• 2 months ago
Hiya Toys Godzilla 2014 Godzilla Exquisite Basic Figure


00:00I don't think Amidos can be able to match power with the king of the monsters.
00:03Here's your look at the upcoming Hayato's Godzilla 2014 Exquisite Basic, Godzilla.
00:19From Godzilla 2014, Godzilla joins Hayato's Exquisite Basic series.
00:23While Godzilla confronts significant challenges, humanity strives to comprehend the destructive
00:27power of this formidable ally, and unites with him to confront an ancient threat.
00:32This brand new Godzilla action figure stands 6.2 inches tall and includes an articulated
00:36tail for posing and displaying collections.
00:38Crafted with attention to detail, referencing the original CG data from the movie, every
00:43aspect of Godzilla's appearance from the film is faithfully reproduced.
00:47So another Godzilla has surfaced, but has he surpassed his predecessors?
00:52Maybe before we answer that question, first I'd like to thank the folks over at Hayato's
00:55that did provide this early sample of the Godzilla 2014 Exquisite Basic, Godzilla that
01:00we could have a look at this review.
01:01This guy's actually slated to drop in January 2025.
01:05Anybody probably looking at their calendars right now will know that we're already into
01:08the new year, that this guy should start showing up online for the asking price of $50.99.
01:14It isn't though just cosmetic changes that now affect the king of the monsters, it is
01:18also his size.
01:19You'll see that in a second.
01:21First though, let's grab the tape measure and we'll start from the front of its snout
01:24to the end of its tail.
01:25And just doing that, you'll actually be getting a Godzilla this time around that's actually
01:29only 14 and a half inches in length, or about 35 and a half centimeters long.
01:36For its height, and that's the most crucial thing, he actually is only going to be about
01:40five and three quarters of an inch in height, or about 14 centimeters tall.
01:45Yeah, it's not just cosmetic that affect now the 2014 Godzilla, as he's considerably smaller
01:50as well.
01:51So I'm going to move him out of the way for a second here, and I'm going to bring in the
01:54Godzillas that we all know now by Haya Toys.
01:56We've gotten this mold, what, four or five times already.
01:59Now let's bring back the 2014 release again.
02:02Big size difference, isn't there?
02:03And it isn't even just the case either that they took this mold and they shrunk it down
02:07in size to fit the frame of this figure.
02:09There's some considerable remolding that they've done, especially on his spikes.
02:13One other better comparison I also wanted to make as well involves bringing in the Muto
02:17from the 2014 film.
02:19When I looked at this guy, I made the mistake of comparing him along with this guy, and
02:23clearly is the case that the Muto was too small in size.
02:27Now when you compare him though along with the 2014 release of Godzilla, he's a little
02:30bit better in size.
02:31What's rather also interesting too, is just, let's part the seas in the middle here, I'm
02:36going to bring in also a couple of King Kongs.
02:38Now here is the King Kong that was in Godzilla vs. Kong.
02:41Now also you can see that he is much smaller than Godzilla behind him, but he is actually
02:45about the same size, maybe he's just a tad bit taller, casting shadow now on the King
02:48and the Monsters.
02:50He is though about the same size, if you wanted to compare him, I'm sure not that you would
02:53want to, but if you did want to, you could compare him a little bit better in size to
02:57the one we got from Skull Island.
02:59It does seem lately that Haya Toys, when it comes to the accessories for Godzilla, tend
03:02to throw in a bunch of hands.
03:04Now with the 2014 release, this one's really no different.
03:07The figure does come in clue with a pair of slightly more gripping hands than the regular
03:10mauling hands that he has on the ends of his forearms right now.
03:14Fine and good I suppose if you want to change them out, because again, like the earlier
03:16released Godzilla's never really had these, but I just feel like when you have so many
03:21Godzilla's now, it'd be nice once in a while if Haya Toys threw him a bone, and maybe a
03:25bone of that size for Godzilla would make no sense whatsoever.
