• 2 months ago
Kuartal III-2024, PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk (KRAS) melaporkan kinerja pendapatan senilai USD657,5 juta serta volume penjualan sebesar 532.200 ton. KRAS masih berhasil membukukan pendapatan di tengah tantangan operasional akibat tidak beroperasinya pabrik hot strip mill milik perseroan.


00:00In Q3 2024, PT Krakatau Steel Persero Tbk reported an income of Rp 657.5 million
00:08and a sales volume of Rp 532.2 million.
00:13On the other hand, KRAS still managed to book an income in the middle of an operational challenge
00:20due to the non-operation of the Perseroan's Hot Strip Mill factory.
00:25In Q3 2024, PT Krakatau Steel Persero Tbk reported an income of Rp 657.5 million
00:36and a sales volume of Rp 532.2 million.
00:40On the other hand, KRAS still managed to book an income in the middle of an operational challenge
00:44due to the non-operation of the Perseroan's Hot Strip Mill factory.
00:47According to information, the SM factory is the main supporter of KRAS' current income.
00:53Multiplying the financial reports of KRAS' income to Q3 is 47.95% annually or year-on-year,
01:01from Rp 1.26 billion in Q3 2023.
01:05Meanwhile, for Labo Burto, KRAS recorded a consolidation of Rp 64.3 million in the U.S. at the end of September 2024.
01:13This figure experienced a 39.90% decline year-on-year.
01:18In addition, KRAS' losses also increased by 201.66%.
01:22In the first 9 months of this year, it became Rp 185.22 million.
01:28Although due to a natural financial decline,
01:31KRAS and its subsidiaries continue to run their business agenda according to plan.
01:35The company has completed a number of strategic projects throughout 2024.
01:40Some of these projects, including the Pipa Bajang project for the transmission of Cirebon-Semarang land gas
01:45by PT Krakatau Pipe Industry,
01:47Disal Demand Water Deep Plant Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat by PT Krakatau Tirta Industri
01:52as well as the Integrate Warehouse Test-2 project
01:55and the construction of a docked ship by PT Krakatau Bandar Samudera.
01:58Various sources for AIDA Action
