• 2 months ago


00:00Sir, my name is R. Dandapani Reddy. I am from Takiriya, Varanpur.
00:04I am a member of the Titanium Workers' Employment Union.
00:08It is a sad story.
00:09In 2007, we had a big dream.
00:13We had given our land to Titanium Swarovski.
00:17But unfortunately,
00:19we had given 250 acres of land to Titanium Swarovski.
00:23But they only wanted to limit the plant to 20 acres.
00:28The plant is 20 acres.
00:30But there is no progress.
00:32There is no development.
00:33The plant is still the same.
00:36And the company's management
00:38is not doing anything about it.
00:40There is no progress.
00:42And the workers' situation is not good.
00:45They don't have any facilities.
00:47They don't have a designation.
00:49They don't have a permanent certificate.
00:51They don't have an allowance.
00:53They don't have any facilities.
00:54We are working in a very difficult situation.
00:59We are facing a lot of difficulties.
01:03When we got the pigment plant,
01:05we had given our land.
01:07But the pigment plant was not established.
01:09Now, we have Titanium Slag.
01:11It depends on the international market.
01:14In India, we don't have sales.
01:17The product depends on the international market.
01:19No one can make the pigment.
01:22In India, we don't have sales.
01:24The product depends on the international market.
01:26The market is down.
01:28We are trying to find an alternative for the company.
01:35We are trying to find an alternative for the company.
01:37The management is not doing anything about it.
01:39We are all sad.
01:41Our company's director, Mr. Rahul,
01:44how could he not have come?
01:46How could he not understand?
01:47We all agree on the issue of facilities.
01:50How could he not listen?
01:52The director was feeling us down mentally.
01:56He was facing a lot of challenges.
01:58Now, we are not explaining anything to our company.
02:03We are not offering anything much more.
02:05For that reason, I'm keeping up with Eastagore's efforts.
02:07As of november 5th,
02:09the company can get laid off.
02:11I don't know about the lay-off rules or the government's rules.
02:18Unfortunately, someone told them that we are going to lay-off.
02:22My aunt, my beloved wife, MLA Babu, and my colleague,
02:27both knew about it.
02:29She also told them.
02:31I don't know what she said.
02:33But they didn't give us a proper lay-off.
02:36The government doesn't give us a proper lay-off.
02:40They only give us 50% of the basic income.
02:44But we have to pay the rest.
02:46It's very difficult for us to run our family.
02:49We used to run our family under the Dharma.
02:51But now, we have to pay half of the basic income.
02:54It's very difficult for us to run our family.
02:56We can't pay the Dharma properly.
02:58We have to pay it every month.
03:00We have to pay it every two months.
03:02The lay-off is until March 5th.
03:05We will try to continue the lay-off.
03:08If it happens, we will try to stop it.
03:10If not, we don't know when it will happen.
03:12If it happens, we will try to stop it.
