Sanjay Dutt shared a picture with Sri Dhiren Shashtri Bageshwar Dham as the godman visited the star’s home. The actor said that the two are like family. Sanjay took to Instagram, where he shared a picture posing alongside the godman,who is the peethadhishwar of Bageshwar Dham, a religious Hindu site in Madhya Pradesh, India. “It was an honour and blessing to have Sri Dhiren Shashtriji Bageshwar Dham to visit my house and bless us all, Guruji and me are like family like brothers, Jai Bhole Nath,” Sanjay captioned the post.
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00:00Sanjay Dutt shared a picture with Shri Dhiren Shastri Bageshwar Dham as the Godman visited
00:05the star's home.
00:06The actor said that the two are like family.
00:09Sanjay took to Instagram, where he shared a picture posing alongside the Godman, who
00:14is the Peethadishwar of Bageshwar Dham, a religious Hindu site in Madhya Pradesh, India.
00:19It was an honour and blessing to have Shri Dhiren Shastriji Bageshwar Dham to visit my
00:23house and bless us all.
00:25Guruji and me are like family like brothers, Jai Bholenath, Sanjay captioned the post.
00:31Sanjay was last seen in Double I Smart, a Telugu language science fiction action film
00:36directed by Puri Jagannad.
00:38It is the spiritual sequel to I Smart Shankar.
00:41The film stars Ram Pothineni alongside Ali, Kavya Thapar, Sayaji Shinde and Bani Jai.
00:47He will next be seen in KD, The Devil, a Kannada language action drama film directed by Prem.
00:53The film stars Dhruva Sarja, Reshma Nanaya, V. Ravichandran, Ramesh Aravind, Shilpa Shetty,
01:00Jishu Sengupta and Nora Fatehi.
01:03In Bollywood, Sanjay will next be seen in Welcome to the Jungle, which also stars Akshay
01:09Kumar, Raveena Tandon, Sunil Shetty and Disha Patani among many others.
01:14The film is the third instalment of the Welcome franchise, which first came out in 2007.
01:23For more information visit