• last year
Sir Keir Starmer has rejected the suggestion that the UK would have to choose between a closer trade deal with the EU and a free trade agreement with the US. The Prime Minister told the Liaison Committee "we can pursue both" and that he is ensuring a "good relationship" with incoming president Trump.
Report by Etemadil. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00How are you going to put the two deals together with Europe on the one hand
00:03and the United States on the other? Well I think that we can pursue both.
00:08I don't accept the argument that you've got to either be with the US or be with the EU.
00:15That isn't how it works at the moment with our current trade. We do want a closer relationship
00:20with the EU on security, on defence, on energy and yes on trade. And I've set out how we want
00:28to reset on a number of occasions. At the same time I want to improve our trading relationships
00:32with the US. Is that going to be easy? Of course it's not. Do I think we can make progress? Yes I
00:37do and that's among the reasons that I'm making sure we've got a good relationship with the
00:45incoming president and that the relationship between our two countries remains as strong
00:50in the future as it has been in the past.
