Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Escupiré Sobre Sus Tumbas Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
01:10-¡Policía! ¡No se mueva!
01:12¡Levante las manos!
01:19¿Qué es esto?
01:22Tranquila, Vicky.
01:25¿Qué haces aquí?
01:28Me volviste a engañar.
01:30Escúchame, por favor.
01:32¿Qué otra mentira me vas a decir?
01:34A ver.
01:35Ninguna. Hoy te voy a decir toda la verdad.
01:37¿La verdad qué?
01:39Claro, eres el hacker, ¿no?
01:41No, no soy el hacker.
01:43Entonces, ¿para qué carajo me hiciste venir hasta aquí?
01:46¡Yo no tengo nada que hablar contigo!
01:47¡Déjame en paz!
01:48Espera, espera.
01:49¡No me toques!
01:50No soy el hacker,
01:51pero soy una persona que llevas buscando mucho tiempo.
01:55Hoy te voy a decir toda la verdad.
01:57No voy a ocultarte absolutamente nada.
02:00Y a pesar de lo que vas a escuchar,
02:02de todo lo que te he hecho,
02:04quiero que sepas, Vicky,
02:08yo te amo mucho.
02:12Estoy absolutamente enamorado de ti.
02:28¿Usted me podría explicar, Capitán,
02:29qué tiene que ver Sonny O'Connor
02:31con la situación actual del puerto?
02:34Es solo una pregunta al margen.
02:36Como usted sabrá, este caso se reabrió.
02:41A mí me tiene sin cuidado que este caso se haya reabierto.
02:46¿Usted por un solo momento, Capitán,
02:47se ha puesto a pensar cuánto nos vale cada minuto
02:51en que el puerto permanece en este estado?
02:54El equipo de delitos informáticos está trabajando en eso.
02:57Pronto tenemos respuestas.
02:59Pero es que no es tan sencillo como usted cree.
03:01Todo tiene su tiempo y su proceso, señor Obregón.
03:06¿Y usted no puede aplicar esa filosofía de vida para todos?
03:11El caso de Sonny estaba cerrado.
03:14Ese muchacho se suicidó, vaya uno a saber por qué.
03:18¿No cree que su trabajo es investigar eso?
03:22Sí, justamente.
03:24Eso es lo que vamos a hacer.
03:26Vamos a averiguar qué pasó.
03:28Mientras tanto, que todas esas toneladas de alimentos
03:31y toneladas de medicamentos que están allá afuera
03:34se pudran.
03:38Disculpe, mi Capitán, que el resto del mundo se joda.
03:47Señor Raimundo, qué pena molestarlos.
03:49Quiero interrumpirlo.
03:54Si me lo permite, Capitán.
04:01Mi Capitán.
04:03El hackeo está más complicado de lo que esperábamos.
04:05Vamos a necesitar ayuda de afuera de algún agente internacional.
04:07Encárguese usted, Ramírez.
04:09Necesito que haga algo.
04:10Mientras estamos apoyando este caso aquí en el puerto,
04:12averigüe todo lo que se pueda sobre los últimos días
04:15con vida de Sonny O'Connor.
04:16Como ordene, mi Capitán.
04:17Aquí hay alguien que sabe cosas que nosotros desconocemos,
04:19estoy seguro.
04:21Puede que las versiones hayan cambiado,
04:22ha pasado mucho tiempo.
04:24Es posible, sí, señor.
04:27¿Dónde está la Teniente Igorán?
04:29Estábamos juntos hace un rato,
04:30pero recibió un mensaje y se fue.
04:32¿Mensaje de quién?
04:34La Igorán que tiene que ver con el hacker.
04:37¿Y la dejó ir sola?
04:39Yo me fui a seguir con ella,
04:40pero me ordenó que me quedara aquí, señor.
04:41Y usted sabe que órdenes son órdenes.
04:54Hoy te voy a decir toda la verdad.
04:56No voy a ocultarte absolutamente nada.
04:59Y a pesar de lo que vas a escuchar,
05:00de todo lo que te he hecho,
05:03quiero que sepas, Vicky, que...
05:07yo te amo mucho.
05:11Estoy absolutamente enamorado de ti.
05:20Nada de lo que sale de tu boca es verdad.
05:22Todo es mentira.
05:24Tú eres una mentira.
05:26Eres un manipulador.
05:29Ella, yo no te creo nada.
05:33¿De verdad pensaste que diciéndome que me amas,
05:35todo iba a empezar de cero y yo iba a estar bien?
05:37Como si nada.
05:40No te conozco.
05:42No tengo ni idea de quién eres.
05:44Tú sí sabes quién soy.
05:47Llevas tiempo con la sospecha
05:49de quién soy de verdad.
05:54¿Tú te estás burlando de mí?
05:59Soy Brian O'Connor.
06:01El hermano de Sonny O'Connor.
