Movie Description -
Kalinga" is a 2024 Telugu-language fantasy horror thriller directed by Dhruva Vaayu, who also stars as the protagonist, Linga. The film features Pragya Nayan as Paddu, Linga's love interest, and includes performances by Laxman Meesala, Adukalam Narain, and Tanikella Bharani.
The narrative centers on Linga, an orphan from Kalinga village in Telangana. Despite his carefree lifestyle and fondness for drinking, Linga is deeply in love with Paddu. As the story unfolds, he encounters terrifying events that lead him to uncover a sinister mystery lurking beneath the surface of his seemingly tranquil village.
Critics have praised the film for its gripping screenplay, impressive direction, and effective use of visual effects. The Times of India highlighted the film's ability to build suspense and deliver a satisfying payoff, noting that "Kalinga offers a fresh and engaging experience, making it a worthwhile watch for those seeking something new."
#KalingaMovie #TeluguCinema #HorrorThriller #FantasyHorror #SuspenseFilm #DhruvaVaayu #PragyaNayan #SouthIndianMovies #TeluguMovies2024 #PrimeVideoIndia #GrippingScreenplay #KalingaVillageMystery #IndianHorrorMovies #VisualEffectsMagic #TeluguFilmIndustry
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Kalinga" is a 2024 Telugu-language fantasy horror thriller directed by Dhruva Vaayu, who also stars as the protagonist, Linga. The film features Pragya Nayan as Paddu, Linga's love interest, and includes performances by Laxman Meesala, Adukalam Narain, and Tanikella Bharani.
The narrative centers on Linga, an orphan from Kalinga village in Telangana. Despite his carefree lifestyle and fondness for drinking, Linga is deeply in love with Paddu. As the story unfolds, he encounters terrifying events that lead him to uncover a sinister mystery lurking beneath the surface of his seemingly tranquil village.
Critics have praised the film for its gripping screenplay, impressive direction, and effective use of visual effects. The Times of India highlighted the film's ability to build suspense and deliver a satisfying payoff, noting that "Kalinga offers a fresh and engaging experience, making it a worthwhile watch for those seeking something new."
#KalingaMovie #TeluguCinema #HorrorThriller #FantasyHorror #SuspenseFilm #DhruvaVaayu #PragyaNayan #SouthIndianMovies #TeluguMovies2024 #PrimeVideoIndia #GrippingScreenplay #KalingaVillageMystery #IndianHorrorMovies #VisualEffectsMagic #TeluguFilmIndustry
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Short film