• 2 months ago
00:00oh why do you do it like that oh my gosh where are your teeth why are your teeth screws
00:07whoa it was a lot of screws correcting mass what does that do i guess it corrects
00:14your teeth maybe yeah it's just to mold your teeth okay okay so we're getting a mold of our
00:21teeth what are we gonna do with them uh i don't know to make some great great yeah i don't know
00:29maybe oh like a grill grill yeah like like this is the world this is the world world
00:35it's like wiz khalifa or like kanye or something cool uh-huh oh okay we got a model of the teeth
00:44maybe it's just for her collection of people's teeth
00:48you don't have a collection of people's teeth in your room um
00:51i'm healthy enough i think i have a set of yours actually what what what
00:55nothing nothing so it looks like it's gonna be like braces or something
01:03getting some wax modeling all right uh-huh what a technique what's a technique
01:12what are we doing here exactly it's a grill okay oh it looks like vampire fangs
01:18yeah i think they're making vampire fangs
01:22yeah okay let's see how this turns out because right now it looks a little messy
01:31okay do you have any advice no no and i have never thought about this no okay i'm gonna get
01:39you a grill for your birthday okay it will look interesting they just make you feel powerful
01:48you think it's how it works yeah oh yeah people respect people with grills oh rap
01:54singers yeah exactly and you can't understand what they're saying when they have them on
02:01actually i'd need this as well for sure so it's an excuse it will be excuse
02:08what are you talking archie
02:15so we're polishing this up right now it looks kind of interesting i don't know if i would
02:20necessarily wear it though you know it's kind of fashionable it's fashionable yeah
02:27i always worry about them though because like what if your teeth move
02:29and then like you try to take it off and it's like takes off all your teeth i think it
02:35shouldn't be like so if your teeth's strong enough she doesn't look like the grill wearing
02:42stop judging i'm not judging i'm just saying she feel like so okay if you feel like doing it you
02:47should do it yes i'm sorry yes you do you boo boo exactly um it's kind of weird shape but
02:59okay kind of makes place all right yeah to be what we'll never know okay more teeth what's
03:07happening here what are we doing another mold she has really good teeth good job for taking
03:14good job your parents for telling you to brush your teeth
03:19you did a good job yeah okay making another mold here each of the molds look different
03:25from each other this one looks different technique and different product so we're shaving
03:32the the mold here wow okay they cut off almost everything 3d scan oh they're gonna 3d printer
03:41oh that's cool this is future this is the future yeah yes in the future we won't even need teeth
03:48we're just gonna have tablets that expand in our stomachs and like make us full uh
03:54interesting and we're gonna have but they're gonna taste like you just ate a whole meal
03:58we're gonna like but we're gonna put on vr glasses okay and we're gonna go like this
04:03and it feels like we're eating the turkey but we're not eating the turkey and we're actually
04:07getting just the perfect amount of carbs but we're experiencing how it feels to taste it
04:12what inside this brain so much mega science and experience i am elon musk's
04:19long lost son e 75 47 so okay so we're filling the mold with metal all right so they showed
04:30at that time yes thanks god thanks god but i missed it okay so what do we what do we got here
04:38now putting in the washing machine it's sun blaster what is this future stuff it's sunblaster
04:45or what is this machine though that they're they're scraping it off with this is sunblaster
04:50oh it's a sunblaster yes oh uh the sun goes very you know fast for this thing wow okay
05:00all this for a girl that says love on it seems like a lot of effort
05:03it's kind of cute but i don't know not for me not for me as well but i have one that says hate on it
05:21okay polishing okay love love love love love
05:26love yeah okay it looks pretty except she's when she wears it to school some guy's gonna get the
05:35wrong idea yeah he's like yay finally someone loves me she's like wait no no she changes it
05:40with the hate one she's like i'll put it back don't look at me yeah so okay so we're making a
05:49mold of fake teeth oh temporary veneer
05:57okay so i'm taking the shape oh they're taking the lost shape yeah the long lost shape now i
06:03got how it works yeah wow so so they have to make the correct shape or else the rest of their jaw
06:10could move and like ruin the the tooth the whole the whole yeah setup you know
06:17oh it looks satisfying it does look kind of satisfying but also it's making me cringe
06:22because it just reminds me of like losing you know or chipping a tooth
06:27it's actually should work somehow through no it should make me feel better better than it's i
06:33mean it's nice that it's restored but just seeing it like being filled in and it's like not your
06:37tooth but it's in your mouth i see i see it fine but yeah good job very good job that looks perfect
06:46okay so they just uh that's uv um what is it called the stuff that dries really fast under uv
06:56uv clay or something yeah like clay or yeah or like cement
07:01cement yeah why is it red inside
07:05you're supposed to wash your tooth man come on dude oh i don't like this i know it's a fake
07:12tooth but i just don't like it wow oh oh oh they're putting a spacer between it what are
07:18they gonna do they're taking it out what they're putting some acid on it i guess to clean it out
07:24like disinfect it yeah to put some other stuff now they're putting the filling in okay
07:33yeah this just makes me appreciate dentists like that's that's not easy it's not easy
07:38at all very delicate work and people need their teeth you know exactly and do you know the fact
07:45that if you will very sick with your teeth you can die yeah you can die it's through the gums
07:51you have to be careful about the gums always floss
07:57why do you do it like that oh my gosh okay so we're taking out this mold another mold covering
08:05it with with pink stuff so they're gonna make another like full-on set of teeth nice let's see
08:16how this looks okay good looking set of teeth nice nice teeth teeth so we're making more molds
08:29around the teeth oh that looks kind of cool that shape i like more yeah i like that shape much
08:35more oh what is happening it's what is happening oh oh i don't know oh yeah oh yeah yeah i totally
08:49understand what's happening i'm afraid what are they gonna do this poor person oh they're gonna
08:54cast them they're gonna cast it i guess so okay so they put it to yeah so after that they let it
09:04dry uh-huh and through the holes which they prefer before they will cast all this thing
09:11okay i think they already did so they just they just did it's metal now yeah ah and they should
09:18pour a metal thing in it yeah okay so as they did but they didn't show it okay so i feel like they
09:25that's not going to be comfortable in your mouth at all it looks very spiky and painful
09:29to me but i think they will prepare it okay make it more smooth i don't know here where it is okay
09:40that's what i'm imagining is gonna happen
09:43it looks really cool though and it looks like a crown for your teeth like your teeth are royalty
09:49look at this diamond oh oh it wasn't diamond it's a real diamond probably not no maybe a crystal
09:57wow that looks that looks really cool never mind forget what i said nice maybe it's uncomfortable
