• last year


00:00:30For me
00:00:54Oh, yes, you know
00:01:52Yes, okay, okay creo que hay alguien estamos esperando a nadie
00:02:05Viste que lo dije
00:02:08Se conectó
00:02:10Prepararse para rastrear lo por aquí bien hecho
00:02:15ahora seguirás esperando en cuatro patas
00:02:18Y quien sabe puede que te ponga un premio en la boca
00:02:28Que dijiste que creas que haces imbecil no lo dejaré pasar pidieron pizza
00:02:35esta pesada
00:03:01Senor senor
00:03:08Señor se encuentra bien
00:03:15No se levante
00:03:21Que me pasó no llamamos ambulancia lo trajimos directo al hospital y los demás están en urgencias
00:03:29afortunadamente no fue tan grave
00:03:38Fue una explosión si la policía ya está revisando las cámaras según lo que supe
00:03:45Nos enviaron este vídeo puede ser el culpable
00:04:18La senora y yo llego a casa a salvo las 10 49
00:04:32Que va a hacer la policía no sabe que está involucrado y eso que debo hacer algo
00:04:37No puede ignorar que ese idiota entrar a mi oficina y bombardear a los de mi equipo es obvio que quiere enfrentarse conmigo pero
00:04:44si hace algo ahora
00:04:45Los medios van a especular quizás eso es lo que él quiere
00:04:49que no puede enfrentarlo directamente
00:04:52Sin embargo
00:04:54Debo responderle
00:04:57Hay muchas formas en las que puedo acabar con ese idiota desde las sombras
00:05:06Se dice que el sospechoso había estado
00:05:09extorsionando a la víctima sin parar antes de incendiar su oficina los bomberos apagaron el fuego en unos 20 minutos
00:05:22La policía investiga la escena
00:05:44Pasan cosas que no entiendo
00:05:49Tú no puedes ser una desconocida
00:05:56Debo saber cuál es tu versión verdadera
00:06:01Eres la única pista que tengo ahora colabora me
00:06:28Herido un lunático envió un explosivo mi oficina personal hoy
00:06:41Fue ese secuestrador fue él
00:06:45Ahora yo haré las preguntas
00:06:47Preguntas dijiste que no sabías quién era
00:06:54Sabes quién podría ser
00:06:59No lo sabes
00:07:07Porque parece que
00:07:10Él te conoce bastante bien
00:07:20Parece que que diré si pregunto sobre la foto
00:07:24Él te conoce muy bien
00:07:26No puedo dejar que esto se complique más
00:07:42Qué haces
00:07:50Qué estás haciendo tú
00:07:56Qué es lo que él sabe sobre mí que es lo que tú quieres insinuar
00:08:05Él me secuestró y también se atrevió a lastimarte a ti no deberíamos estar haciendo esto
00:08:16Quieres decir que de verdad no sabes lo que intento hacer ni lo que estoy intentando averiguar
00:08:50Siento haber sido grosero
00:08:57Como te fue
00:09:05Eso estuvo cerca
00:09:08Pero manocerial
00:09:12Al parecer ha habido varios casos de incendios en esta área la policía ya sospecha que podrían estar conectados
00:09:21Un pirómano serial debe tener mucha suerte o tal vez era su intención
00:09:30Si no sabía sobre los incendios en esa área tiene suerte pero si planeo todo para que coincidiera con ellos
00:09:37entonces es muy meticuloso
00:09:41Creo que es la segunda opción pero investigaremos hay una cosa más lo escucho
00:09:47la explosión ocurrió durante la llamada
00:09:50acaso tiene un cómplice
00:09:53Esa es una posibilidad
00:09:55Exacto eso es posible y el hecho de que sepa tanto de mí significa
00:10:01que podría llegar a ser muy cercano
00:10:04Me pidieron la grabación de la llamada que debo hacer no lo divulgaremos
00:10:09Diles que lo editamos para las noticias
00:10:15Entonces pex aún editó el archivo
