• last year
Kementerian Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenekraf) meluncurkan program pelatihan juru masak di sejumlah daerah untuk mendukung program makan bergizi gratis (MBG).
00:00As an effort to support the free food and nutrition program, the Ministry of Economic and Creative Affairs of Kemenekraft launched a cooking master's training program in a number of regions.
00:16In the implementation of the program, Kemenekraft recruited a number of chefs or professional cooks to help create new menus with local ingredients that are easy to get.
00:30This was conveyed by the Deputy Minister of Culture and Design Creativity, Ministry of Economic and Creative Affairs, Yuka Serirahayu, at a press conference in Jakarta on Friday, December 20.
00:43It is clear that to determine the participants who follow the program, the parties have coordinated with the National Food Agency.
00:53Due to the fact that the cooking master's training will be held in February 2025, we, in coordination with the National Food Agency, convened the Indonesian Catering Association to nominate cooking masters or local catering entrepreneurs to participate in our activities.
01:18The cooking master's training program is included in the priority program of the Ministry of Economic and Creative Affairs, which has previously been implemented in five cities, including Solo, Makassar, and Balikpapan.
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