• last year
El régimen cubano ha anunciado un paso trascendental en su política económica: la eliminación progresiva de los subsidios a la canasta básica, una medida que redefine uno de los pilares del modelo de distribución igualitarista de la miseria en la isla.
Encuesta realizada por ADN Cuba en Jaimanitas, La Habana.


00:00What do you think about the possible suspension, elimination of the supply book?
00:06When I see it, I believe it.
00:08I was born in 1963.
00:10I'm still waiting for the book to come out.
00:12You don't believe it?
00:13Not even the frog when it was growing its hair.
00:15It's not a supply book.
00:17Why not?
00:19One day, or maybe one day.
00:25I'm sorry for the poor, for the old.
00:28That's what's going to suffer the consequences.
00:30In the end, they take the book away and continue.
00:33There's never anything.
00:35Not for the book, not for anything.
00:37I don't know.
00:39I don't know anything about that.
00:41I don't have a book.
00:42And since I didn't buy anything from the book, I didn't buy anything.
00:45That doesn't determine me, that book.
00:47If that's a forecourt, then it's a piece of shit.
00:49That's all.
00:51That's all.
00:52And when they take that away, people are going to go crazy.
00:56People are going to go crazy.
01:00And that's how it is.
01:02It's still going on.
01:03Tell me, what about my book?
01:07When they take that away, when they take that away,
01:09I don't know what I'm going to do with it.
01:13I'm laughing.
01:18The supply book.
01:20Well, in a time,
01:22in a time,
01:24if you go far enough,
01:26that's the result.
01:28But not anymore, not anymore.
01:30Now the book has only two pages.
01:32What for?
01:34Even if they take it away, they'll burn it.
01:37Get it down!
01:39I don't know.
01:40At any moment, we're going to stop just like that.
01:43Well, honestly, I'm going to tell you.
01:45I don't know.
01:46I can't tell you anything there.
01:48Because sometimes we don't know what's going on in the warehouse.
01:52I can't tell you anything against the book.
01:56No, and if they take it away, then people...
01:58If they take it away, we'll starve.
02:01I don't agree with that, that they take it away.
02:03That they take it away.
02:05If now, my brother,
02:07if now they eliminate it,
02:09that's what it has, it's just two pages.
02:13Two pages and nothing written.
02:15And how do you think people are going to...
02:18People have to solve it.
02:20They have to solve it.
02:22Yes, but they're going to give it to my cousin too.
02:25That's his problem.
02:28If we give it to him, we're never going to die.
02:31He always solves it.
02:33Well, my brother, I'm going to tell you.
02:35I don't know what to tell you.
02:38Because the truth is that...
02:42Not much arrived at the warehouse.
02:44But, well, the rice and the bullshit they brought,
02:47people solved it and got excited.
02:50But, well, with that thunder,
02:52no one sleeps, my brother.
02:55How do you think people are going to solve it
02:57and they're putting cane in the food?
02:59Well, an offensive against food.
03:03I'm telling you, I don't even know what criteria I'm going to give you.
03:06Because this is bad.
03:09And that one with the notebook,
03:10that little thing, little thing,
03:11tell me when they take it away.
03:13You know who can.
03:16I don't care if they take it away.
03:19If I don't buy a notebook.
03:21And how do you feed yourself, my friend?
03:23With the sweat on my forehead.
03:28What else do you want me to tell you?
03:29This is shit and no one is going to change it.
03:31This is for the community.
