• last year
Welcome Home is a 2020 Indian psychological thriller directed by Pushkar Mahabal that explores themes of trauma, abuse, and survival. The story follows two young schoolteachers, Neha and Anuja, tasked with conducting a government survey. Their journey leads them to an isolated house in a remote village, home to a menacing man named Bhola and his timid, pregnant wife, Aarti. What begins as a routine visit quickly spirals into a nightmare as the women discover the house harbors dark secrets.

Bhola’s controlling and abusive nature becomes apparent, while Aarti's complicity, despite her victimhood, adds a morally complex layer to the narrative. Neha and Anuja find themselves trapped, with no way to escape or call for help. The house transforms into a prison where survival becomes their only goal. As they uncover horrifying truths about the couple and their past victims, the women must rely on their wit, courage, and determination to outsmart their captors.

The film masterfully uses tension, sound design, and unsettling visuals to create an oppressive atmosphere. Stellar performances by Kashmira Irani, Swarda Thigale, Shashi Bhushan, and Tina Bhatia bring depth to the characters. Welcome Home is more than just a thriller; it’s a powerful commentary on abuse and resilience. Its gripping narrative and haunting themes make it a must-watch for fans of psychological horror.

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