• 2 months ago
A girl gets angry at her friend's promiscuous behavior, and decides to teach her a violent lesson. | dG1fLXdjRko0WXQxdzg
00:00What's so funny?
00:14It's this guy I met last week at a rugby game.
00:16He keeps saying the silliest things.
00:18Do I dare ask what?
00:20He's asked what I'm wearing three times now.
00:23That's disgusting.
00:24Why are you even talking to a guy like that?
00:25It's fun.
00:26You should get a different hobby.
00:28Try acrobatics if you can't keep your legs shut.
00:32You're just mad because you couldn't get a date to the prom.
00:34I chose to go alone.
00:36Want to watch a movie?
00:37Uh, sure.
00:38What happened?
00:39He just asked if he can come over.
00:46That's ridiculous.
00:47Tell him no.
00:48I don't know.
00:49He really wants to see me.
00:50Yeah, he wants to see you.
00:52Helen, what is your problem?
00:53Are you seriously considering saying yes right now?
00:56I mean, what about Jake?
00:58What about Jake?
00:59He's your boyfriend.
01:01He won't mind.
01:02Like hell he won't.
01:03I don't know why you care so much.
01:04You're probably just jealous.
01:06I just think you could use some self-awareness.
01:08Gee, sometimes I wish I could slap some sense into you.
01:10Can't say I don't feel the same.
01:14Just do whatever you want.
01:17He'll be here in 15 minutes.
01:28Hi there.
01:33This is a nice house.
01:40I didn't know she'd be here.
01:42Don't worry.
01:43She doesn't mind.
01:46I'm gonna go get some water.
01:56Oh, I hope that tickles.
02:26You disgust me, you belt.
02:37Oh my God.
02:38Oh God.
02:39Oh God.
02:40Oh God.
02:41Oh God.
02:42Helen, no.
02:43Please don't kill me.
02:44Have some dignity.
02:45You're beautiful.
02:46You could have anyone you want, and you chose him?
02:48And fuck, what about Jake?
02:50Are you kidding me?
02:52That's what you're mad about?
02:54Come on.
03:05Helen, no.
03:06Please don't kill me.
03:07I'm not gonna kill you.
03:08I'm just gonna make you a little less pretty.
03:10You don't deserve people like Jake, you unfaithful slut.
03:20You bitch.
03:50Oh my God.
03:51Oh my God.
03:52Oh my God.
03:53Oh my God.
03:54Oh my God.
03:55Oh my God.
03:56Oh my God.
03:57Oh my God.
03:58Oh my God.
03:59Oh my God.
04:00Oh my God.
04:01Oh my God.
04:02Oh my God.
04:03Oh my God.
04:04Oh my God.
04:05Oh my God.
04:06Oh my God.
04:07Oh my God.
04:08Oh my God.
04:09Oh my God.
04:10Oh my God.
04:11Oh my God.
04:12Oh my God.
04:13Oh my God.
04:14Oh my God.
04:15Oh my God.
04:16Oh my God.
04:17Oh my God.
04:18Oh my God.