00:10:25Dame tu teléfono debo ver algo me preocupa que quizás lo hayan hackeado
00:10:46No tienes nada de ética recuerda que trabajas con las manos
00:11:01No me tardaré vas a ir al centro
00:11:04Quédate en casa me ducharé y saldré
00:11:13Lo hackearon
00:11:19Será por la foto
00:12:03La inscripción preliminar
00:12:05será pronto y está liderando todas las encuestas así que debe mantener el ritmo
00:12:11esto es gracias a usted
00:12:15Confío mucho en el equipo de relaciones públicas de la campaña son geniales
00:12:20gracias por reunirme con gente tan talentosa fue todo un placer
00:12:24Hablando de gente tan talentosa creo que tiene uno justo a su lado
00:12:33Hablo del vocero Peck
00:12:35Me pregunto cuando finalmente decidirá que es hora de sacar
00:12:40ese as bajo la manga
00:12:50Esto me recuerda cuando iba a cazar con el ex primer ministro
00:12:55recuerdo que él tenía un
00:12:57gran instinto en los deportes
00:13:00nunca voy a superarlo
00:13:03La audacia y todo el ingenio
00:13:07del vocero Peck deben ser cualidades que heredó de su padre
00:13:25Esto es aburrido deberíamos decirles que no nos inviten a menos que vayan a jugar golf verdad
00:13:36Soy la única burrida
00:13:40Están interesante
00:13:50Acaso fue por tu culpa
00:13:53Mi culpa a caso ver el teléfono de alguien más es un error o es algo intencional
00:13:59Hay por favor
00:14:03Oiga señor temo que debo irme más temprano soy sensible a los ruidos
00:14:12Oye date prisa
00:14:15Señora tome asiento sí siéntese cielos mire cómo le quedó esto pudo dejarle una cicatriz
00:14:24Vera estoy siendo paciente por usted señor
00:14:29Esta muy frío
00:15:04Lo viste que te pareció
00:15:17Lo hice porque no me incluíste yo también quiero divertirme
00:15:27Que es eso
00:15:52Un amigo cercano
00:16:22Y yo de verdad me encantó verte hoy la nostalgia me hizo buscar esto recuerdas
00:16:56Segunda temporada de reporte criminal se enfocará en los casos sin resolver
00:17:01hay algún caso que
00:17:04aún no se haya compartido
00:17:08porque él compartiría eso
00:17:16Hay uno
00:17:23Porque todavía no lo compartí es una mejor pregunta que esa no lo cree
00:17:29quiero saber cuál es y por qué no se conoce
00:17:39Vengo de un orfanato que ahora se conoce como el centro nuri dream
00:17:50Qué pasa no parezco huérfano bueno no
00:18:01Pues hace unos 20 años en el lugar donde se encontraba este orfanato
00:18:11Había una villa que era de una familia muy rica
00:18:44Ahí conocí
00:18:46a un chico rico
00:18:48que era de seúl
00:18:54Los dos jugábamos ahí todos los días en una habitación que estaba llena de juguetes
00:19:03Hasta que
00:19:08Vi una cosa horrible
00:19:28Qué fue eso que vio ahí fue
00:19:46Tengo algunos planes ahora adiós
00:19:53El se irá de la nada como pudo irse
00:20:12Si estás libre el sábado porque no vamos a almorzar al mediodía
00:20:22Una taza de tele ayudará a relajar voy para allá hasta luego
00:20:37Refrescante el exclusivo que usaron fue el t-atp un poderoso exclusivo líquido es bastante potente
00:20:44Considerando lo fácil que es de hacer pero por suerte
00:20:47Parece que el detonante no funcionó bien esta vez no suelen hacerlo con acetona y pero oxido de hidrógeno
00:20:53Así es la policía ya está investigando las farmacias
00:20:59Como va la demodulación hay avances el software que teníamos no pudo analizarla así que intentaremos con otro lo lamento
00:21:11Me disculpo por pedirte hacer tantas cosas por mi bien no señor yo
