Singer Rahul Vaidya and actress Disha Parmar were recently spotted at Mumbai airport, looking stunning in their simple yet stylish outfits. Disha wore a trendy sweatshirt paired with blue denim jeans, while Rahul opted for a fashionable shirt with denim. They both completed their looks with matching goggles, adding a chic touch to their appearance. Together, they made a striking couple, effortlessly blending comfort and style as they prepared for their departure.
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#RahulVaidya #DishaParmar #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00The singer Rahul Vaidya and his wife, actress Disha Parmar were spotted at Mumbai airport
00:06and they looked beautiful in their simple outfits.
00:10Disha styled herself in a fashionable sweatshirt as well as blue denim jeans, making herself
00:15comfortable yet trendy.
00:17On the other hand, Rahul Vaidya wore a polished appearance draped in a stylish shirt and denim
00:23for travel but relaxed.
00:25His denim and shirt both showed his sense of style while he was standing next to Disha.
00:30Rahul and Disha completed their appearance with complimentary goggles adding even more
00:35flair to their assembles.
00:37Even though they look quite stylish and smart as they entered the airport, these goggles
00:42enhanced their looks.
00:43Overall, the couple reflect their personality through the effortless fashion wear that they
00:48chose, which consequently made a stunning show at the airport.
00:52The chic yet minimalistic assembles served as examples of how they successfully combined
00:58comfort and style.