Mauricio Umansky gets around like a record ... because he's got another woman by his side in Aspen -- and it's someone new!!!
00:00Welcome back to TMZ live. I just ask you something before we start. Yeah, you know, um, who do you think has more game than the
00:08Then the Chiefs the Kansas City Chiefs
00:11Maurizio, yep. That's what I'm thinking. That's what I'm thinking. It's certainly looking that way
00:18because we told you the family the
00:22Maurizio and Kyle and their kids always go to Aspen over the holidays and obviously they are
00:28Separated and Maurizio has been living for a year by the way
00:30Yes, and has been living the single life as has she as she indeed, but they are all going to be together
00:36We told you this the other day beginning today. Yeah
00:39but the
00:41Added wrinkle here. We showed you the other day that Maurizio was with a woman that we were told he's dating
00:48But we got some new photos by the way, they were holding hands
00:52They were dating dating of him, yeah, they're definitely on a date
00:57That's a that's them coming out of a sushi restaurant in Aspen
01:01but you know Aspen is not that small of a town and
01:06Lots of fish in the sea. I was just gonna say that
01:09Photos of Maurizio with
01:12someone else that he's been
01:15Obviously enjoying her company God and this is brutal Maurizio took them both to the same spot
01:21He both took him to Keno Sabe and it's like Maurizio go somewhere else and a Aspen is Kyle's. She's been there longer
01:29Neither it's not as Kyle's. It is Kyle's. She introduced Maurizio to Aspen. She built their home there
01:37If two people live in Los Angeles and get married and one person lived here first
01:41Does the other person have to leave if they get divorced? It's different. This is a common ground Aspen's not a common ground
01:47It's just not it's well brutal
01:50There's so many other places to go and Kyle's on her way there to Aspen right now to spend the week
01:55Courtney, there's there's
01:58Separated they're separated. They're still gonna see your
02:01Separated husband with all these women. It's just bad
02:05Everyone involved knows what the deal is, right?
02:08You can know what the deal is, but it still hurts and he's just rotating through all these women
02:13So you're not rotating the women he's dating
02:17Charles you cannot date this many women. Why obviously you can't why no
02:22He can't you can't date two women in the same way. I can't do it. Hold on
02:28You're so upset about this, but the person who it really matters to Kyle is Kyle. We got Kyle Richards out yesterday and
02:36This is what she had to say about
02:39Spending the holidays with Maurizio. We know Maurizio is gonna be an Aspen. Are you gonna guys?
02:43Are you guys gonna meet him over there? Will you guys be spending the
02:47Will you guys be spending the holidays together?
02:50I'm gonna be with my family
02:53My daughters, that's my home. I know. I mean, what are you doing for the holidays any skiing or anything over there?
03:00Of course I'm gonna ski
03:03Okay, so do those plans include Maurizio? I mean, I'm gonna be skiing with my girls. He's welcome to join
03:11I told you she's not happy. She's not happy. Welcome to join
03:15Okay, I don't know what that Courtney and Courtney. Maybe she's uncomfortable about it
03:19But they're separated and they both have a right to date. They both agreed on that. So what's the problem?
03:26They can both be uncomfortable with it, but you get used to it. It's take it elsewhere
03:30Do not take it to Aspen take it somewhere else. So hi from Atlanta
03:34I think that Kyle is just putting on the brave face. Obviously, they've been together for almost 30 years
03:41So she just wants to make people know that he's welcome to join her and her family
03:47But I don't think she's happy about it. I don't think so either. But again, it's part of the drill