03:28At the very least, maybe some debris, something that he could hold in his hands, or even go
03:32to even more of the extreme, having lightning effects or something you could wrap around
03:36his spikes as he's charging up his atomic breath.
03:38Hands are fine, but hands are not good enough on their own.
03:41If you did want to change though these hands, it's just a case of holding on to Godzilla's
03:45Just find the hand that you want to use, take that off for a second, and let's find the
03:48proper hand.
03:49We'll just put that back onto his ball joints.
03:53So to show you guys the differences, here's the regular hand that you would have came
03:56out of stock out of the packaging.
03:58Here's now the changed out hands.
03:59I mean it's fine and good that we get ourselves a different hand, but I just feel like we
04:03should get a little bit more than just that.
04:06Now again, we're going to bring in, and we're going to do a lot of comparisons between this
04:09guy and the original Godzilla.
04:12While the heads, I'm just going to move this guy around here.
04:14While the heads are very much similar to one another, I feel really like the head is
04:17very much smaller for this Godzilla.
04:19I also feel like the paint's a little bit better done too.
04:22It's much easier to see his eyes.
04:23It's certainly a lot easier to see his teeth, but also really considerably, there's some
04:28big changes of molds between the spikes that protrude out the body of the Godzilla versus
04:33Kong than the one that we get here from the 2014 release.
04:36In fact, you can see like the spikes are a lot more subtler.
04:40They granted still look jagged and rough, but they're nowhere near the extreme of the
04:44ones that we get from the later releases, even though like really technically, these
04:48guys were all the original releases of Godzilla, and this is now the newer one that we're getting
04:53Bodies are somewhat very much similar, a little bit smaller.
04:56You can see like the newer one here gets a little bit more additional paint.
05:00I'm going to bring this guy back in a second, but I did also want to spend some time obviously
05:03showing you guys how much detail is going on at this guy's face.
05:06I do feel like again, like his face is a little bit better.
05:08It's much easier now to see his eyes, where like the original ones, and again, like there's
05:13about three or four of these to work with.
05:15It's so much harder now to see his eyes on the older versions.
05:18I just feel like they've done a better job of painting the newer head sculpts here.
05:21Still the mouth does open and close, open wide.
05:24The tongue also, you can see on the inside, doesn't sit against the bottom of his jaw.
05:28It actually sticks right out in the middle.
05:30I like that they've done that though, because like when we looked at this Godzilla, his
05:35tongue, I suppose, is still sticking up, but it's a little bit closer to the top of his
05:39mouth, so it's a little harder to see.
05:41The tongue is painted a little bit more of pink color on this release than on this release,
05:45but there is again, while there's very many similarities, the molding though is not just
05:49exactly the same.
05:51Again, like the big thing for me is the fact that the spikes are so different.
05:55They're made of a softer plastic, so they're less likely for, I mean, you'll still feel
05:58them obviously when you run your hand across this, and of course when we get to the articulation
06:02on the figure, but it's nowhere near the jagged nature of the original released Godzillas.
06:07Again, pick your poison as to which one you'd rather go with, but one thing I do think though
06:12that was clever on their part, even though really it's funny that this guy came out so
06:16much later than the other Godzillas, but it's kind of interesting the fact that they would
06:20now give us a smaller Godzilla, having been treated to the much larger variety for so
06:25The sculpting of his body is still very much similar to the original ones.
06:29If you were to look at the details, you could probably easily spot that the plates, for
06:34example, the little scales that he has on the sides of his body are still there on the
06:38newer one.
06:39They're just a little bit smaller.
06:40The arms, pretty much the same idea there.
06:42I feel like maybe there are some things that they probably may have pulled mold-wise from
06:46the other, but I mean, it's kind of really hard to see that.
06:49I mean, even the length of his tail, for starters, that's one thing that's kind of interesting
06:53also too, is that the tail seems like it's a little bit longer.
06:57If I was to put them back-to-back, butt-to-butt, and we kind of look at the length of the tail,
07:02it does maybe seem like the 2014 Godzilla now has a slightly longer tail.
