• 2 months ago
00:00All right time to get to work and see what I can do today. Let's up. Wait. What's this says?
00:05You're invited to high school. All right, I'm not going to high school. I am going to go play my oh
00:11I'm here to take you to school. What no Ian. I'm not going to school. No way
00:17It's time for school
00:22Go well, it's too bad
00:24You can't not go to school. Hey, you're coming with me. I don't want to go to school. Come on. Oh, I'm banking you. Gertrude, come on. Is this sheep driving me?
00:31Take her to school. Yeah, what the? Off you go. Come on, Gertrude. Oh my gosh. Come on. Yeah, let's go. Put me down.
00:37Hey, we did it. Look.
00:38Yes, you get yourself a new pal. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. What is it? Not quite sure what a zombie sheep is but...
00:45Wonderful. Let me go.
00:49Do I get a power? Well since you didn't get anything you're just gonna get an axe. An axe?
00:54Wait, can skeletons use axes?
00:56Oh geez
00:57Oh my gosh
00:59Zane, seriously? What the?
01:01Oh Aphmau, I see you got my monster high invitation. Welcome. Yeah, what's the big deal? I don't want to go to school
01:09Aphmau, Aphmau, Aphmau. No one ever wants to go to school, but you see today
01:15It's required. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What do you mean? What the whoa? Whoa? Whoa? Oh, hey
01:22I kind of like this. I like this dress code. Aw. Now see
01:26Everyone always thinks monsters are supposed to be ugly
01:29But i'm going to show them that monsters can not only be better but are also cooler and hotter than everyone else
01:39Okay, by the way, your locker is just past the cafeteria. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, uh
01:44Oh, it sounds like school is starting
01:48You don't want to be late
01:51Okay, yes, uh what happens if I am
01:54Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I got it. I'm going. Bye. Goodbye. Zane
01:59All right, i'll play along with this little game for now, especially since I look so cute. Oh, hey rice
02:04Oh, hey, Aphmau. Good to see you. Good to see you too. Let's see. Oh my goodness
02:08Okay, there's zombies and skeletons and oh, there's zombies and skeletons right in
02:15I'm gonna go find my locker
02:18Okay, don't don't look at me like that sir, please but oh I guess it's this one, let's see. Oh
02:24Okay. Oh, I can put my valuables in here put the stuff in here that I care about
02:29All right, perfect
02:31It looks like zane got you too, huh?
02:34Are you this is your locker? What are you doing inside the locker? Oh, come on
02:38You thought I was just gonna go to zane's school without having a little bit of fun
02:41What he won't know won't hurt him. Oh my gosh. You want to see come on. I built another wall here. Yeah
02:45Yeah, just close the door behind you. All right
02:49Well, what do you think? It's not much
02:51Wow, this is awesome. Is this where you hide from zane?
02:54You know, he gave ian like a d right a d for dead like ian's dead
02:59Listen, it's been you know a little bit crazy, but you have your cool abilities if you just play along plus it's kind of fun
03:05Here here. Look at this. Watch this
03:08There you go
03:11Yeah, and that's just
03:13Attention attention. I need to see the following students in the auditorium immediately
03:19Aphmau kim and pierce immediately
03:22Sounds like you're up. Oh, no, no, no. No, I I don't want to be late. Um, you got any tips for this or anything?
03:28Oh, um, you should probably watch out for the laser. Wait, what? Don't worry about it. You'll understand. It'll be okay. Don't worry
03:35Just don't think about it. Plus you're gonna be late. Zane really doesn't like it when you're late. You'll be fine
03:40All right
03:53In that case welcome to your first day of monster high, uh, excuse me, sir
03:59Uh, sorry, uh zombie sheet man. Oh, this is actually my third day. Yeah, and you still haven't passed yet
04:05Yeah, you're just an evil villager
04:10Okay, i'm sorry, i'm sorry
04:13Uh-huh. Good. Yes now that all my students are listening we can begin
04:18As you all know the sun is a deadly laser. Yeah monsters need to avoid it or we will be dead
04:26Wait, wait, but i'm a witch. I don't get burned by the laser. Oh, yes, you do
04:35Huh, okay, um, he's got the sun in his hand get out of the way
04:40Wait, wait, wait, what out of the way? Oh, jeez
04:43Perfect. What an entrance. I will be watching you all go through this course here
04:48Make sure you don't get seen by the sun or you will suffer the consequences of the deadly laser
04:53If you pass the class you will be rewarded fail and you will have to repeat it
04:59Good luck. It's so weird. Mr. Zane. I got like this deja vu thingy going on because you literally took this class yesterday
05:07All right, no, no, it doesn't sound right go out
05:13Yeah, that's about right what did I say about watching your step, okay, I know how to do this we go underneath this
05:18We just gotta stay. Oh, okay
05:21What the hey, what are you doing
05:24Oh, come on
05:26Hey, she should push me
05:28Uh, I don't see how that's my problem. I do see how it's her problem get over here
05:33No, don't get away from me
05:35That's right. Focus on them. I'll
05:38Do cover
05:41Get over here
05:43Oh my gosh, you got a laser
05:46Nice and quick nice and quick. Otherwise you monsters will be dead in the dirt
05:51It's day. It's night. You're a monster. Oh, oh my goodness
05:56Okay, i'm gonna get out of here. Uh, can I just get rid of oh, hey, I guess I can move this. All right, cool
06:01Um, let's see i'm almost there. Uh, he's watching his laser
06:09I haven't gotten got yet. Uh
06:14Yes, I did it
06:16Well then
06:20Fantastic you both did so well and just for your great performance you both get a new power
06:26Okay a power. Uh, what did I get to do? Oh
06:31Wait a minute. Oh
06:33I can teleport guys. I can teleport and since you didn't completely die. There you go
06:41I know what to do with these
06:43Mr. Zane, I I know I was last and I know I died like at least once but can I saw something as for you?