00:21:18Solo quiero compensar la confianza que usted me tiene además mi trabajo es identificar a cualquiera que signifique una amenaza
00:21:47Son espero que haya tenido un gran día espero que disfrute de su almuerzo
00:21:59Aquí los mariscos son muy ricos así que ordené vino blanco
00:22:10Reservé una mesa a nombre de na Yuri la llevaré a su mesa
00:22:16No tienen mesas más privadas están ocupadas ah
00:22:22Qué pena me sentiría más cómoda
00:22:26Cielos señor
00:22:29Señorita acaso sus planes eran con la intérprete
00:22:34así estudiamos juntos
00:22:37Entiendo a mí también me invitaron a almorzar
00:22:44Su mesa está por aquí señora sí
00:22:49Oigan chicos pues
00:22:52Tal vez podría pedirles que por favor no se le queden viendo mi invitado podría sentirse incómodo
00:23:00Bien buen provecho
00:23:07Y eso
00:23:10Será alguien famoso
00:23:17Me veo rara
00:23:31Ese no es
00:23:33Ok que hace aquí no vas a saludarme verdad
00:23:41No lo hagas
00:23:47Por favor no interpreté con ello
00:23:59No hay una huella examinamos el explosivo y nada y el interrogatorio estamos en eso
00:24:07Por cierto nos pide mucha información de la investigación puedo saber para quien trabaja
00:24:50Oh, my God!
00:25:08Are you okay?
00:25:09Damn it!
00:25:20Try it. I'm sure it's delicious.
00:25:37Right? It's delicious.
00:25:40Do you like that?
00:25:41Ah, Ms. Hong and Sanu were together.
00:25:53It seems that you like that fish.
00:25:55Yes, I like it.
00:26:01By the way, Mr. Zaon, how do you know Ms. Hong?
00:26:06Ms. Hong.
00:26:10Not long ago, she helped me as an interpreter at the British Embassy.
00:26:14I wanted to invite her to dinner to thank her.
00:26:16I took the opportunity today.
00:26:18I hope I haven't been rude.
00:26:21No, not at all.
00:26:23Thanks to her, I can eat with someone famous.
00:26:26It's an honor.
00:26:29Do you want?
00:26:33I don't drink during the day.
00:26:50Are you okay? Do you want to go?
00:26:53I'm fine.
00:26:57He's very good at that.
00:27:00Is he an interpreter?
00:27:02So what does he do?
00:27:08Mr. Sanu is...
00:27:09Is he your superior?
00:27:10I'm a doctor.
00:27:13What do you do?
00:27:14I specialize in psychiatry.
00:27:22Are you married?
00:27:24Do you want to know?
00:27:30Are you okay?
00:27:32Are you okay?
00:27:38I'll go to the bathroom.
00:27:40Yes, don't worry.
00:28:02I'll be right back.
00:28:10How interesting.
00:28:13I think I'm like him.
00:28:16Of course not.
00:28:18He knows he's married.
00:28:20So did they catch him?
00:28:21Yes, they already caught him, sir.
00:28:23We already checked his house and found explosives.
00:28:27He's a pyromancer, but he's not the kidnapper.
00:28:31If he was watching the fire in the scene, he could be the guy who sets things on fire and has fun watching it.
00:28:36He's a pyromancer.
00:28:38He could be the serial pyromancer.
00:28:40Are you already interrogating him?
00:28:45You did have guts to commit two consecutive fires.
00:28:49I said it wasn't me yesterday.
00:28:50Son of a...
00:28:52Ah, I'm going to go crazy.
00:28:55Tell me, why are they doing this to me and letting him go?
00:28:58That idiot got into my territory out of nowhere.
00:29:01That kid must have a lot of free time.
00:29:06Yes, I understand.
00:29:07I'll go now.
00:29:24What are you doing here?
00:29:25How did you know I was here?
00:29:27I thought you took my phone because they hacked it.