07:06Now, also, if you guys want to see full reviews of these, I've already done, like, I've looked
07:11at the Godzilla vs. Kong, Godzilla X-Kong, I've looked at all of those.
07:16Feel free, if you guys want to go back and have a look at those reviews.
07:18Obviously here, though, in this review, I want to spend a little bit more time discussing
07:21just how good this body now is.
07:24The greys are one thing we've gotten quite a lot of treatment to when it comes to previous
07:29Yet, though, I feel like the color is nicely, is better handled here.
07:31He is a little bit more of a sheen finish, where they've given a clear coat to his arms,
07:36and it seems also the case that they've given a clear coat to the tops of his thighs.
07:39It is, though, one area where it doesn't seem like it's everywhere.
07:42It seems like more it appears, like, on the bottom of his belly, where it's a little bit
07:46more wet in paint.
07:47On the top, though, of his body, it's quite dry.
07:50The greys, though, work quite well with one another.
07:52I mean, even though that they are really using two colors of grey, the more brownish
07:56grey on the bottom of his belly and the bottom of his tail here blends really nicely to the
08:00rest of the scales that he has across his body.
08:04Some may even just look at this and think to themselves that, I don't know if I really
08:07feel the need to trade in the existing Godzilla, this guy right here, in favor of this one.
08:11But, again, one thing I do really appreciate is that Hayato has looked at the scale of
08:15this, and clearly, when it comes to displaying this guy on the shelf along with the Muto,
08:19this one fits better scale with the Muto than the previous Godzillas from before.
08:23For the articulation on this guy, it's pretty much what you would expect by now with these
08:27Godzilla releases.
08:28So, the mouth will open and close, the head does move up and down, and you can also move
08:32it back and forth as well.
08:34What they've also done, too, is the same idea, is that there's a post that runs all the way
08:37through the neck, and that you basically have these linked pieces of neck that go over top
08:40of it.
08:41So, the neck moves quite freely, up and down, back and forth.
08:44I wish I'd probably, probably should have maybe brought in the original Godzilla that
08:47had only just a single neck piece, but I ended up selling that one a while ago, just
08:51because there were so many better release and offerings later on by Haya.
08:55So, again, like you've got your head, you've got your neck, it moves up and down.
08:58It's like, what, three sections to that, so one, two, and three.
09:01Those all move independently, even though, really, it's just a post that runs all the
09:04way through all three of them.
09:05For this body, his body is still going to rotate back and forth this way.
09:09You can also move it up and down as well.
09:11The arms themselves do rotate all the way around.
09:13So, his arm is basically made of three pieces.
09:16You've got your shoulder, you've got your bicep, you've got the hinge in the elbow,
09:20and you've got a swivel there in the forearm, and then, of course, on the end of that, you've
09:23got yourself the hand, whether you want to use this hand or you want to just beeline
09:25it back to the clawing hand.
09:27Again, like, I feel like maybe they just by now should start throwing some other things
09:31other than just hands.
09:33The legs do certainly move forward and back.
09:35Technically, I suppose you could probably rotate them all the way around.
09:37I mean, it's always really a hard thing.
09:39Debatable, of course, is how you want to have this guy posed.
09:42I've seen a lot of people just have him like in running pose, where he could balance on
09:45his legs if you wanted to.
09:47Some actually just prefer to have him resting on his tail.
09:49You can also do that also as well.
09:50But the legs themselves rotate forward and back.
09:53There is a hinge that allows them to hinge outwards, so you get a little bit of a splits
09:56for your Godzilla's.
09:57There's also a knee bend, so there's technically two joints.
10:01There's a joint here and a joint a little bit further down from that.
10:03You can also move, again, the lower legs back and forth.
10:06The ankle moves up and down.
10:08There's a little bit of an ankle pivot, and if you did want to, of course, you can rotate
10:11those feet all the way around as well.
10:14One thing also I would love to see them do, and they've still yet to do this, is put
10:17peggles on the bombs of their feet.
10:19Maybe looking at that and thinking, why would you need to put peggles?
