• last year
During the zombie apocalypse, survivors trapped in a sound stage make an amazing discovery about a potent strain of mari | dG1fdDQ5eVBMdGJhN00
00:12Wait a sec everybody stop what you do freeze the frame. Hi, my name is Charlie
00:18I bet you're wondering what led up to this. Let me break it down for you. Take a zombie apocalypse
00:25Zombies had a little bit of romance. So are you funny? I would scissor you in half. Thank you. No much
00:31Sprinkle in a little bit of holiday. Whoa, that looks like a little bit more than a sprinkle
00:39This guy's mental breakdown, I'm scared Zoe I'm scared
00:43I'm terrified that we're all gonna be eaten alive and your response is offer me drugs and you end up with me doing a $10
00:53Zombie strain you're also left the great holiday movie