00:29:31Is there something I shouldn't know?
00:29:36What are you talking about?
00:29:38Do you suspect me and Sanu?
00:29:44Of what?
00:29:46It doesn't matter.
00:29:47Sanu isn't like that, so please...
00:29:51You know him...
00:29:53very well?
00:29:54Did you study together?
00:29:57You said he was a good person.
00:30:00I see.
00:30:01I don't care about that.
00:30:03To me, he's just an idiot who suddenly appeared in your life, again.
00:30:10I know you know him very well.
00:30:13And me?
00:30:15How well do you know me?
00:30:16We've known each other for...
00:30:1920 years, right?
00:30:29Honey you...
00:30:34Do you know me?
00:30:36I thought I knew you.
00:30:39But suddenly I realized...
00:30:42There are things about you...
00:30:45That maybe I don't know yet.
00:30:55I'll call you later.
00:31:03Iyu, I have something to tell you. Come see me downtown.
00:31:11I'm sorry, but I have to go right now.
00:31:14I'll pay for everything.
00:31:15No, I'll pay.
00:31:16Would you give me a card?
00:31:23You can come see me when you need to talk to someone.
00:31:38See you.
00:31:39Yes, Sahon.
00:31:41Thanks for everything.
00:31:52I'm sorry, but I have to go right now.
00:31:55I understand.
00:32:06Come on, Honey Iyu! You can do it!
00:32:08Honey Iyu! Come on, Honey Iyu!
00:32:10Yes, yes, yes!
00:32:12I knew it.
00:32:14I knew you'd be happy.
00:32:16I don't feel happy.
00:32:18But why?
00:32:20I've seen how you practice with all the videos of Peck Sahon.
00:32:24Does it scare you to work with your idol? Is that it?
00:32:28Does he like to be divorced?
00:32:31What? Me?
00:32:35Did your husband cheat on you?
00:32:38My husband thinks he wants me to die.
00:32:44You're talking about that?
00:32:49Honey, if your husband said he wants you to die,
00:32:54it just means that he's still very, very, very in love with you.
00:33:01Hey, when a married couple ends,
00:33:04it's not when they scream,
00:33:06die to each other.
00:33:10It's when they both act indifferently.
00:33:13Like when they say,
00:33:15wait, are you still here?
00:33:21Call me when I'm already dead.
00:33:25Call me when I'm already dead.
00:33:33I have...
00:33:36a reason.
00:33:42You were right.
00:33:43The man we caught is the serial piromano.
00:33:46We also discovered that there was another minor fire in the area that was not reported.
00:33:51There was another minor fire in the area that was not reported.
00:34:01Several people died in the explosion.
00:34:21Do you think it was a test?
00:34:25The piromano said that he did not make those two fires.
00:34:29The park and the office.
00:34:32Looking at what he did to the animals,
00:34:35it is very likely that he is also a psychopath.
00:34:38What will be your plan for today's call?
00:34:43We already put the bait.
00:34:45Let's wait for his reaction.
00:34:47I have all the equipment in the office he arranged.
00:34:53I want you to investigate this man.
00:35:02Do you know him?
00:35:04Hello, my paradise.
00:35:07I will start today's video with a cup of tea.
00:35:12But why do you say that?
00:35:14His name is Gisanu, right?
00:35:16His channel is called that because Gisanu is earthly.
00:35:18And his followers are for that.
00:35:22He has many subscribers.
00:35:23He talks about unsolved cases and criminal psychology.
00:35:26And he's popular with women.
00:35:30And why do you say he's popular with women?
00:35:34I think it's because of his body.
00:35:45He likes to train a lot.
00:35:47The muscles of his back are quite large.
00:36:01It seems that he has too much free time.
00:36:05And I think you too ...
00:36:07You have too much.
00:36:12And what about his origin?
00:36:13Do you want me to investigate anything else?
00:36:15We must suspect everyone around us.
00:36:19Investigate everything about him.
