• 2 months ago
Diamond Select A Nightmare Before Christmas Lock Shock and Barrel Collectors Dolls


00:00Rub-a-dub-dub, it's three ghouls, but no tub.
00:03Here's your Christmas pot and a diamond slack the night before Christmas.
00:06Lock, shock, and barrel.
00:30Lock, shock, and barrel are the world's greatest trick-or-treaters,
00:33as fond of the trick as they are of the treat.
00:35Although not wholly trusted by the residents of Halloween Town,
00:38they are still nonetheless employed by Jack Skellington to deliver Santa Claus,
00:42which they managed to accomplish on the second try.
00:45The Easter Bunny was not amused.
00:46Told to make Santa comfortable while Jack handled Christmas,
00:49the trio instead brought Santa to Oogie Boogie,
00:51a Halloween hardliner who takes scariness to extremes.
00:55Well, it finally happened.
00:56Saint Nick's been sidelined, and you can thank these three for stealing him.
01:00Before we get down to the details on the terrible trio here,
01:03we're going to take the tape measure, and we'll see how tall they actually stand.
01:07I'm sure already by the condition of the box you saw at the beginning of this review.
01:11The box is pretty old.
01:12The figures inside are also equally old.
01:14This set was released in 2018, so we're coming up to seven years.
01:18A little behind on looking at it, but I'm looking at it now.
01:21The tape measure, though, starting first with Lock,
01:23is giving us figures that's about six inches.
01:26I mean, Lock alone is six inches in height,
01:28and he's about, I would say, 16 centimeters tall.
01:31By no surprise, Shock is the tallest.
01:33She's, after all, wearing a witch's hat.
01:34That, though, gives us a figure that's about eight and a half inches in height,
01:38or about 21 and a half centimeters tall.
01:40Beryl, my favorite of the trio, is the shortest of the three.
01:43He's five inches in height, or about 13 centimeters tall.
01:47I know I did say Santa was sidelined.
01:49I actually just have him off to the side.
01:50So let's slide over Lock.
01:52Let's slide over Shock,
01:54not knocking any of these over in the process, unfortunately.
01:57Let's also bring in over Beryl,
01:59just to free up enough space to also bring in Santa Claus.
02:02Now, these were all released by Diamond Select.
02:04I actually originally had a display base for Santa Claus,
02:07but I don't know where the display base ended up.
02:09So I've just got myself like a little standy stand behind him,
02:12just so you can see just how much bigger he is than Lock, Shock, and Beryl.
02:15I don't even know how they'd even be able to fit him inside that sack.
02:18You know, speaking of fitting,
02:20I don't know how they'd be able to fit the bathtub inside the box along with the figures.
02:23Diamond felt the same way, though, too.
02:26Because while Lock, Shock, and Beryl do come included with their Halloween masks,
02:29no tub can be found at all.
02:31I'm sure I could probably find enough bathtub of the same size
02:34that at least could accommodate these three.
02:36I mean, what are the chances I could find like a bathtub about yay big,
02:39about yay wide? I don't know.
02:41Maybe you could have to check the home sensor.
02:43Some place that sells miniaturized bathtubs.
02:46But like I said, though, they do come included with their Halloween mask.
02:49Here's one bit of a bummer that comes with these figures.
02:51That while the Halloween masks look pretty cool,
02:54there's no real way to attach them onto the figure's face.
02:57They have no strings, for example.
02:59Magnets also would have been one idea.
03:01I was kind of thinking, like, have they only found a way to put a magnet embedded into the plastic?
03:05But unfortunately, though, the first figure that we're looking at
03:07happens to be the figure that has the hardest time to wear the mask,
03:10and that being Shock.
03:12I mean, you could put it on his face, but it's not going to stay in place.
03:15You could probably put a little bit of mack tack, a little sticky tack on the inside of that.
03:18I'm sure that might even just help to keep that in place.
03:21But you would think that that would be one thing that Diamond Select would have thought of right away.
03:24A strap on the back would have been the ideal solution.
03:27Or even, like I said, if they had put a magnet embedded into his forehead,
03:30ooh, that would have been painful,
03:32and then maybe put a magnet right there.
03:34That would have been enough to keep this in place.
03:36I mean, I sort of have cheated with Barrel.
03:38Barrel's probably one of the easiest, and even really Shock, for that matter,
03:41where you can take, like, the mask and put them on their face, and they generally stay.
