• 2 months ago
El Parque de la Fraternidad sucio y abandonado
El Parque de la Fraternidad, ubicado en el Paseo del Prado en La Habana, es hoy un reflejo del abandono y el deterioro que afecta a muchos espacios públicos en Cuba.
Inaugurado como Plaza de la Fraternidad Americana en febrero de 1928, este lugar histórico fue testigo de importantes eventos, como el ascenso del famoso globo de Matías Pérez en 1856.
Sin embargo, actualmente el parque está lleno de basura, criaderos de mosquitos y suciedad. Denuncia ciudadana.
#SOSCuba 🇨🇺 #AbandonoEnCuba #LaHabanaEnRuinas #HistoriaOlvidada #DenunciaCiudadana #ADNCuba


00:00Look, family, we are here in the fraternity park, where coincidentally this is the fraternity tree for the countries of America, whose tree was planted with ties of friendship and fraternity and love.
00:20Look, I'm going to show you the fraternity tree, the conditions that are around it. Look at that floor, those are marble floors. Look at the fraternity park, the seats are all torn. Look at the hygiene.
00:40According to what they say, in this very fertile plant, they brought land from the five continents and they brought land from I don't know how many planets and I don't know how many planetariums.
01:02Look, five continents, four continents, 30 continents, 50 continents, 60 lies, 50 scams. And look at the fraternity park, what's left.
01:14Look at the seats of the fraternity park.
01:36Look, do you think a person can sit there? Look at the hygiene. This was a park that shone in cleanliness. Look at the cleanliness of the fraternity park.
01:54Now look at the surroundings and the interior of the plant that was planted with a lot of fraternity. A famous phrase that says, the peoples do not unite, but with ties of friendship, fraternity and love.
02:22José Martín, look at what's left of the fraternity tree. Look at the degree of infection. Look at the mosquitoes that rain.
02:38Because the epidemiology department and the community services department have not been able to observe what is here. The one who is sitting behind a bureaucratic bureau has not been able to sit behind the tree. Instead of the bureau, sit behind the tree.
02:56Look, look, everything is here. Here, as they say, they had all the land that was needed to unite the Americas. Look at this, there you have a lot of witchcraft, a lot of sorcery, a lot of lies, a lot of deception.
03:23And they don't end with lies, deception and communism. Because communism was planted there. The more witchcraft, the more hunger, the more misery, the more need and the more poverty.
03:35Look, this is at the beginning of the year and it is the beginning of the year. Look at the seats where people sit in the park of fraternity. Look, a park that shone, that everyone who saw this park knows that this park shone.
04:05Look, this is the truth, family. From the famous Parque de la Fraternidad.
04:29Reporting for ADN Cuba, Carlos Milanés, Julio César Góngora. Look, this is the truth.
