• last year
Ace designer Manish Malhotra took to social media to share glimpses from his star-studded house party. On his Instagram stories, Manish posted a photo of himself posing with Tamannaah Bhatia, Nora Fatehi, and Fatima Sana Shaikh. In the next post, the designer shared a picture alongside Ayushmann Khurrana, Tahira, and Nidhi Dutta.

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00:00Ace designer Manish Manotra took to social media to share glimpses from his star-studded
00:06house party. On his Instagram stories, Manish posted photos of himself posing with Tamanna
00:12Bhatia, Nora Fatehi and Fatima Sana Shaikh. In the next post, the designer shared a picture
00:18alongside Ayushmann Khurana, Tahira and Nidhi Dutta.
00:22Lovebirds Vijay Verma and Tamanna Bhatia were spotted walking hand-in-hand at the party.
00:28In a video that surfaced online, Vijay was seen waiting for Tamanna as she stepped out
00:34of her car. After greeting her, the couple walked together up the stairs to Manish Manotra's
00:40residence. They shared a warm moment posing for peprazi before entering the house.
00:45The party was a glamorous and star-studded affair, attended by celebrities such as Raveena
00:51Tandon, Nusrat Barucha, Vani Kapoor, Nora Fatehi and Aditya Singh, among others.