03:44But Shock, uh, Lock, unfortunately, I kind of had to cheat.
03:47I had to just put, like, his hand up to his face,
03:49just kind of move it in front of his face to kind of keep the mask in place.
03:52But I'm going to have to think of a device, a long-term solution,
03:55if I want to have these things on display in December.
03:58Maybe I might even just put, I don't know, maybe a little elastic cording on the back of it.
04:01Because he definitely, I, depending on really how you'd like to have these displayed,
04:05really, when I think of Lock, Shock, and Barrel,
04:07I'd like to consider them always wearing, really, the Halloween masks.
04:10They just, while the faces look really good, the Halloween masks, I feel, look so much better.
04:15You can see the way they painted the teeth on, like, Lock's mask, for example.
04:18It looks really good.
04:19There's a little bit of staining on the inside,
04:21and I think a lot of that has to really do with the fact that they've molded the mask in white plastic,
04:25and then they just sort of have spray painted over top of it.
04:28It does then result in a little bit of the spray paint on the inside of the mask.
04:31I mean, it's really a place that you're never going to be able to see it anyways.
04:34But yeah, man, does this ever suck. You really can't attach this.
04:37I mean, I was even kind of thinking at one point, maybe if I just forced it against his face,
04:40the friction alone would keep it in place.
04:42But no, it just falls completely off.
04:45As for, though, Lock's face, I think they've done a nice job of painting these figures,
04:48considering, really, that we're coming up to seven years when this was first released.
04:52The hair is sculpted well in the back.
04:54Obviously, you can see that they've sculpted the hair here,
04:57but they've only really painted the red on the top.
04:59I think that's accurate to the way it looks in the movie.
05:01I mean, really, for that, if that was the case, they should have just left this off without texturing it at all.
05:05The face, unfortunately, though, for Lock, it sits really loose.
05:08I mean, while it still has a rotation back and forth,
05:11Of the, certainly, the collector's dolls, and we looked at a couple here on this channel.
05:14We looked at, like, Sally Jack.
05:16We also looked, of course, at Santa Claus, if you want to go back and watch those reviews again.
05:19Certainly, of the head sculpts, these are the loosest of the variety.
05:22You can also see, as well, because they're using a basic body,
05:26that the head for Lock isn't quite the same color for the rest of his body.
05:29His neck is clearly more of a brighter white.
05:31They are wearing, though, real fabric outfits, which is a nice touch.
05:35I mean, they seem just to be attached by Velcro, so you just undo the Velcro,
05:38and if you wanted to, I suppose, you could take them off completely.
05:41I mean, one of the end results of, obviously, using a colored fabric
05:44is that they're going to leave a stain behind on the bodies.
05:47Again, you probably would not end up seeing this.
05:49Had it really just been me opening this up, the jacket,
05:51you probably wouldn't even know that there was a stain to the body.
05:54Again, he does have gripping hands.
05:56There's no additional accessories at all.
05:58I really feel like they probably could have included a few extra little bells and whistles.
06:01A few treats under the tree that some of these figures could have had something to hold.
06:05I mean, I guess I probably could come up with, like, little bags or something
06:08I could put in their hands, just so it looks like they're carrying around something.
06:11I also noticed, though, with Locke, that his feet are very loose.
06:14This foot more is the looser of the two,
06:16and I always feel like he always gets his tail stepped on,
06:19where I go to put the figure down, for example, and he ends up stepping on his tail,
06:22and sometimes that does cause poor Locke to take a tumble.
06:25Anyways, for the articulation, though, for Locke,
06:28head's going to rotate back and forth.
06:30The arms, of course, are going to move forward and back this way as well.
06:32There's no bend in the elbow. There's no swivel in the hands.
06:35They're very limited when it comes to posability.
06:37The sell of, really, the collector's dolls from Diamond Select is the fact that
06:40you're getting larger figures, and you're also getting real fabric outfits.
06:43Legs move forward and back, and that's basically all you're going to be getting.
06:46There is no swivel. I kind of wish that they could have at least had rotations in the ankles.
06:50Rotations in the hands, but, unfortunately, that's not what you're going to be getting here.
06:54So let's just get Locke to stand.
06:56Again, he seems to be the one that stands the hardest.
06:59We'll also move over Beryl, because we'll be getting him more.
