• last year
Le mystère d'un prince kidnappé à Baden, en Allemagne, a finalement été résolu après deux siècles de spéculation et d'intrigue. En 1812, le jeune Prince Kaspar Hauser, âgé d'environ 16 ans, est apparu mystérieusement à Nuremberg sans connaissance de son passé, suscitant des rumeurs selon lesquelles il était un royal disparu. Certains croyaient qu'il était l'héritier légitime du Grand-Duché de Bade, volé bébé pour assurer le règne d'une autre famille. Des scientifiques modernes ont récemment réexaminé l'affaire à l'aide d'une analyse ADN avancée. Ils ont comparé le matériel génétique de Kaspar à celui des descendants connus de la famille de Bade et ont conclu qu'il n'y avait pas de correspondance, prouvant qu'il n'était pas le prince perdu. Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00It is true that any mysterious story loses its appeal as soon as science reveals its secrets.
00:06The royal intrigues of the past become clearer thanks to modern technologies,
00:11and even fairy tales find scientific explanations.
00:14Let's discover together how this manifests itself.
00:17In the southwest of Germany is the country of Bad.
00:21And until the 20th century, it benefited from the status of sovereign state.
00:25Rather than exploring its history as a whole, let's focus on a remarkable episode from the 19th century.
00:32At that time, Bad was ruled by the Grand Duke Charles II and the Grand Duchess Stéphanie.
00:37On September 29, 1812, the latter gave birth to a son, promised to inherit the throne.
00:43Alas, he died after only 18 days.
00:46This tragedy gave birth to a multitude of speculations around the young missing heir.
00:51It was then rumored that a distant relative, the Countess Louise Caroline von Hochberg,
00:56would have replaced the heir by another child, relegating the real prince to a secret place.
01:02But for what reason would she have orchestrated such a scheme?
01:06Stephanie was no longer able to conceive,
01:09this manipulation could have allowed one of Louise Caroline's sons to claim the throne.
01:14A plot worthy of a romantic story.
01:16Because indeed, at that time, the position of little prince was in real danger.
01:21The heir to the Duke Charles, dead or concealed, had been lost in oblivion for nearly 16 years.
01:26Then, to the general surprise, a mysterious young man, about 16 years old,
01:31suddenly appeared in the streets of what is now Nuremberg, arousing curiosity.
01:36He wandered around the village square, without paper, money or food.
01:41Exhausted, dressed in high heels and visibly hungry,
01:44he hardly spoke, lacking strength, and barely managed to write his name, Kaspar Hauser.
01:50In his hand, he held an anonymous letter.
01:53According to the content of the letter and his words,
01:56he had spent all his life locked up in a dark and cramped cellar, never leaving it.
02:02During this period, an unknown benefactor had taken care of him by feeding him and taking care of him.
02:08He had never seen this benefactor or known who he was.
02:12And then, suddenly, he had found himself in the middle of the city.
02:16Rumors began to circulate in the city, claiming that he was the legitimate heir to Bad, the one who had been replaced.
02:23Many believed that he had been the prince missing for a long time and were looking for evidence to support this theory.
02:29However, these speculations remained without basis, based solely on rumors.
02:35He would have to wait nearly 200 years before the technology capable of revealing his identity would appear.
02:41In the 1990s, genetic analysis had first concluded that Kaspar Hauser was not from Bad's house.
02:48However, these results had subsequently been contested.
02:51A long series of investigations had then been launched to analyze the DNA of this enigmatic man.
02:56It was only recently that this troubling question could finally find an answer.
03:01Thanks to a technology used to study fragments of Neanderthal DNA, a more precise method could finally be used.
03:09These results demonstrated that Kaspar Hauser's DNA did not correspond to the genetic codes of Bad's members.
03:17Scientists believe that new advances in the analysis of genetic material will allow them to unravel other historical mysteries.
03:24But then, who was Kaspar Hauser really?
03:28Researchers have no certainty, and they do not even know where to start to trace his rise.
