• last year
It’s day one of taking her antidepressant and she wants to document her experience. She was up late into the night watching testimonials on YouTube of other people’s experience with this particular prescription and it has her worried. She is still waiting on the labs. Eric did some vlogging this day so we see footage he recorded. Amberlynn records Becky taste testing the obligatory morning smoothie while they wait for Eric to finish is appointment. When they get back home that afternoon, Amberlynn shows us what they picked up at Walmart other than a black cardigan and an aux cord for the car. After putting her possessed earrings away, she shows us her feeding schedule for the cats. Later in the day she makes lunch for herself and Becky while uploading videos AND playing a word game with Becky & Eric, she is looking for the title of Queen of Multitasking. Amberlynn and Eric don’t understand how the way they talk to each other could be considered shady, since they consider it a way of communicating in a joking way rather than being mean girl honest. Eric gets more in depth with his feelings about the haydurs. He is amazed at the trivial things pointed out that being him down rather than thinking about the major issues taking place in the world around us. The two also discuss their current and previous employment situations, both having experienced anxiety surrounding the workplace and choosing to work from home. Becky talks about the anxiety brought on by vlogging in public and how sometimes it’s not as easy as one might think. Rickie’s been in the background on the couch tuning out the conversation being had at the table. They watch the movie Split then Amberlynn updates us on how her day one has been going before ending the vlog.