10:22I just feel like if you included a display stand, I mean, they've done it already with
10:27some of their other figure releases, yet they have yet to do that, though, with any of the
10:30Godzilla releases.
10:31Just include a display stand.
10:32Something large enough that, of course, if you want to put this guy in a pose, so if,
10:35for example, you wanted to have him in a more walking stance, it's so hard to really pull
10:39that off when he's just balancing on his own.
10:41A display stand certainly would come in handy.
10:45As for his tail, so his tail essentially is, there's a ball joint here, there's one here.
10:50If you were to count this off, you'd have one, you'd have two, three, four, another five
10:55here, and six down below.
10:57The six then breaks off.
10:58There looks to be another, what, two links after that, so what are we looking at here?
11:02We got one in the main, we got two, we got three, four, five, six, seven, I want to say
11:12And then, finally, on the end, there is less really relying on the wireframe and more relying
11:16on separate sectional joints that allow a full, a full decent enough range of motion
11:21if you want to rotate the tail around.
11:22I mean, also with Godzilla, you can only really move his tail so much.
11:26The links, as being as poseable as they may be, you can only do so much really with them.
11:31But there's enough, though, that there's still some decent movement going on with them.
11:35In the end, though, yes, there is enough worthy reason, I think, to get this Godzilla.
11:39If you had already picked up the ones before, simply more just the reason because if you
11:42want to display this along with the 2014 MUTO, this one makes a lot more of a scale preference,
11:48it makes more scale sense than really having this guy displayed with, well, let's just
11:52move this guy, this over here, over here, let's move the one from the Godzilla versus
11:57Kong Godzilla in the middle.
11:58Yeah, you know, again, like the MUTO just doesn't make any sense to be displayed with
12:01this version of Godzilla.
12:02It makes a lot more sense to be displayed with this one.
12:05And sort of, again, in that same idea, when we had the Skull Crawlers, the Skull Crawler
12:09made no sense to be displayed necessarily with the Godzilla X Kong or Godzilla versus
12:13Kong King Kong because the scale was a little bit off.
12:17Haya Toys, though, even though really these are older films, they've now kind of gone
12:20back and they wanted to scale these a little bit better with one another.
12:23So if you wanted to put them on the shelf, the MUTO makes a little bit more sense with
12:27this version of Godzilla than this one here.
12:29I'm so used to wrapping up these reviews for the Haya Godzillas by saying, well, it's better
12:33than this Godzilla because it has this different of a color.
12:36This time around, though, it isn't just a different cosmetic change to the character.
12:40We're getting a completely smaller scale class of Godzilla altogether.
12:44And the scale class definitely does work a lot better if you have plans to display this
12:47either with like the Skull Island King Kong or, hey, we wanted to pick up the MUTOs.
12:51We only really have just the one MUTO for right now.
12:53But the fact that we have one, you got to believe that Haya eventually will be releasing
12:57the other.
12:58This one for that alone would be the reasons to pick this one up.
13:01And at $50.99 for at least what they're asking online, that's not a bad price at all.
13:06I still feel like Haya toys are kings when it comes to the monsters.
13:09I mean, they've been releasing these for so long and they perfected their craft of doing
13:15Now they've done a different Godzilla with a completely different size class.
13:18This one is again slated to drop in January 2025 for $50.99.
13:22It's a big thank you again to the folks over at Haya Toys that did provide this sample.
13:27Let me know down below in the comments section what you guys think of this one.
13:29If you have all this time been collecting the Haya Toys Godzillas, do you feel it's
13:33still time to pick this guy up for the fact that he's a different size than all the others?
13:37If you guys also did enjoy this video, do it a salt and throw it a like.
13:40You guys want to stick around for more so?
13:42I hope so.
13:43We are also going to be looking at some more Haya Toys reviews.
13:45Those are all in the pipeline, but make sure, yeah, you're hitting that subscribe, you're
13:47turning on the bell, you're coming back.
13:50As always, thanks for watching.
13:51See you guys next time.