00:36:34If you really want to get a divorce,
00:36:36then you must get this job.
00:36:38You do not know how difficult it is to get to the end of the month.
00:36:41Being a single woman and the experience in the presidency
00:36:45will assure you the future.
00:36:56Your car is ready.
00:37:36Call me now.
00:37:42This was the song requested by Ms. Song Hyun Joo.
00:37:46The next song was requested by user 4060001290.
00:37:52Call me now, by Anita Ward.
00:38:06Call me now.
00:38:08Call me before it's too late.
00:38:12Tell me now.
00:38:14Whisper me a noun.
00:38:20I can see the priest of belief.
00:38:24Hesitation on your mind.
00:38:28How combined when it's all pretend.
00:38:36How combined when it's all pretend.
00:38:43Are you okay?
00:38:44I thought you were gone.
00:39:14He wants me to call him.
00:39:17Does he know I have this phone?
00:39:34Where are you going now?
00:39:38Take it.
00:39:39They had not hacked it.
00:39:42Where are you going?
00:39:48To the store.
00:39:49What will you buy?
00:39:51Beer and ice cream.
00:39:55Anything else?
00:40:21What do you feel about creating all this mess, swindler?
00:40:24You should have taken me seriously, instead of wasting all this time.
00:40:28Come on, let's finish this.
00:40:50Let's finish this.
00:40:51Just decide now.
00:40:52First, I'll ask you a question.
00:40:55If I decide to leave Honeydew, what would you gain?
00:41:01What would I gain?
00:41:04You're talking about the kidnapper, not what I would gain.
00:41:13What do you want to achieve by getting her divorced?
00:41:16What are you saying?
00:41:17What are you saying?
00:41:18You didn't marry her out of love, and now you don't love her either.
00:41:22You should leave her, if you're going to treat her like that.
00:41:35It seems you have no idea what that sounds like.
00:41:39Your threat sounds like you want to benefit someone else.
00:41:45What relationship do you have with Honeydew?
00:41:53Listen, swindler.
00:41:55I will never do what you want me to do.
00:42:00You're just a kidnapper and a terrorist psychopath who bombs people.
00:42:05Do you think I'll leave her in your hands?
00:42:08The truth is, I don't plan to let her go.
00:42:12Wait a minute, why would you want me to...
00:42:14I'm sorry, but I have to finish the call.
00:42:17And I expect you to bring her something.
00:42:22Yes, hello?
00:42:29But what?
00:42:34What the hell are you thinking, Pexaon?
00:42:43I won't divorce you.
00:42:48I'm saying this in case someone comes up with ideas.
00:42:52I won't divorce you.
00:42:54No matter if it's a scandal or a rumor.
00:42:56I won't let anyone stain my name.
00:43:03That's why.
00:43:21You're very clumsy.
00:43:29Did you get the job offer?
00:43:31You'll have to make an effort to work with me.
00:43:43Why do you want me to work for you?
00:43:51Are you sure you want me as an interpreter?
00:43:54In the presidency?
00:43:56I'll have to reveal my name and my face to the public.
00:44:00Wow, you're very confident.
00:44:04I assure you that there is no one more qualified than you.
00:44:09I assure you that there is no one more qualified than me.
00:44:14You seem to be very confident, not to have experience.
00:44:19Experience is not everything.
00:44:21With just one look, I can know what you're going to say and what you're thinking.
00:44:32Why don't you try?
00:44:35Guess what I'm thinking.
00:44:39You said that the man who kidnapped you and attacked my office knew a lot of things.
00:44:48We are like strangers, but...
00:44:51I don't like that.
00:44:53I don't want what he says to be true.
00:44:56I mean...
00:45:00You're wrong.
00:45:02You don't know anything about us.
00:45:06And I'll make it happen.
00:45:09Come on.
00:45:22Come here.
00:45:27Lie down.
00:45:29I won't hurt you.
00:45:30Lie down.
00:45:38Make yourself comfortable.