06:04¿Qué quieres?
06:05Es patético.
06:06Lo que estás haciendo es patético.
06:08Me estás diciendo todo esto para que yo te escuche.
06:10Escúchame, escúchame.
06:11No me toques.
06:12Mi madre era negra, mi padre era blanco.
06:13Mi hermano se reunió y yo salí así, tal como me ves.
06:18¿No me crees?
06:19No, no te creo.
06:20Y nací y crecí en las mismas calles que tú,
06:22hasta en el mismo barrio.
06:25Y cuando nací, mi hermano y yo jugué.
06:28Te lo protegí y le fallé.
06:31Le fallé a la persona más importante de mi vida.
06:39Mira estas fotos.
06:42Mi hermano era la persona más buena que hay en este mundo.
06:47Y terminó muerto por juntarse con esa gente.
06:57Mi hermano no se suicidó.
07:00A mi hermano lo mataron.
07:07¿Por qué inventar tantas mentiras?
07:09¿Por qué llegar tan lejos?
07:10¿Por qué no dejar que la justicia haga lo que le toca?
07:13Porque aquí no existe la justicia.
07:15Y si nadie iba a aclarar la muerte de mi hermano,
07:17lo tenía que hacer yo.
07:20¿De qué yo soy?
07:23¿Me usaste, Vinicio?
07:24¿Me usaste todo este tiempo?
07:26Vicky, entiéndame, por favor.
07:30Me das asco.
07:37¡Déjame en paz!
07:38¿Qué harías tú en mi situación?
07:39Pues hacerlo correcto, Vinicio.
07:40Eso es lo que yo hubiese hecho.
07:42Por favor.
07:47Baja el arma.
08:00¿La Teniente Igueran la ha visto?
08:01¿Sabe a dónde está?
08:02¿No sabe a dónde está?
08:03Tan raro.
08:04Ella es como los conejitos de los magos, ¿sí me entiendes?
08:06Se desaparece y vuelve y aparece.
08:07¿Pasó algo, mi capitán?
08:09¿Todo bien?
08:10Porrea, ¿qué hubo?
08:11Necesito que me rastree la ubicación
08:12de la Teniente Igueran urgente.
08:27¡Vicky, espera!
08:28¡Espera, espera!
08:29¡No te acerques!
08:30¡No te acerques!
08:31¡No te acerques!
08:33Es necesario.
08:34No te acerques.
08:36Me lo merezco todo
08:37por hacerte daño.
08:39¿Por qué a mí?
08:40¿Por qué a mí?
08:41Cruzaste mi camino a la venganza, Vicky.
08:42No es tu culpa.
08:43Lo siento mucho.
08:44Todo fue un juego.
08:45Todo fue un juego.
08:46Eso es cierto.
08:49Yo me enamoré de ti.
08:50Y tú lo sabías.
08:51Tú lo sabías.
08:52¡No te acerques!
08:53¡No te acerques!
08:57Me hace su favor
08:58ya que se ha acabado
08:59con esta vida de mentiras,
09:00de miedo.
09:01Voy a dispararte.
09:02¿A qué le hace su favor?
09:05¡Vicky, para!
09:12¿De verdad me creíste tan estúpida?
09:14Perdóname, Vicky.
09:17¿Te perdoné?
09:18¿Te perdoné?
09:20¡Te creí todo!
09:21¡Te creí todo!
09:22Tranquila, tranquila.
09:25¡Te creí todo!
09:26Tranquila, tranquila.
09:27Me hiciste sentir cosas por ti.
09:30Lo siento.
09:34Por favor, solo te pido una cosa.
09:36Una hora.
09:37Una hora y te digo toda la verdad.
09:39Una hora, por favor.
09:41Una hora y te cuento toda la verdad.
09:43Te lo juro.
09:45Por favor.
09:53Ay, gracias de verdad por esta buena noticia.
09:55Yo sabía que ustedes no me iban a dejar mal.
09:57Gracias, de verdad.
09:59Es cuestión de que todo esto ya pase con todo el tema de hackeo.
10:02Ya voy a tener cabeza para eso.
10:06Te llamo luego, ¿bueno?
10:07Gracias por mantenerme al tanto.
10:11¿Qué tal, señorita? ¿Cómo está?
10:14¿Tenemos noticias nuevas?
10:17¿Rasearon los hackers? ¿Recuperaron los servidores?
10:20¿No sé?
10:21Bueno, en eso se encuentran mis compañeros, pero yo no vine por eso.
10:24¿Y entonces?
10:25Resulta y pasa que el caso de la muerte se unió con Orcia y reabrió.
10:32Ah, ¿no sabía?
10:34¿Por qué?
10:36¿No se encontraron pruebas nuevas?
10:39Obviamente, si se encuentra información nueva, se reabre el caso.
