• 2 months ago
ਸੰਗਰੂਰ ਦੇ ਰੋਗਲੇ ਪਿੰਡ ਦੀ 17 ਸਾਲ ਦੀ ਗੁਰਦੀਪ ਕੌਰ ਨਾਲ ਵੀ ਜਿਸ ਦੇ ਸਿਰ ਦੇ ਉੱਤੇ ਵੱਡੀਆਂ ਜਿੰਮੇਵਾਰੀਆਂ ਹਨ


00:00Thank you very much.
00:30Today we are going to meet a 17-year-old girl from Rogla village.
00:36Her family is very poor.
00:39If we talk about her father, his father is suffering from cancer.
00:46I would like to tell you that this girl is only 17 years old.
00:51She has so much responsibility.
00:53She has to take care of the house.
00:55She has to complete her studies.
00:58She has to take care of her father's health.
01:02First, let's meet the girl whose name is Gardeep Kaur.
01:08First of all, what is your profession?
01:11Because we often see that girls have brothers.
01:14What is your profession? Why not for girls?
01:18My father was sick.
01:21I took care of him.
01:24Do you know what is happening with girls these days?
01:27Because of that, I took care of boys.
01:33If we talk about the responsibility, because she is very young.
01:39She is only 17 years old.
01:41She is very young.
01:43How do you bear so much responsibility?
01:45Because you have to take care of the house.
01:47You have to take care of your father's health.
01:50That's why I have to do it.
01:52It is very difficult for us.
01:55We have to do everything for our family.
01:58We have to do everything for our family.
02:00We have to do everything for our family.
02:02We have to do everything for our family.
02:04We have to do everything for our family.
02:06We have to do everything for our family.
02:08We have to do everything for our family.
02:10We have to do everything for our family.
02:12We have to do everything for our family.
02:14We have to do everything for our family.
02:16We have to do everything for our family.
02:18We have to do everything for our family.
02:20He had 5 brothers.
02:22He had 5 brothers.
02:24I have one elder sister and they were married.
02:26I have one elder sister and they were married.
02:28I have four young brothers and a spent time with my parents.
02:30When was the f stubbornness of your father?
02:34When was the stubbornness of your father?
02:36When did he get to know he got severe?
02:38Three years ago.
02:40We came to know.
02:42We used to have Duvva.
02:45We gave him distribute test for the stubbornness.
02:47We gave him distribute test for the stubbornness.
02:49I found out that he has cancer.
02:51It's been three years.
02:53He has been sitting on the bed for three years.
02:55He gets up and sits on the bed.
02:57Then he starts having pain.
02:59Then he sits on the bed.
03:01No one can do anything about it.
03:03Son, you are so responsible.
03:05Which class are you studying in?
03:07I am in 10th grade.
03:09How do you go to school?
03:11You need time for school.
03:13You have to take care of your father.
03:15You have to take care of the house.
03:17You have to get up at 3 or 4 in the morning.
03:19You have to get up at 3 or 4 in the morning.
03:21Then you have to do all the work.
03:23You have to take care of your father.
03:25You must be taking a lot of days off.
03:27Your father doesn't know when he has to go.
03:29Yes, we take a lot of days off.
03:31We take four days off in a week.
03:33Madam says that
03:35I have to tell her
03:37that I have to go to my father's house.
03:39She doesn't know that
03:41she has to stay there even at night.
03:43We take a lot of days off.
03:45Doesn't it affect your studies?
03:47Yes, it affects my studies.
03:49Earlier, I was able to go to school.
03:51Earlier, I couldn't go to school.
03:53I was a little weak.
03:55Now, I am a little better.
03:57Now, I am a little better.
03:59Now, I am a little better.
04:01Now, I am a little better.
04:03Now, I am a little better.
04:05Son, let's talk about
04:07the emotional touch.
04:09You are so responsible.
04:11You are so responsible.
04:13Don't you feel like
04:15playing football?
04:17I feel like it.
04:19What can I do?
04:21My brother is sick.
04:23What can I do?
04:25My brother is sick.
04:27What can I do?
04:29I feel like it.
04:33Be strong, son.
04:35Be strong, son.
04:37A person has to be responsible.
04:39A person has to be responsible.
04:41He is so responsible that he is doing everything for his child and taking care of his parents.
04:47We will talk to his father as well.
04:50Sat Sri Akal.
04:51Sat Sri Akal.
04:52Brother, God has brought illness into the house.
04:55Everything happens.
04:57How long have you been suffering from this illness?
05:00I have been suffering from this illness since I got married.
05:03I have been suffering from this illness for the past 5-4 years.
05:07I got married after that.
05:09I was suffering from this illness.
05:11Later on, I had children.
05:13I was working after having children.
05:16I was also selling jowar.
05:18I was not able to sell jowar because I was not able to afford it.
05:21I was selling jowar and after selling jowar, I had children.
05:24Then I got cancer.
