• last year
00:00Every holiday season the Kent and Medway Resilience Forum liaise with the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel
00:06to assess what flows they're expecting of traffic, so if it's going to be busy or not.
00:12So as we've seen through the summer and back in Easter, when we do know it's going to be a very
00:17busy period, we have to put Brock out to control the freight flow. So the data that we've had back
00:24from the Port of Dover specifically for the weekend before Christmas shows that they are
00:31expecting some very busy days, specifically the Thursday, Friday, Saturday. So with that in mind
00:38the decision was taken by the Kent and Medway Resilience Forum to implement Brock. So Brock
00:45will be put out by National Highways the coming Sunday night, so that the motorway will then be
00:52open again for Monday and the intention is then to remove it after that busy weekend, so probably
00:59the weekend of the 22nd it'll be removed. It's in effect all that we have as the Kent and Medway
01:05Resilience Forum to be able to control the flow and manage the flow of freight if it's going to
01:10be busy, specifically down at Dover. So what we've seen, for example we saw it when we had Storm
01:17Durham last weekend, that if we have unforeseen issues it doesn't take much for Dover to get full
01:26of traffic and that includes freight backing up along the A20 and finding every route. So what we
01:33use is we have Brock as a pressure valve in effect where we can hold those HGVs back from Dover and
01:43from all the communities down in the east of the county
01:46in a safe location and they can then be released as and when there is space.
