00:00oh no my melted bar what do i do don't worry put it inside your air conditioner excellent day
00:11what is this it looks like uh we're making a wheel of some sort we're going primal
00:17next we're gonna make fire okay
00:24oh they're making a like a little watermill that's awesome so you can use it as a rotisserie
00:29for your for your chicken or maybe you could generate electricity
00:33free electricity guys come on let's tesla this
00:39all right we got a levee system to protect your stuff from predators just pull up your
00:43bags on top of the tree that works all right we have a washing machine in the wild
00:51no matter how hard my life would treat me and some candle wax on
00:59cotton what do we do with that does it act wow okay so it acts as a fire starter that's pretty
01:05cool did not know chip chips crush the can put the stick in the can and now it's a spatula
01:18excellent camping hacks whoa pop-up tent not too bad all right what's she doing she looks a little
01:25suspicious all right whoa uh okay all right she just dropped a donut that didn't make any sense
01:31was that even a hack oh wow okay that's that's an efficient tent these are all just like efficient
01:38tents i guess not too bad okay folding camping cot got some alliteration there not too bad
01:47looks pretty fancy all right we have some motion sickness no worries here's some glasses
01:55do they protect you what's i want to know the science behind that does it that even work
02:02no way portable light okay kind of cool we got some camping gadgets going on
02:09portable fan okay do you have a portable xbox so i can play some games while i'm camping
02:14okay got some table it's just a table okay i don't know why it's like
02:24camping table but okay and an uncomfortable looking seat not too bad
02:30follow me let me show you the new camping gear
02:34ah it's a shovel seat okay so you can drop apples
02:39sometimes okay wow we have a big truck small lady
02:54all right so we're setting up it looks like a whole bedroom in the truck not too bad
03:00potato what are we doing with potato we're slicing potato we're spooning potato we're
03:08carving potato we're cracking egg and potato another egg closing up the potato and then what
03:14i need to know next steps what's happening what do i do next i get matches to close the potato
03:20why matches put it on the grill and then what are we just is this just like a advanced baked potato
03:28is this potato science yes it is okay it looks all right we have some charcoal
03:38some no matches what do we do without matches we get toilet paper
03:45and since we ate some spicy food yesterday we should be able to light it on fire
03:52all right yeah that works using the reflection of the sun
03:58okay oh my gosh what a nice stick i do that all the time when i'm going on hikes and everything
04:04you find a stick and the stick becomes your best friend you look at it and for some reason
04:08it just it pulls you in it's like come to me i need you to take me and then it gives you the
04:14power of the stick all right we're wrapping it on the tree what is this what are we gaining by doing
04:21this it's a hanger for all of your knickknacks all right we got another toilet situation going on
04:28oh no my toilet paper is soggy what do i do i get oh oh okay so this is this is preemptive but if
04:36your toilet paper is already soggy then you're you're doomed okay very nice hack aluminum foil
04:46we got the tortilla we're doing mexican night up in here bell pepper all right you seem to
04:52be pretty equipped for going camping nice
04:57all right we're making it looks like we're making like a pizza shaped thing here
05:00pop it on the oven the stove the grill and you have a warm tortilla
05:09okay so oh wow it looks like we have like a we're making a tree house a car house
05:16i mean you could just put it on the ground i feel like it would be safer if you're sleeping
05:20on top of a car you might roll off of it you know is there is it necessary maybe it saves
05:24you from the bugs though so that could be it all right so we're making some
05:34looks like we're making some lunch cool not too bad
05:44and you get to enjoy the nice scenery together that's that's romantic lovely
05:48all right we have it looks like a mini stove stainless steel foldable camping stove all right
05:54lighting that on fire it doesn't look like you can make much on it though it's pretty small
05:57you can make two strips of bacon okay so like after five hours you might have like
06:04one you know one person's you know portion of bacon
06:12what is that that does not look too nice
06:17all right i don't know i don't even know what's going on what are they making
06:22how is it cooking
06:25looks like we have a nice like asian dish with different types of vegetables and stuff okay
06:33oh no my melted bar what do i do don't worry put it inside your air conditioner genius no more
06:42melting okay we got all right it looks like we're just sitting in the back of the car
06:52very nice we pull out a giant sheet and now we're ghosts no now we're protected by the mosquitoes
06:59flip it on that's pretty easy that's uh quite efficient i'd say that's a pretty good camping
07:04hack all right we have a normal one of those phone popper things so that you can put random
07:11things on your car without having to hold them a cooler it's too messy though we need to
07:16compartmentalize oh or you get some salt salt actually reacts with the ice and makes it colder
07:23for some reason i don't know the science behind it if one of you could tell me down in the comments
07:26below that'd be great there's some weird editing right there messy car no problem
07:34containers with okay so she's making a tiny trash bin for her car
07:39but once that fills up and you're too lazy to throw it away
07:43you're just gonna start throwing stuff on the floor again that's just how it goes
07:48all right you have some bags they're falling over that's a problem you might spill you might
07:54drop some eggs so we're gonna coat hanger the problem whatever problem you have in life you
08:00feeling sad you're lonely buy a coat hanger you'll feel much better thank you five minute crafts
08:09okay we have a nice little portable toilet a classic a staple of the five minute craftians
08:18all right giant giant sheet damp earth that's just a weird way of saying it but okay damp earth
08:27tie it to oh it looks like she's gonna make a giant hammock is that what's happening
08:36no more damp earth fantastic
08:42looks pretty good pretty comfy next we have watch a bottle
08:47light the lid on fire to get a hole and then stick your pipe through it
08:52okay what are we doing here
08:57ah for a shower head that's pretty neat
09:03okay this seems like a lot of effort to go through i mean if you're camping out for maybe
09:08a couple weeks i could see value in setting that up but if you're just there for the afternoon
09:14you look like a you look like a strange person
09:17okay crushed charcoal that's a good filter so i'm guessing they're going to maybe filter
09:22some water through that make some uh non-potable water drinkable
09:30exactly okay
09:34so you can make dirty water actually drinkable through charcoal like a charcoal filter
09:46all right she looked a little unsure before she did that
09:50oh no the sun's in my way i could move but no i'm going to do a five minute craft
09:58all right let's set this up
10:05all right it's just basically a tent she made a tent nice