07:01We'll get to him more in a second.
07:03Then on to Shock. Shock. Oh, there we go. I knew he was going to fall.
07:07Getting, though, a closer look at Shock.
07:09Now, she does have the witch's hat. The witch's hat is non-removable.
07:12I did say, though, that Locke seemed to be the hardest one to hold his mask.
07:16Actually, I did notice, though, that Shock was the easiest one.
07:20Now, I was talking a little bit about friction.
07:22If you put the friction, the little bit of force against her face,
07:25she seems to do an okay job.
07:27I did this at the beginning of the review as well.
07:29An okay job of holding the mask.
07:31You sort of have to have it wedged against her nose.
07:34But, I mean, again, this could have so easily been solved
07:38had they just put a little elastic strap behind it.
07:41But, again, you kind of just put a little bit of pressure on this.
07:43There's really nothing. I mean, I guess you could also have the mask a little bit.
07:46Beryl is really the easiest just to cheat with,
07:48because you basically just rest it against his fabric atop.
07:52But, like Shock, I was doing this so easier before.
07:55Why am I having now a struggle?
07:56Of course, I know, because the camera's rolling.
07:58But, yeah, you just put a little bit of pressure on this,
08:00and that seemed to do the fix of keeping the mask in place.
08:03Obviously, now it's not going to be doing that job at all.
08:05I could probably, again, put a little bit of Sticky Tack in there.
08:08I really didn't want to put Sticky Tack,
08:10just because some Sticky Tack that you use ends up staining the plastic,
08:13and I really don't want that happening.
08:15I mean, I think Shock probably looks the nicest, I think, without the mask.
08:18So, even if you choose not to have the mask on her,
08:21it's just a shame that this doesn't stay properly in place.
08:23Ah, does it? Does it?
08:26No, no, it doesn't. We'll just put it off to the side.
08:28I like the way that they've actually rooted her hair,
08:30these little spraggly bits of spaghetti sticking out the bottom of her head here.
08:35Of course, the face is really nice there, too.
08:37I got a little bit of smudging there on the side.
08:39It's very easy to actually clean this off.
08:41I know it was actually, when I was taking the figures out of the box the first time,
08:44there was just kind of all these little,
08:46I don't know if it was like a little flecks of paint or something on it,
08:48but I always kept finding myself going in there and wiping away the face.
08:52I guess I probably just left a little bit left behind on the nose here.
08:55Just clean that off.
08:56Her head is really top-heavy,
08:58and it also results in the figure's head being really loose as well.
09:01It's nicely painted, though, so it's certainly what it is.
09:03The bottom of her dress also matches,
09:05I wouldn't say really close to the way her hat is,
09:08but I think also in the movie, too, her hat.
09:10Is it the same color? Maybe it is.
09:12They've also got a little bit of trim there into the top.
09:14There's some trim down below here also in her sleeves.
09:17Again, there's very little in the way of posability,
09:19but if you did, again, want to detach these,
09:21they're just Velcro on the back of the body.
09:23Again, if you want to detach it.
09:24One thing, though, about Shock is that you can notice right away
09:27that the plastic underneath her body isn't white like Lock is,
09:30so actually her body, you don't have to worry about staining at all.
09:33You can also kind of see, too, like with this opened up like this,
09:36really just what little articulation these figures really have.
09:40So when it comes to, again, like Shock,
09:42Shock's pretty much exactly the same as Lock.
09:44Head's going to rotate all the way around, super loose, unfortunately, here.
09:47The arms rotate also forward and back,
09:49and you can move the legs back and forth, too.
09:51Head said, really, that Lock was a hard figure to get to stand.
09:55I also noticed, too, with Shock,
09:56Shock is a difficult one to stand, too,
09:58and I think a lot of it really also has to do with the fact
10:00that Lock just has a really big, heavy head.
10:03Then on to Barrel.
10:04Now, Barrel, again, has the cool-looking mask.
10:07I love this mask, and at one point, not last Halloween,
10:10but the Halloween before, I decorated my Jack-o'-lantern
10:13to look like Barrel's mask.
10:16You can see the interior of it doesn't have, again,
10:18any of the bleed that Lock's mask did have.
10:21Actually, you know what?
10:22I didn't even look at the inside of Barrel's, or Shock's.
10:25I keep getting, like, the characters confused.
10:27Yeah, there's a little bit of green.
