• last year
00:00Adam Schefter, how we doing today, sir?
00:03Christian Andy happy holidays to you with everybody in the Massachusetts area. Well, thank you very much
00:07It's right back at you there, sir
00:09and I'm gonna be nice to you because I see what you do to people who come after you on Twitter as we learned Doug
00:14Gottlieb and you Wisconsin and by the way tough loss for them to Michigan Tech last night
00:19Do you have any any follow-up on that that you want to sort of put out there while we have you?
00:24Well, the loss was today. Oh, hey, excuse me, right? Yes
00:28Not that you noticed, right I
00:31Had some people texted to me
00:32but you know Doug's radio producer reached out to me yesterday to see if I want to go on his radio show last night, which I
00:39Declined to do and then he texted me later in the day and we exchanged some words afterwards
00:45He apologized. I I
00:47Told him that you know, I shouldn't have gotten to that and and we move on
00:52With the lines of communication open that next time that he has any issue
00:57He knows we're farming and if he wants to take exception to something I said, then he can call me anytime
01:03And then I won't volley back at him. Do you enjoy dunking on people on Twitter like that shifter because I do
01:08I mean, I don't get to do it very often
01:10But I'd really it's a good feeling when you know that you landed a solid blow like that, right? Oh
01:15No, I I really don't I in fact I am
01:21Think by my own mission one of the more restrained people on Twitter. I don't ever engage
01:25I don't say I don't ever because I did it the other night, but I rarely
01:29Really engage rarely. I just it's not something that I like to do enjoy to do prefer to do
01:36But every now and then it happens, you know
01:39If it's justified or warranted and I try I truly try to almost never do it
01:45but it's there if needed and it was there that night and
01:49I felt like it was the appropriate action as did a number of people who texted me since then
