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Captain America Brave New World Movie Trailer HD - Special Look (2025) - US Release Date: February 14, 2025
Starring: Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Tim Blake Nelson
Director : Julius Onah
Synopsis: The further adventures of Captain America.
00:00You know I've been no fan of heroes, but even I can't deny the good that you've done.
00:08Work with me, Sam. Country needs Captain America.
00:15The world is on the brink of war.
00:19It's my job to fix it.
00:26What if it's a trap?
00:28Stand by for proof of that.
00:31Somebody who's pulling the strings on everything.
00:36Captain America. You don't even know what this is.
00:43You want me? Come and get me!
00:54Tell me I don't make your old gear look brand new.
00:56Who's saying that?
