Movie Description -
"Atharva" is a 2023 Telugu-language suspense thriller directed by Mahesh Reddy. The film stars Karthik Raju as Dev Atharva Karna, an aspiring police officer who, despite battling asthma, becomes involved in a complex murder investigation. Ayraa and Simran Chowdary play significant roles alongside Raju.
The narrative centers on Dev Atharva Karna's journey as he attempts to unravel a murder mystery, highlighting the challenges and intricacies of police work.
Upon its release on December 1, 2023, "Atharva" received mixed reviews. Critics noted that while the first half of the film offered gripping moments, the second half was less compelling, with an overemphasis on heroism and less effective musical numbers. rated the film 2.5 out of 5, describing it as a "half-baked suspense thriller."
For viewers interested in crime thrillers that delve into the complexities of police investigations, "Atharva" presents a narrative focused on the determination and challenges faced by an aspiring officer.
#MustWatch #EdgeOfTheSeatThriller #SuspenseLovers #MovieReview #MovieBuffs #KarthikRaju #Ayraa #SimranChowdary #MaheshReddy #TollywoodActorsv
"Atharva" is a 2023 Telugu-language suspense thriller directed by Mahesh Reddy. The film stars Karthik Raju as Dev Atharva Karna, an aspiring police officer who, despite battling asthma, becomes involved in a complex murder investigation. Ayraa and Simran Chowdary play significant roles alongside Raju.
The narrative centers on Dev Atharva Karna's journey as he attempts to unravel a murder mystery, highlighting the challenges and intricacies of police work.
Upon its release on December 1, 2023, "Atharva" received mixed reviews. Critics noted that while the first half of the film offered gripping moments, the second half was less compelling, with an overemphasis on heroism and less effective musical numbers. rated the film 2.5 out of 5, describing it as a "half-baked suspense thriller."
For viewers interested in crime thrillers that delve into the complexities of police investigations, "Atharva" presents a narrative focused on the determination and challenges faced by an aspiring officer.
#MustWatch #EdgeOfTheSeatThriller #SuspenseLovers #MovieReview #MovieBuffs #KarthikRaju #Ayraa #SimranChowdary #MaheshReddy #TollywoodActorsv
Short film