• last year
Imaginez une créature marine si massive qu'elle ferait paraître une baleine petite—c'est le gigantique ichthyosaure ! Ce reptile marin préhistorique, surnommé "le dinosaure des profondeurs", a vécu il y a plus de 200 millions d'années et pouvait atteindre jusqu'à 25 mètres de long. Des scientifiques ont découvert ses restes fossilisés en haute altitude dans les Alpes, prouvant à quel point notre planète a changé. Il ressemblait à un mélange entre un dauphin et un lézard, mais à une échelle gigantesque. Avec son long museau et son corps puissant, il régnait sur les océans anciens tel un prédateur imparable. Ce géant prouve que l'imagination de la nature n'a aucune limite, surtout en ce qui concerne les créatures du passé ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Imagine, you come across such a colossal creature that it would make the largest marine animals of today appear much smaller in comparison.
00:08Scientists have discovered the fossils of this titanic being on the English coasts, and think it once dominated the seas.
00:16The new species was named Icthyotitan Severnensis, but the researchers fortunately gave it the most accessible nickname of Lillstock Monster.
00:25It is estimated to be between 22 and 26 meters in size, almost rivaling that of a blue orca.
00:31As for the megalodon, it does not support the comparison with its modest 18 meters long.
00:36And what is even more incredible is that the fossil discovered was not even that of an adult individual.
00:43Who can say what their real size was?
00:45The first fragment of this monster was found in 2016 within the Westbury training.
00:51Researchers identified a 1 meter long jaw, belonging to an unknown species.
00:56This isolated piece aroused passionate questions for years, unable to determine the animal it came from.
01:04Then, in 2020, an unexpected event occurred.
01:07A father and his 11-year-old daughter discovered a second part of the fossil on a beach.
01:12This find paved the way for other discoveries.
01:15Until in 2022, the last piece of the jaw puzzle was finally discovered, buried along the coast of the Somerset.
01:24This marine giant belonged to the genus Shastasaurus.
01:28The Lillstock Monster therefore shared a common ancestor with the other members of this family.
01:33Which explains their striking resemblance.
01:35These creatures represented the largest marine reptiles ever identified.
01:40However, the Lillstock Monster seems to surpass the others by its exceptional size.
01:45While most Shastasaurus reached a maximum of 21 meters,
01:49it is possible that an adult individual of this species is measured up to 30 meters, or even more.
01:55Their morphology was perfectly adapted to navigation in the ancient seas.
02:00These sea titans had slender and graceful bodies, as well as an elongated muzzle.
02:05The other marine creatures of their time were much smaller, and looked more like dolphins.
02:12The Shastasaurus had paget-shaped limbs, ideally designed for swimming.
02:17Their skull, with large orbits, indicates that they had an exceptional vision.
02:23No matter the time or place where you tried to hide in the ocean, these creatures could find you.
02:29In addition, their remarkable speed and their ability to dive to great depths made them even more formidable.
02:36With such characteristics, they were among the scariest predators of the time.
02:41Their diet included fish, squid, and, if you have been there, yourself.
02:48They must have captured their prey in a similar way to whales,
02:52by opening their huge jaws to literally suck their victims.
02:56What makes the Lillstock Monster particularly frightening,
02:59is its undeniable superiority in terms of jaws.
03:03Unlike other Shastasaurus with relatively weak jaws,
03:07who were content to hunt smaller fish, like the current orcas,
03:11this titan required an immense amount of food.
03:14This is evidenced by the richness of the food networks in the oceans of the Triassic.
03:18The Lillstock Monster, however, has a unique characteristic,
03:22its ability to open its jaw to nearly 90 degrees upwards.
03:26Powerful muscles surrounding this structure, giving it a formidable strength.
03:32While others focused on capturing some squid,
03:35this monster was probably attacking large fish,
03:39or even other marine reptiles.
03:41Fossils of Shastasaurus have been discovered all over the globe,
03:45from North America to Asia.
03:48This suggests that these creatures have reigned
03:51and sowed terror in the oceans for millions of years.
03:54However, even these giants were not sheltered from carnivores,
03:58which explains the rarity of fossils today.
04:01Thus, although some fragments have been preserved,
04:05this marine family remains largely mysterious.
04:08These creatures lived in the oceans about 200 million years ago,
04:12at the time of the Upper Triassic.
04:14At that time, the Earth had a very different appearance.
04:18All the continents were gathered in a huge pangea.
04:21While some areas of this supercontinent were covered with lush coniferous forests,
04:27others spread in arid deserts or vast prairies.
04:30Although prior to the famous Jurassic period,
04:33we already found the first pterosaurs and amphibians.
04:36These monsters showed extraordinary resilience.
04:39Although the Triassic period was marked by a major environmental instability,
04:44they survived many transformations, until their final outbreak.
04:49The extinction of the Triassic,
04:51one of the five major events in the history of the Earth,
04:54hit the majority of species, including these leviathans, brutally and annihilated.
