• last year
"Adventures in Rainbow Country," aired on CBC Television from 1970 to 1971 and later ran on Nickelodeon in the early '80 | dHNfVkxIUENETnpiZnM


00:00I told you, no man can do it and live, it takes two.
00:30It's young men like yourself who are going to decide the future of this place.
00:48Weren't you scared about the rapids?
00:51Were you scared?
00:52Well, sort of, but it's exciting too.
00:55It's a sense of challenge, I hope you never lose it.
01:00In a sense, they are young voyagers themselves.
01:12I only hope the young voyagers don't forget to come home for dinner.
01:30Do you know if anything happened to you?
01:45I don't think so.
02:00I don't think so.