00:45:53Do you think I'll jump on you?
00:45:56Don't even dream about it.
00:45:57If that were to happen, it would have already happened.
00:46:00We've been living together for years.
00:46:05Oh, no.
00:46:07Do you want to jump on me?
00:46:10Of course.
00:46:12I understand.
00:46:15If you're not sure, don't come.
00:46:28Don't turn around.
00:46:30It's rude to the other person.
00:46:58Since they attacked my office recently...
00:47:03My house shouldn't be safe either.
00:47:07But I want...
00:47:10You to be safe.
00:47:18As for what happened the day of the kidnapping...
00:47:24Just think that it was a nightmare.
00:47:28I'm sorry.
00:47:35What you heard...
00:47:40Like when you asked me...
00:47:42To call you when I died.
00:47:44Forget it.
00:47:47It wasn't important.
00:47:57I'm sorry.
00:48:27I'm sorry.
00:48:57I'm sorry.
00:48:59I'm sorry.
00:49:01I'm sorry.
00:49:16What should I do?
00:49:38Why are you safe?
00:49:41You should have been hurt that day too!
00:49:48Shut up!
00:49:50Stop crying!
00:49:52The director's biological daughter became deaf and blind.
00:49:55And her son died.
00:49:57If you look healthy, she'll get mad and leave us on the street!
00:50:07Fine, Giyu.
00:50:10Don't say anything.
00:50:15You were so surprised that you can't speak anymore.
00:50:20Mom, it hurts!
00:50:22Just shut up!
00:50:23That's all I ask of you!
00:50:25Everyone's life isn't worth the same, honey.
00:50:28He must...
00:50:32Pity for us if we want to survive.
00:50:35Is that clear?
00:50:43How long do I have to keep quiet?
00:50:48Until the day you die.
00:50:51You'll be like the Little Mermaid.
00:51:44Oje, you!
00:51:46I'm dead!
00:51:50By the way...
00:51:52What happened to the person?
00:51:57The guy who...
00:51:59Received a picture of his naked wife.
00:52:02Was it a lover?
00:52:05I'm sure it was a lover.
00:52:08I'd know if I'd asked him.
00:52:10He didn't.
00:52:17Do you want evidence?
00:52:20Maybe he doesn't.
00:52:33To see the truth with his own eyes.
00:52:42Oje, a normal guy would have asked him that.
00:52:46Who's the one you're cheating on me with?
00:52:49I don't know.
00:52:53But he doesn't even dare to ask him.
00:52:56Do you know why?
00:52:59It's real love.
00:53:02A real man in love...
00:53:04Has problems.
00:53:11The weather is warmer now.
00:53:13It's better like this.
00:53:15Are you feeling well?
00:53:17Heavens, I forgot my blanket.
00:53:19I'll be right back.
00:53:21Wait here, okay?
00:54:16We'll be quiet for a minute in honor of the veterans who sacrificed their lives.
00:54:20We pay our respects.
00:54:46I love you.
00:54:48I love you.
00:55:16I love you.
00:55:46I love you.
00:55:56A video call?
00:56:08How have you been?
00:56:11Are you having fun with my phone?
00:56:17That's right, I know.
00:56:19I... I know you have my phone.
00:56:22You did a great job.
00:56:24I like...
00:56:26That you can capture live.
00:56:32My dad...
00:56:34My dad...
00:56:38From now on...
00:56:40The best thing will be...
00:56:42That you answer me.
00:56:46If you use that phone...
00:56:48It means you're threatening Paxion.
00:56:51Isn't it true?
00:56:56What are you asking him?
00:56:59Answer me.
00:57:01Or I'll have to go find...
00:57:06That phone.
00:57:16It's true.
00:57:20You were...
00:57:22Very, very angry that day.
00:57:27Paxion is a great idiot.
00:57:30Okay, honey.
00:57:32Keep calling.
00:57:40Do you like me?
00:57:43I like you, okay?
00:57:46You have the same goal...