03:34Now, it is time to move on to a strange and disturbing story.
03:39Listen carefully to these words.
03:41We are native to the land of Saint Martin, venerated with a particular fervor in the country that saw us born.
03:48The sun never shines on our people, our land enjoys very few of its rays.
03:53We are content with this twilight, similar to the one that, in your country, precedes the dawn or succeeds the setting sun.
04:01In addition, a radiant country appears, not far from ours, separated by a considerable river.
04:07It looks like a letter drawn from a mysterious fairy tale, doesn't it?
04:12Do you know who gave it to you?
04:14A young brother and a young sister suddenly appeared in a small English village in the 12th century.
04:19The strangest thing in this story is that their skin was... green.
04:24Some think it is a true story, while others say it is just a simple fable.
04:30Anyway, this is a particularly disturbing story.
04:35That of the Green Children, by Wolpeat.
04:38This event dates back to the reign of King Etienne, in the middle of the 12th century, on the territory of the former village of Wolpeat.
04:45In Old English, the name was Wolpeat, meaning a pit to catch wolves.
04:50In 1150, not far from this pit, a group of villagers made the discovery of two children, a boy and a girl, whose skin was green.
04:59Intrigued, they could not explain their origin or their identity, especially since they spoke a strange and unknown language.
05:06They seemed fearful.
05:08The villagers then took them to Sir Richard of Calne.
05:11The nice man offered them something to eat, but despite their apparent hunger, they refused to touch it.
05:17They murmured incomprehensible words and spoke very little with Sir Richard.
05:22This situation lasted several days, until they saw green beans in the garden.
05:27They then began to devour them eagerly, even the ground.
05:30Can you conceive a more terrifying image?
05:33Seriously, it looks like a scene straight out of a horror movie.
05:37A boy and a girl with green skin discovered in a wolf pit, swallowing beans covered with dirt in full hand.
05:43According to the codes of the genre, even more frightening events should occur later.
05:48The cattle would fall ill, the crops would rot, a mysterious voice would start to murmur in the corridors,
05:54mold would grow on the ceiling and a viscous liquid would infiltrate through the walls.
05:59And if these children invoked the demon and dragged Sir Richard into the other world?
06:03Fortunately, none of this happened.
06:06Sir Richard treated the children kindly, and in the space of a few years, he taught them to consume ordinary food.
06:13According to the writings of the time, this would have had an effect on the color of their skin.
06:17Their green skin disappeared, and they regained their health.
06:21In addition, Sir Richard taught them English.
06:24When he questioned them about their arrival in the village, they explained to him that they did not know how they had arrived there.
06:30They told him this,
06:54You have already heard the rest of their story at the beginning of this story.
06:57What they shared was enough disturbing for Sir Richard to decide to take them to the nearest church.
07:02But no one ever managed to discover the origin of these children.
07:06The girl spent many years at Sir Richard's service before getting married.
07:10His brother, alas, died young.
07:13As for him, nearly a thousand years have passed since these strange events,
07:17but it would seem that science has finally elucidated the mystery of the Green Children of Wolpitt.
07:23At that time, King Etienne persecuted Flemish immigrants in England.
07:28Some would have sought refuge near the village of Wolpitt, where they would have raised their children.
07:33Food shortages could explain their greenish skin.
07:37And, when they resumed a normal diet, their skin returned to its usual color.
07:43Besides, some foods can have a significant impact on physical appearance.
07:48For example, excessive consumption of carrots can give the skin a yellowish hue.
07:53If the brother and sister consumed green beans on a daily basis,
07:57this could have led to the production of a green pigment in their body.
08:00The mystery seems more or less elucidated.
08:03But what about their unknown language?
08:05It is very likely that they spoke the language of their parents, that is, their native Flemish.
08:10This explains why the villagers could never understand them.
08:14As for the strange story about the place where they used to live,
08:18it can be interpreted as the product of a fertile imagination.
08:21But, in all honesty, it would be fascinating that this story is really something magical, isn't it?
