Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan took to Instagram and shared how her elder son Tamiur does her “seva”. In the three pictures of Taimur walking with her stilettos as his back faces the camera. In the picture, Taimur could be seen wearing a black suit. She wrote in the caption, “MAA ki seva iss saal and forever Happy New Year friends. More pictures coming soon stay tuned”.
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00:00Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan took to Instagram and shared how her elder son Taimur
00:05does her seva.
00:06In the three pictures of Taimur walking with her stilettos as his back faces the camera,
00:11in the picture Taimur could be seen wearing a black suit.
00:14She wrote in the caption, Maa ki seva iss saal and forever happy new year friends.
00:20More pictures coming soon stay tuned.
00:22She previously posted her last selfie of the year from her family vacation in Switzerland
00:26with the state, can't stop, won't stop, last few selfies of the year, see you on the flip
00:32side, December 31, 2024.
00:35On the work front, Kareena made her acting debut with Refugee alongside Abhishek Bachchan
00:41and won Filmfare Best Female Debut Award.
00:45Her last movie was The Buckingham Murders, directed by Hansal Mehta.
00:49She was last seen in Singham Again, which clashed with the Karthik Aryan starrer Bhool
00:54Bhulaiya 3 at the box office.