• 2 months ago
▌百秒AI报 ▌上诉庭三司今天以2比1票数,批准前首相纳吉就居家服刑附加谕令案提出上诉的申请。意味着,案件将发还高庭,聆讯纳吉寻求的司法审核。判决出炉后,纳吉这样回应……

AI主播:戴伊琳 Elin tAI

#纳吉 #居家服刑 #上诉庭 #SRC洗钱案
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

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00:00Welcome to A.I. News, I'm Dai Yilin, your A.I. anchor.
00:16First, let's take a look at the first piece of news.
00:18The appeal court of the Three Judicial Offices today, with a 2-to-1 vote,
00:21approved former Prime Minister Najib's application for an appeal on the Jujah Fuxing Fujah case.
00:25This means that the case will be sent back to the Supreme Court for a judicial review of Najib's request.
00:30After the verdict came out, Najib expressed his gratitude to God in a letter of face.
00:34Today, he took another step forward.
00:37Najib's lawyer, Shafei, later held a press conference.
00:40In front of the camera, he showed a letter from the Pengheng Wang family.
00:45When the key evidence was confirmed, the former head of state, Sudan Abdullah,
00:49had issued a Fujah order to allow Najib to stay at home.
00:52Shafei also described that when he heard that the appeal was successful,
00:55Najib was happy on the court and was very pleased.
00:59Finally, someone saw Najib's unfair treatment and let him win a victory.
01:04Finally, Najib has got a win.
01:07We hope that this positivity will continue from the 13th of this month,
01:13before a different judge, and hopefully we get a judgment in favor of us,
01:18and we can bring back Najib home to serve his sentence at home.
01:23Although the police did not approve the meeting,
01:25there were still thousands of supporters outside the Ministry of Justice this morning.
01:30Among them, the first-line leaders of the United Nations, including the first party and the Turkish party,
01:34all appeared to support Najib.
01:41The government spokesman, Fahmi, said during the interview that
01:44the government will be decided by the authorities whether to take appropriate action against the rally.
01:50This is Weisheng.
01:52For more information, stay tuned to 8 o'clock tonight.
02:00For more UN videos visit www.un.org