06:50Yeah, let me see it. Oh, I see all the power coursing through me. It's
07:01Somebody help get away from me. Oh, well, hey kc
07:06You're back. Oh, there you are. So I guess zane's kidnapping. Yeah, did I wait? Wait, what did you say now? Oh my gosh
07:12I'm, so glad you're here. Oh, and your enderman outfit looks so cute
07:17Oh, thank you. Um, you know, I love your um kc. Are you a cat? Is she a cat? Are you a cat?
07:23Why is everybody so confused? I'm obviously a cat. I've got cute little ears and a little cat tail. Oh, here we go
07:31Yeah, no, I get it. But I thought this was a monster school. How come you got to be a cat?
07:39Oh, I see they're not mobs, they're definitely not mom
07:46What is that nobody move, all right, okay
07:53Oh, that's uh, okay don't move
08:01Please do not tell me that was the hall monitor
08:04No, no. No, it's just one of the mobs that spawns here. It's not even the worst one
08:09Haven't even met everyone. How are my monsters doing? It's time for our daily monster test
08:15Kc asmau and gareth, please make your way to the gym the gym a test area to tell me there were tests
08:23Whoa, I don't know. This is the first time i've heard of it
08:26Well, it's more fun with zane. He's so nice
08:29You're only saying that because he helps you come on kc. Oh, there she is my perfect student
08:38And then there's you two
08:40Oh, but zane. I don't want to explode anymore not quiet
08:45Now welcome my students to your second class
08:49As monsters we have one mortal enemy in common that we must work together to defeat
08:56These dirty players and their weapons and fire and cool redstone machinery, this is a this is a
09:04I'm, sorry late, but hey, you know what? I'm not gonna fail you this time. Is this the fourth time?
09:08I think so i'm gonna do well. No, you won't
09:20On to our next step what what do you mean next step?
09:26What why'd you do that?
09:29Pierce what yeah run. Whoa. Whoa. What do you mean run you?
09:34Should run. No, I get the idea. Okay, fine
09:40All right as for the rest of you
09:42Your job is to hunt down the dirty player and make him pay for failing my class. I mean, uh,
09:48Killing all our friends
09:50Here's i'm gonna get you watch out. All right, I got this wants to play
09:56Where'd he go? Oh, look this little village he can hide in that's cute
10:02Where could he have gone maybe in the house
10:09Wow, he is a fat little guy, where'd he go?
10:12Casey come back to the front
10:14No, no, no, no, you might find something interesting up by the front what's going on what uh, i'm at the front
10:23To your right to your right
10:25No, no, no, no, no, no
10:38All right, show me what you got
10:58Zane where'd you go zane? Oh, there he is coming one moment. No, no, no, no, no, no you stay there
11:03There you go faster for me. You do have that power now. Yes. I do have an ender girl. There you go
11:08Well, not bad I have to say a little slow making the grab but still very impressive
11:15You deserve something special. I believe
11:19Oh, I got a shield. That's so cool
11:23Interesting very interesting now casey
11:27Where are you? I'm right here, huh? Right here. Ah, there you are. Oh, you are astounding best in the class
11:34That's why i'm giving you a very awesome power
11:38Wait, what did I get?
11:45You had to have just looked at her when she was doing all of that
11:49She was so good at tracking down the dirty player. I mean you see how well she did right? It was obviously the best
11:55Obviously i'm gonna go try my power keep it on a dirty part, huh? Wait, wait, see see, you know
12:00How about me? I did good right? I gotta go right good. Look a good guy. Look a boy, please
12:05Sloppy sheet, please again
12:07Yes. Yes, fine. You did a good job
12:11I really don't need any dirty players wandering my hall
12:18I don't have my powers yet. You're gonna have to re-earn the scrub, aren't you?
12:25That's getting pretty dark
12:27I told you you gotta try harder man. The tests aren't even that difficult
12:36I can't do it. I'll turn you into a sheep. Whoa. Hey, hey, it wasn't too hard
12:45I'll never be a cool sheep zombie man
12:51What whoa, wait a minute
12:53Just don't worry. Zane's is probably prepping for another class and the lights just came off and yeah true. Oh, what's that?
12:59What does that sound?