10:28There's just a little bit of green on the inside of Shock's mask.
10:31It's not bad, though.
10:32As you can see, though, with Barrel, it's completely clean,
10:34but a really nice job that they've done
10:36to paint the teeth on the front,
10:37little slits there on the front for the nose, as well.
10:40Now, one thing you can do, though, with Barrel's
10:42is normally he doesn't really hold the mask all that well.
10:45He doesn't fit the mask,
10:46but because his collar piece for his outfit
10:48sticks pretty high up like this,
10:50again, you can kind of cheat a lot of times
10:52and just tuck the mask in top of that,
10:54into the actual collar,
10:56and that seems to do a good enough job
10:58of keeping the mask in place.
10:59It even survives.
11:00Does it survive the blizzard test?
11:01It does survive the blizzard test.
11:03Again, I would really like to have all three characters
11:05display really with their masks,
11:07but, again, the Barrel is the easiest one to do that.
11:10Let's go ahead and just put the mask off to the side.
11:12The thing I always really liked about Barrel, too,
11:14is that his design of his face
11:16looked very much like a sandworm from Beetlejuice.
11:18The fact that, obviously, both of them
11:20are designed by Tim Burton himself,
11:22you probably would understand then
11:23that the two character designs,
11:25the sandworm and Barrel,
11:26would have very similar traits.
11:28Big smile on the front of his face.
11:30I like the way that, actually,
11:31the teeth jet out like this,
11:32so they're not completely flat.
11:34In fact, if you run your finger across it,
11:36you can feel each of the individual teeth
11:38sculpted from the one next to it.
11:40Big googly eyes on this guy.
11:42Again, it's very much similar to the mask that they wear.
11:44The cool thing about Lock, Shock, and Barrel
11:47is the fact that, really,
11:48their faces underneath look very much like their masks.
11:50So, like, the illusion of, like,
11:52hey, are these kids dressed like monsters?
11:54And then you realize, yes, they are underneath.
11:57Now, this one also does have some really cool sculpting
12:00that they've also added.
12:01While the other two have very simple-looking suits of fabric,
12:04Barrel actually gets afforded with some additional bones
12:06there on his body.
12:08Now, I had thought,
12:09I'm just reaching off to the side here,
12:10got my black light here.
12:12I thought maybe that these had glowed,
12:14and I tried this a couple of times off-camera,
12:16and it doesn't seem like these glow.
12:17This, I think, would have been a perfect time
12:19to have some glow-in-the-dark features, though, for Barrel,
12:21but, unfortunately, that's not the case at all.
12:23Underneath his outfit,
12:24and we'll just peel back the Velcro,
12:26is a white body similar, though, to Lock's.
12:28Although he doesn't seem to have at all
12:30any of the staining that was problematic for Lock,
12:33his body actually still remains pretty clean and white.
12:35His arms, though, as you can see,
12:37are a completely different color
12:38just because, simply,
12:39obviously, you'd be able to see
12:40his hands and his sleeves underneath.
12:42Let's just do that up.
12:44Again, standard articulation on these characters,
12:46so you're only just going to get a head swivel,
12:48forward and back on the arms,
12:49and forward and back on the legs.
12:51But, by far, by far, though,
12:53my favorite of the set is Barrel.
12:55Now, again, if you have been collecting the Collector's Dolls,
12:58which, again, I have myself Santa here,
12:59Santa, one of the reasons why it was Santa
13:01is that he's just got a very large bottom.
13:04Look at the big booty on Santa Claus here.
13:07He's also got a wire, too,
13:08so with these legs and his arms, actually,
13:11you could bend his legs,
13:12but because the size of his body,
13:15they end up putting little peg holes.
13:17You can see right there and right there on his boots.
13:19So, like, Santa initially would have had a display stand,
13:21and he would have just been able to stand upright like this.
13:24I don't know where that display stand is.
13:25I must have lost it years ago.
13:27So I end up just usually putting Santa Claus on display
13:30with a little stand behind him,
13:32just enough to keep him up.
13:33But, again, at least it gives you an idea
13:35how much bigger Santa is
13:36compared along with Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
13:38The only thing that's a bit of a letdown, obviously, for this set,
13:41the biggest one really being the fact
13:43that the masks don't attach properly to the face.
13:44Yes, you could cheat it really with Barrel,
13:46but you can't cheat it with Lock or Shock.
