The movie unfolds after Sam Archibald is taken to the Demon Realm. His brother, Wyatt Archibald, is released from a psyc | dG1fWEtkUFoyRkoyZms
Short filmTranscript
00:30In the past year, Yorima Isabel Archibald was found dead in her home.
00:44Her nephew, Samuel Archibald, is still missing.
01:00In the past year, Yorima Isabel Archibald was found dead in her home.
01:08Her nephew, Samuel Archibald, is still missing.
01:13Her nephew, Samuel Archibald, is still missing.
01:19In the past year, Yorima Isabel Archibald was found dead in her home.
01:22In the past year, Yorima Isabel Archibald was found dead in her home.