• last year
What has been your personal experience with the NHS recently, and do you think it reflects the challenges it’s facing? What are your hopes or concerns for the future of healthcare in the UK?


00:00I think we're really lucky to have the NHS. I think they do a fabulous job, especially
00:05in busy times. But yeah, I think we're a really lucky country to have the NHS. I ain't got
00:10a bad word to say about them. I think they're all heroes.
00:12Disgusted with it. I'm diabetic and I was on an injection twice a day. They've took
00:21it off at market, so I haven't had it for over 12 months and they haven't given me an
00:27They've understaffed and all that, because there's a long wait for appointments. But
00:33when you do get one, they're pretty thorough.
00:35I think anything that's given free is given by communism. And I say in communism and Bolshevism
00:39at all costs, and anything given free at the point of contact is bound to be no good. There
00:44must be capitalism.
00:45Well, the NHS has been underfunded for years. I mean, health professionals are really at
00:56the end of their tether as to how to manage everything.