13:48Shock, at the beginning of this review,
13:49I was actually able to get this on her face,
13:51but since then, obviously, now that the camera's rolling
13:53and all the pressures of people watching this video are on me,
13:56I couldn't get the mask to stay on her face.
13:58Again, long-term plan,
14:00to put an elastic band, a little elastic strap on the back of it,
14:03obviously have to glue it on both sides.
14:05I mean, a short-term fix would easily be
14:07just to add a little bit of MacTac
14:09so it would actually adhere to the figure's face.
14:11But, again, I don't know if I really want to do that
14:13for the risk that it may end up staining the plastic,
14:15may cause damage to the plastic.
14:17Maybe I might just end up doing with the elastic route instead.
14:19Because while the characters look really good,
14:22I mean, unmasked,
14:23I think, for me, I'd like to really have the characters displayed,
14:26especially if you like Lock.
14:27Lock is the one of the three
14:28I'd really like to have more with a displayed mask on his face.
14:31And I can't quite pull that off
14:32because they never gave a proper means
14:34to attach them onto the face
14:35when you get these figures out of the box.
14:36Over the years, I've managed to collect
14:38some of the Nightmare Before Christmas collector's dolls
14:40that Diamond did put out.
14:41Although, I don't think Diamond did the entire cast of characters.
14:44The ones, at least that I have,
14:45are Jack Skellington,
14:46a Santa Jack,
14:47a Sally,
14:48a Santa Sally,
14:49and now Lock, Shock, and Barrel,
14:50and Santa Claus himself.
14:52But I think that they focused more of their efforts
14:54into releasing the figures
14:55because I haven't seen really much talk at all
14:58about any more collector's doll releases.
15:00I don't know if that's really what licensing Diamond has anymore
15:02when it comes to Nightmare Before Christmas
15:04because I know certainly there are other companies
15:05that are also doing the Nightmare product.
15:07The benefit of these figures,
15:08maybe while not having the same levels of posability
15:10that their action figure line did have,
15:12one thing that they do have going for them
15:14is their size
15:15and that they're using real fabric outfits.
15:17Unfortunately, though, for Lock, Shock, and Barrel,
15:19while all of those are great things for these figures,
15:21the one thing that they don't have
15:23is the one thing I wish they could have,
15:24the means to properly wear their masks.
15:26Again, you could go the route of using a sticky tack.
15:29My only concern, though, is with using some sticky tacks.
15:31You really have to be very specific
15:33as to which ones you're using
15:35because I've noticed that using some wrong sticky tack
15:37ends up leaving behind a grease stain.
15:39I don't want that happening to the plastic.
15:41Elastic bands probably would have been the easier route.
15:44I might just end up doing that.
15:45I'm sure I could probably go to a crafter's store
15:47and get myself just a roll of elasticized string.
15:51I could probably just add a few dollops of glue,
15:54maybe on the backs of each of their masks,
15:55just attach enough string to make it tight on their face.
15:58That might just be the easiest fix that I can find
16:01to have them probably wear the masks.
16:03I feel like Lock, Shock, and Barrel
16:05should really wear the masks.
16:06It's just a matter of preference more than anything else.
16:08I like them really with the masks on,
16:10even though Barrel being my favorite,
16:12he looks just as cool with his mask off.
16:14Have you guys been collecting any of the Collector's Dolls?
16:17I know a lot of these were released
16:19almost even 10 years ago.
16:21I said 2018 was the release of this set,
16:24but we're talking five to 10 years ago
16:26that these came out.
16:27Have you collected any of them?
16:28Let me know down below in the comments section.
16:30If, though, in the meantime,
16:31you guys did enjoy this video,
16:32do it a solid.
16:33Throw it a like.
16:34You guys want to stick around for more so?
16:35Hope so.
16:37Obviously, we are wrapping up things right now
16:39for Nightmare Before Christmas,
16:40but there will be more Christmas spots coming your way
16:42for the rest at least of the last...
16:44Well, we got a couple of weeks left to go
16:45before it's Christmastime.
16:46I'm going to maybe even go right to Christmas.
16:49Depending on how many things that I really want to look at,
16:51it may even stretch past the point of the festive season.
16:54I don't even know.
16:55Either way, though,
16:56I hope that you guys are going to be coming back to this channel,
16:58and as always, thanks for watching.
17:00See you guys next time.
