Die irische Comedy-Serie Video Nasty ist eine Ko-Produktion von ARD und BBC. Die Geschichte dreht sich um drei Teenager aus Dublin, dich sich im Jahr 1985 auf die Suche nach einem in Irland verbotenen Horror-Film begeben, der in ihrer VHS-Sammlung noch fehlt.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/video-nasty
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/video-nasty
00:00Usual rules. No screaming, no looking away.
00:03What are you even watching, anyway?
00:05Ah, you've nearly got the full Video Nasty collection.
00:08We're going to England. She has the tape.
00:11Why did you take your hat off with a big depressed head, now?
00:14That's my face.
00:15You actually think you're gonna come over here and meet your dream girl?
00:18This is what it's all about, man. Let's make the most of it.
00:21There's someone! Someone out there!
00:22All we have to do is find the final tape.
00:24Oh, you can smell the wrongness of it.
00:26You're here to give yourselves for assholes.
00:30Our souls.
00:32Video Nasty. Watch on BBC iPlayer.