13:01Shoot, what is that? Oh my gosh. Okay
13:05Someone has to let it out. Don't take your eyes off of them, Pearce. There's another one, too
13:09It's a creaking. You need to move when you're not looking at them. At least you can light up the way, Aaron
13:13Just keep going. Wait, wait, there's another one here
13:15Oh, no, no, no, no this way this way. Oh, not that way. Oh, no, no, no, not me either
13:21You might want to turn your light back on. They'll follow us if they see us
13:24This way this way. Oh great. Okay. Oh, they're coming back this way. No, no, no, no in there
13:29Go, go, go, go, go!
13:35Okay, wait a minute. Oh, those mobs are the worst. Huh? No. No, this is worse. What?
13:41Not the library
13:44Just put me outside with the creakers, Pearce. It's not that bad we're safe in here and oh my really
13:51Oh, well, well if it isn't my favorite students
13:54Students, I see you enjoy the creakings that I was storing in the basement. They may have broken out
14:00Dude, you are crazy
14:02Aaron I am not crazy. I'm just an evil mob
14:07Stupid villager. Oh, okay. Anyhoo as all of you know monsters have a hard life
14:15Hunted and even killed because of those players
14:18I always find one thing that we're weak to and use it against us, but not anymore
14:26Wait, what even players in this school? Where are we going?
14:31Today we're going to learn how to work together to put those weaknesses behind us
14:37I need the three of you to join together to figure that part out
14:45Okay, we can do this alright guys
15:01Can't touch water, and I can't even see the end to use my
15:05I'm made out of fire, and I cannot fly which leaves
15:12Here look at me. What does it say?
15:15Huh, that's right
15:17You are a sheep. Yeah, I am of course. I am that's right now carry me and Aaron across the way
15:25You've got this come on. Oh, just like a sheep would right, okay?
15:38That's a good thing
15:45Oh my gosh
15:48You actually made
15:52Monsters can actually work together, but let's see how long that last
16:01Well, I know who'd do good in this room great. Yeah, you're just assuming. It's me because I'm the fire guy right and what is it?
16:06Sheep say
16:09Working on me babe
16:11darn it
16:13Whatever just watch a pro at work you two
16:31Looks like you do care
16:38Yeah, I don't know
16:44What I must do here
16:56How are you
17:19Am so proud of you kids you managed to work together as mobs and here why don't you go ahead and take?
17:44Really got to his head didn't it say what power did you give him? Why is he so excited?
17:50I told you with their skeletons not normal ones what?
18:05You know say told us to get more monsters. Why not pick the biggest buster of all yeah
18:11But then you brought us this data now. We can't do anything so
18:18Attention, this is it students the final exam will everyone please report to the front of the school
18:25Yes, even you pierce. Oh, no all right, then
18:32This is so proud of you where it is right here
18:59Careful be careful. Yeah, I don't think that's gonna work
19:04Let's go inside. Maybe we can get away from it. Oh that fire almost got me come on. Let's go
19:11I'm gonna get this door open come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Oh, okay, we should be saving here
19:22Maybe we ignore it
19:29Good thing we have this door
19:34Okay, all right, it's fine. It's why I can't get in you can't get in no you can't get in fine
19:38Can't get in my moment
19:50He didn't do a thing all right, I'm gonna use my charge on it
20:05My gosh Kim job his power is crazy. Oh
20:13How about that an enderman defeating a wither
20:18This is incredible that shouldn't even be possible. Oh
20:22You will do very well in the last exam wait wait wait, there's seriously last exam
20:30Come on you two we have history to make welcome my students every single one of you
20:42Really didn't think you'd all survive. What some of you. I hoped wouldn't survive. Oh
20:50But enough about that today you will all have the opportunity to earn the prestigious title of best monster ever
21:03Then prove
21:05Wait a minute mr.. Zane are we are we in arena for a reason what kind of test?
21:10Oh, you know nothing much just standard battle to the death battle. It's a pretty protocol on it what?
21:16Pierce I'm not going easy on you, but let's do it Pierce Pierce
21:34Got him come on. This is a fair creepers are afraid of catch isn't even a mob
21:40Just explode and die already
21:53You absolutely did that next bow
22:05She really not know that potions won't work on me or at least not sorry Kim. Don't take this personally, right?
22:13Oh, it's a lot of fire, so who do I fight? Oh just the worst
22:32Wait is that a shovel wouldn't shovel
22:36Excellent choice. Yes, that's fine, sweetie. Use that and don't worry Aphmau be easy
22:42Excuse me. I can whoa hey you heard nothing
22:46We can talk about this you know
22:51No who shot that it was such a weird occurrence
22:56I'm so sorry Aaron. You really were my brightest student, but this is the end for you
23:13It doesn't even make any sense Aaron Aaron Aaron, it's simple all I had to do was like a fire resistant potion
23:26You're gonna pay for what you did to Aaron oh
23:28He was just the beginning
23:30Once I beat you I'll be known as the pillager that killed the ender girl that killed a wither
23:36Our battle will be legendary. That is an incredibly