• 2 months ago
01:06regarding the situation of the HMPA virus which has been two cases have been
01:13detected in Bangalore but situation nothing to worry about that you see
01:17people need not panic this is a mild these are mild cases and of the two
01:24children who have been admitted one has been discharged and another is also
01:29doing well so there's nothing to worry about that people need not panic it's a
01:33mild form of common cold what we are experiencing so and government of India
01:39is also closely monitoring this and our medical education department and health
01:44department we have issued already advisories so we are not it is not
01:49required any testing is not required as of now only thing is that it is a mild
01:55form of a disease and only symptomatic treatment is enough as of now so we are
01:59closely monitoring people need not worry about this you see we have already
02:04conducted a meeting of all the directors had given direction to the principal
02:08secretary and director medical education to conduct a meeting they have conducted
02:13a meeting today and they have given direction to all the directors to be
02:17prepared for an eventuality and as our even health department has conducted a
02:22meeting and health ministers also given a advisory health ministry has also
02:27given an advisory on this so only thing what we have advised is like if there is
02:32a common cold then let them isolate themselves from and avoid going in a
02:37public places and if it is better if they wear mask and leave a frequent
02:41hand wash and taking plenty of fluid and nutritious food is what all we have
02:45advised and testing is not required as of now but we do have a testing facility
02:50in Bangalore Medical College it's a multiplex PCR test which is required for
02:54this and it detects 17 viruses actually so the testing is not required as of now
03:03no we have already conducted a meeting and we have asked our directors and
03:07doctors to be alert on this so there is no alarming situation as of now so we
03:12are but we are well equipped to face any situation that much I think no but these
03:18two cases which have been detected they have no foreign history of any foreign
03:23travel so it might that might not be the case