00:57:48As we do.
00:57:50So you can...
00:57:52Keep using that phone.
00:57:55You like that?
00:57:57But I want...
00:57:59You to promise something.
00:58:07Don't go...
00:58:11Giving up on this.
00:58:13There's no going back now.
00:58:16This is the end.
00:58:18Is that clear?
00:58:26Hello? Dad?
00:58:39Let's go.
00:58:43Let's go.
00:59:06I hope you're okay.
00:59:08Keep us informed.
00:59:10Of course.
00:59:13She's Mr. Nagin's daughter.
00:59:20Luckily, it was nothing serious.
00:59:23We put a sedative on him and he fell asleep.
00:59:25I'm sorry.
00:59:27I left for a moment and he was already gone.
00:59:30When the caretaker found his father, he was alone.
00:59:35But he had this with him.
00:59:37But since his father wasn't hurt anywhere,
00:59:40it must be someone else's.
00:59:42We must...
00:59:44Investigate more thoroughly.
00:59:46Yes, so please come with us to make the report.
00:59:49Of course.
00:59:51He's awake!
01:00:17Call him now...
01:00:31Are you okay, miss?
01:01:08What's that?
01:01:10I'll try.
01:01:12What's wrong?
01:01:14What's wrong with this thing?
01:01:19It doesn't work.
01:01:25This one either.
01:01:27What's wrong with this?
01:01:29What the hell?
01:01:33I want you to promise me something.
01:01:35Don't give up on this.
01:01:38There's no turning back now.
01:01:40This is the end.
01:01:42Is that clear?
01:01:49Call him now...
01:02:06What's wrong with him?
01:02:08Does he feel sick?
01:02:25Are you okay?
01:02:29Call him now...
01:02:52Call him now...
01:02:56And I teach you everything?
01:03:02For you, everything is bad.
01:03:07In this world, you will always be alone.
01:03:21What is all that?
01:03:27Hey, hey, hey, hey, why are you coming here?
01:03:30Did we do something wrong?
01:03:32Of course not, we didn't do anything.
01:03:56I'm sorry.
01:03:58I'm sorry.
01:04:00I'm sorry.
01:04:02I'm sorry.
01:04:04I'm sorry.
01:04:06I'm sorry.
01:04:08I'm sorry.
01:04:10I'm sorry.
01:04:12I'm sorry.
01:04:14I'm sorry.
01:04:16I'm sorry.
01:04:18I'm sorry.
01:04:20I'm sorry.
01:04:22I'm sorry.
01:04:24I'm sorry.
01:04:28Mr. Peck.
01:04:32Good morning.
01:04:34How are you?
01:04:42I think you can go now.
01:04:46I will go in person to file the complaint.
01:04:48Excuse me.
01:04:50What is your relationship with the young lady?
01:04:54We are family.
01:05:08She is...
01:05:10my wife.
01:05:24I'm sorry.
01:05:26I'm sorry.
01:05:28I'm sorry.
01:05:30I'm sorry.
01:05:32I'm sorry.
01:05:34I'm sorry.
01:05:36I'm sorry.
01:05:38I'm sorry.
01:05:40I'm sorry.
01:05:42I'm sorry.
01:05:44I'm sorry.
01:05:46I'm sorry.
01:05:48I'm sorry.
01:05:50I'm sorry.
01:05:52I'm sorry.
01:05:54I'm sorry.
01:05:56I'm sorry.
01:05:58I'm sorry.
01:06:00I'm sorry.
01:06:04I can't go on like this.
01:06:10It's your chance to surprise yourself.
01:06:12All right, but I suggest you start thinking about what you do
01:06:14and if you really get the job.
01:06:18I want to do another test.
01:06:20You can't speak. Interpret.
01:06:23You know it's celebrated today, right?
01:06:25Do you know that Inna is back?
01:06:30You have to tell me if you're hiding something from me.
01:06:32Connie, I...
01:06:35I'm crying.