05:00The exact causes of this event remain unclear,
05:02but it seems that an intense tectonic activity played a major role,
05:06with particularly active marine volcanoes at the time.
05:09These massive eruptions probably disrupted the climate and chemistry of the oceans,
05:14resulting in the extinction of many species.
05:17According to a hypothesis advanced by scientists,
05:20a comet rain from the cloud of Urte could also have contributed to this event.
05:25Such a phenomenon could occur every 200 million years,
05:29even if none of us were there at the time to attest to it.
05:33After this extinction, the Earth took some time to recover,
05:37opening the way to the Jurassic period,
05:39and the appearance of even more terrifying new marine monsters.
05:42One of these creatures left us a gigantic skull.
05:45This fossil, 150 million years old,
05:49also comes from a marine predator of the Jurassic period.
05:52It was nicknamed the Cyrex.
05:54A name perfectly suited,
05:56because this monster could have broken a car in two with a single blow.
06:00This discovery was made by chance.
06:02A fossil enthusiast was walking along the Jurassic coast,
06:06famous for its many fossil finds thanks to the erosion
06:09and agitated weather conditions.
06:11Usually, there are niches of small fossils in a spiral.
06:15But this time he got his hands on a fossil of a marine monster.
06:19Enthusiastic, he immediately contacted experts,
06:22who went there.
06:24They had to go down the cliff carefully to look for the rest of the skull.
06:28This fragment alone measures 2 meters long.
06:32It is in fact a new species of Pliosaurus,
06:35giant predators of prehistoric seas.
06:37These creatures are among the most imposing marine predators ever.
06:42Some reaching up to 12 meters long.
06:45Their huge teeth served to grab and devour their prey,
06:49including other reptiles.
06:50Fortunately, these giants now belong to the past.
06:54But what about the scary creatures that still populate our oceans?
06:59Recently, biologists have identified the longest living animal known to date.
07:04They found it off the coast of the Gascoigne region, in Australia,
07:08a mysterious territory and still little explored.
07:11There, submarines discovered a terrifying siphonophore measuring 50 meters long.
07:17This represents twice the size of many blue seals and three times that of a humpback whale.
07:22This siphonophore, which looks like a long glass or one of these string toys,
07:27is far from harmless.
07:29It is a predator of the deep, and it is not really an individual creature,
07:34but a colony of small clones functioning as a single being,
07:37forming a real collective consciousness.
07:40Together, these clones stretch like an endless rope in the water.
07:44This siphonophore could well be the longest ever observed.
07:47Discovered at a depth of about 600 meters.
07:50Like jellyfish, siphonophores capture their prey by letting floating tentacles float.
07:56When a fish or crustacean comes in contact with these tentacles,
08:00it is paralyzed, then attracted to the main body of the colony.
08:05Expeditions to the submarine canyons of Western Australia have been extremely fruitful.
08:11In addition to this siphonophore,
08:13scientists have identified up to 30 new potential marine species,
08:17such as a new octopus or a new squid,
08:20a long-tailed sea cucumber,
08:22glass sponges and giant hydras,
08:24which look like overturned jellyfish.
08:27None of these specimens had ever been observed in Australia before.
08:31However, most of these discoveries do not rival in terms of fear,
08:35with those recently made in the Gulf of Mexico.
08:37This creature seems straight out of a science fiction movie.
08:42A calmar magnapina, or long-armed calmar measuring 8 meters long.
08:46It was spotted near an offshore oil platform at more than 2,400 meters deep.
08:53These tentacles are incredibly long and flexible,
08:56reaching up to 15 to 20 times the length of its body.
09:00It holds them perpendicular to it, giving it an even stranger look,
09:04almost as if it had elbows.
09:07And yes, it is still a predator of the abysses.
09:10These so-called tentacles probably allow it to capture its prey
09:13before dragging them to the bottom of the sea.
09:15We know very little about this creature that looks extraterrestrial,
09:20because it is extremely difficult to observe and study.
09:23If you find these tentacles impressive,
09:26expect to discover these 20-armed creatures.
09:29A new species, discovered in the ice waters of Antarctica,
09:32evokes the appearance of the facehugger in Alien.
09:35Researchers, who explored these depths to study cryptic marine animals
09:40called Promachochrinus, made this incredible discovery.
09:44These creatures, similar to stars and sea cucumbers,
09:48have a strange appearance and can live up to 2,000 meters below the surface.
09:53This new species has been nicknamed the sea star with strawberry feathers of Antarctica.
09:58However, despite this charming name, its appearance is all but sweet.
10:02It has a body reminiscent of a strawberry, from which emerge 20 thin arms.
10:06Its shades vary from purple to dark red,
10:09and each arm has different lengths and thicknesses.
10:13Who can say how many other creatures as disturbing
10:16are still to be discovered in the depths of the oceans?
