• last year
The Royal Hill between Shrewsbury and Oswestry is a proper country pub with river views, character, charm, log fires and a landlady who is passionate about the pub, the building and its customers, well she would be as she's been involved since she was 13 years old.
00:00Here at the Royal Hill Pub in Edgley. It's a love your local time and Kelly Jones you're the boss.
00:07Yes. What a special pub you've got. I've never been here myself. It's just oozing character isn't it?
00:13Oh it's fantastic yeah definitely. So there's a little story yourself. You've been here since
00:18you were 13. You weren't an early drinker. I started working here when I was 13 yeah definitely.
00:25I've been a landlady for five years now. Yeah so you're from the area. You live just down
00:32well you live here now but you used to live just down the road didn't you?
00:36Yeah I grew up born and bred half a mile down the road. Yeah and this isn't just a job to you
00:41is it? We've been having a little chat and your passion for the pub is evident really.
00:47This is a lifestyle isn't it for you? The customers, the building. It means a lot to you.
00:53Yeah. What is it that if you had to describe your pub to someone to a townie in inner city Birmingham
01:00how would you describe this pub the Royal Hill? Oh there's plenty of stories in this pub and
01:08there's character and it's just you can feel the heart when you come in. The fire's warm,
01:15the people are laughing. The beer's great and there's so much character and the customers
01:21have been here for many years and they've got plenty of stories. And you said you've got some
01:26nice Shropshire ales on so you're supporting that kind of local brewery side of things,
01:30the three tons, Salopian and so on. You were saying it's a proper pub you know when customers
01:37come in you want to say hello, you want to make them feel welcome, have a chat, how you doing,
01:41how's your day been? Yeah definitely. I think you know you should connect with the customer you know
01:48and that's what they're here they're here to chill out and to relax as well so you know have
01:53a cup of coffee have a nice beer yeah and just chill out and have a chat and that's what a
01:59traditional pub is for I believe. Yeah you've got that a lot of nice big windows here and that big
02:06room with the panoramic windows which makes the the most of your amazing setting right next to
02:11the River Severn. Yes definitely. And you've got the great beer garden out there. I love that little
02:17covered area a little yeah so even in in the rain you can get under there and you know got the views
02:22you've got the river yeah it's fantastic yeah. Now there is one downside to living next to a river
02:27and we'll flash up a little bit of video we've got and that's your partner Andy he's driving
02:31what do we call it the flood bus? The flood bus yeah. So how often is are you getting cut off on
02:35that direction with a bit of road there? I would say about four times a year. Yeah and when you
02:42four times a year that's a lot back you know back when you was a nipper working here it wasn't
02:46wouldn't have been that often then would it? I don't think so um it was a lot less but they would
02:52um they would come and they would stay for a week or so whereas now it's it's um they come
02:59more regularly but it comes up and then in a couple of days it's gone it's got yeah god you
03:04know it helps our pub a lot. Yeah so you've got that flood bus so that enables Andy to jump in
03:11it and go and pick up the punters. Yeah he goes and picks up the punters. And you were saying so it
03:15was flooded last Sunday but Andy got the flood bus revved up and you still managed to do how many
03:21covers? We did 80 covers on the Sunday lunch. Look at that. It was brilliant Andy was back and forth.
03:28Yeah yeah a full day's room. Yeah and uh you've got some lovely quirky features in the pub as a
03:35country pub should have the the brassies the taxidermy you've got a a room for um people
03:40into the games we've got a darts board and yeah pool yeah a couple of pool tables fantastic
03:47and um so there's no sign of you going anywhere this is your home yeah i think yeah this is um
03:53home definitely it's a very special pub we were trying to work out the royal hill there's not
03:58many pubs with a name like that but there's probably a story in there but that's still
04:02to be uncovered isn't it yeah um if anyone knows anything yeah brilliant to let me know um
04:08you don't understand why it's called the royal hill yeah but uh it's definitely unique yeah yeah
04:14and you've got a piano room what are your piano skills like yeah not very good um yeah one day we
04:21you know we should learn have you got any regulars who can play um the tune on the old Joanna yeah
04:26there's a few regulars um we actually have our own band called the royal hillbillies yeah okay uh so
04:33one plays the piano we've got two guitarists yeah what singer and they play on every new
04:38year's eve for us and they are local men awesome um that yeah so they're here on new year's eve
04:44that's fantastic and you have different events on you you have um pool competitions and what are
04:50some of the events you have going on uh pool competition we even have a monthly 5k uh run
04:56yeah we what else do we have um musicians i've seen on your board yeah and quiz quiz nights and
05:03all that uh bingo yeah so there's there's always something doing yeah i did clock your 5k run
05:10poster actually yeah that's very busy actually yeah started off like a park run event and then
05:16yeah just um yeah it works we get very busy actually fantastic and i heard you mentioned
05:22carvery you do a carvery do you carvery um yes so we do two sittings on a sunday 12 30 and two
05:29o'clock um yeah they are very very popular well thank you for letting us come down and um share
05:35the share the pub with our readers and watch us on online and um all the best kelly and if you if
05:42you haven't been to the royal hill guys it's only a short hop from shrewsbury um it's absolutely
05:48using my character as a proper country pub should be sadly disappearing but it's it's alive and well
05:53here at the royal hill so thank you kelly and we wish you all the best in the future excellent
