilograms of
05:40fake gold, one kilogram of pure gold and a lot of silver was held earlier, not now.
05:47Etiya hi le, wildlife crime. Apni jaane je, wildlife crime aur taji jimaan pocha rahe,
05:56tiyon bilak they are connected to the terrorist groups of the rest of the northeast. So Manipur
06:03aur Nagaland aur pra shooter rahe, yaat over ground worker tha ke, link man tha ke, tiyon
06:09bilak yeh hoto khahai kare. And rhino jeetu horn loi jaye, yeh to Myanmar aur through
06:17international market aur bikri hoye aur toka to akko terrorism aur thum hai jaye. So two rhino
06:23horns, 40 numbers of ivory, duta tiger teeth, pandrata rhino hooves, pangolin scales or deer
06:36antlers. Poacher and smuggler jeetu eta already operations holi aase, yaad figure diya aase,
06:44shot up from STF. But ammi jeeman poacher aur ammi last do maho duta dangor network bhangi loo
06:51which were interstate networks.
