• last year
This video was mirror from Internet Archive and YouTube upload in case it is taken down.
Internet Archive Description: Ok since I hate this Sesame Street Ripoff but I'll archive it anyway since it's part of the VHS Boxset back from a Thrift Store (where I had Sesame Street or anything like that).
VHS/DVD Description: Four puppets plus Shelley the Nanny make a delightful learning experience for any preschooler (or an elementary child) or older math student.
Enjoy the antics of Dicky Duck (A Yellow Duck) as he learns the basics of Addition (which Mathmatazz has the same concept but a little different), or learn along with Slopasaurus Rex (or Sloppy for short), Henny Higginlooper (A Chicken) or Arnold Swararzenbull (A Grey Bull) as Shelly the Nanny teaches Addition skills at the intermidate or advanced learning level.
Introducing it all R.R. Raccoon (A Light Brown Raccon) and Georgette the Frog (A Green Frog), who explain to your child the terminology and symbols that will be used in the video.
Your child will easily climb to the top of the class after viewing The Learning Treehouse Series Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division video series (or just The Learning Treehouse Series: Addition DVD).
It makes learning a fun experience or It makes learning fun.
Original YouTube Video Credit goes to Too Many Tapes for uploading this video.
Also The Learning Treehouse Series is owned by Diamond Entertainment Corporation and The Schiffelly Puppets.


