Telugu superstar Allu Arjun, who is receiving a lot of positive responses for his recently released blockbuster ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’, has urged his fans to exercise caution while using social media and even in real life. Today, the actor, who has been mired in controversies of late, penned a note requesting his fans to maintain the decorum.
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00:00Telugu superstar Alu Arjun, who is receiving a lot of positive responses for his recently
00:06released blockbuster Pushpa 2 The Rule, has urged his fans to exercise caution while using
00:13social media and even in real life.
00:15Today, the actor, who has been mired in controversies of late, penned a note requesting his fans
00:21to maintain the decorum.
00:23He wrote,
00:24I appeal to all my fans to express their feelings responsibly, as always, and not resort to
00:30any kind of abusive language or behavior, both online and offline.
00:35Misrepresentation as my fans with fake IDs and fake profiles, if someone indulges in
00:40abusive posts, strong action will be taken against them.
00:44I request the fans to not engage with such posts.
00:48Alu Arjun was arrested in connection to a fan death at Sandhya Theatre during the premiere
00:53of his latest film, Pushpa 2 The Rule.
00:56The actor is the fourth person to be arrested in the case.