10:44¿Y cómo podría yo ayudarles si ya les he contado todo lo que sé?
10:48Está completamente segura de eso, señora.
10:50La memoria de pronto recuerda algo que se le haya escapado la última vez.
10:54No sé.
11:00¡Déjame en paz!
11:02¡Déjame en paz!
11:06¡Mamá, lo maté!
11:08¿Qué hiciste?
11:10Yo esa noche no salí con ellos.
11:13Mi hermana llegó muy tarde, muy borracha, y como bien se lo dijo ella,
11:17Sonny la llevó esa noche a la casa.
11:20Al día siguiente nosotros nos enteramos que tristemente pues él había fallecido,
11:23y es todo lo que sé.
11:26Realmente no sé cómo les puedo ayudar esta información si es lo mismo que siempre han escuchado.
11:31Ahora, si usted me disculpa,
11:34hay asuntos aquí mucho más importantes que necesitan nuestra atención,
11:37entonces le voy a pedir, por favor, que se retire.
11:42Con permiso.
11:52¿Qué pasa?
11:53¿Qué pasa?
12:03¿Qué pasó?
12:12¡Cállate, no!
12:13¡No, no, no! ¡No la provoques, Sonny! ¡Cállate!
12:15¡No la provoques! ¡Ya no es capaz de hacer nada!
12:17¡No, no! ¡Que no soy capaz! ¡Que no soy capaz! ¡Cállate, no!
12:23Yo no te estoy pidiendo un favor. Recuerda que yo ya te cubrí la espalda,
12:26que yo ya guardé tu secreto,
12:28y que si no fuera por mí estarías en la cárcel.
12:30El caso de la muerte, Sonny, como si era real.
12:38¡Déjame a ti!
12:56¿Señorita Nicole?
13:00¿Señorita Nicole?
13:02¿Señorita Nicole?
13:04¿Está bien? ¿Me escucha?
13:06¿Señorita Nicole? ¿Me escucha?
13:12¿Qué hago en el piso?
13:13No sé. Acabo de entrar y estaba ahí toda desmayada.
13:16¿Está bien?
13:20Con cuidado. Con cuidado.
13:23Con cuidadito. Tranquila.
13:25No fue nada. Fue que no desayuné bien. Tranquila.
13:34Le voy a llamar al personal de enfermería.
13:38No. Están pasando muchas cosas ahorita y no quiero preocuparme nada.
13:41¿Estás segura? Porque quiso estarse desmayando ahí.
13:44Estoy bien, mira. Estoy bien. Tranquila.
13:49¿Una agüita de hierba si me recibe, por lo menos?
13:52Sí. Bueno. Gracias.
14:05¿Qué hubo, Ramírez? ¿Tenemos algo?
14:07No, señor. Nada.
14:09Pero si hay algo que me parece importante que usted sepa acerca de la visita que le hice a Nicole...
14:12No, no, no. Nada de eso importa ahora, Ramírez. Por favor, concéntrese.
14:15Teniente Igueral. Es lo único que importa.
14:17Sí, señor.
14:19Mi capitán, el sistema de cámaras nos arroja como última ubicación
14:22la salida hacia la carretera de la sierra.
14:25A ver.
14:29Salió de la ciudad.
14:31Ramírez, prepáreme unos agentes. Nos vamos.
14:33Dime tú, Vicky.
14:35¿Qué harías si le pasa algo a la persona que más te importa en este mundo?
14:41¿Y qué sabes quiénes son los culpables y qué nadie hace nada?
14:46Sobre cómo me quitaron lo que más me importaba en este mundo.
14:50Así que yo los voy a dejar sin tranquilidad, sin paz, sin nada.
14:59Y por su culpa, también te perdí a ti.
15:02¿Por qué no me dijiste la verdad desde el principio?
15:06No sabía si podía confiar en ti.
15:09Podías estar trabajando para Rimundo,
15:12archivar el caso.
15:15No te conocía.
15:18Luego te fui conociendo.
15:21Vi quién eres y me enamoré de ti.
15:24¿Por qué no me dijiste la verdad?
15:27¿Por qué no me dijiste la verdad?
15:29Vi quién eres y me enamoré de ti.
15:38No te creo.
15:41Por favor, Vicky.
15:47Tuvo que escoger entre el amor o la venganza.
15:52Ya sé que es tarde.
15:55Ya sé que nunca me vas a perdonar.
16:00Al menos estoy cerca de saber quién fue el asesino de mi hermano.
16:05Y hacerla creer.
16:08No sé, tal vez eso...
16:12a que merezca la pena todo, no sé, no sé.
16:17Yo sé que estoy haciendo las cosas mal
16:20y ya las estoy pagando porque...
16:29Lo peor ha sido perderte.
16:32Ese ha sido el peor castigo de todos.
16:39Tu peor castigo
16:42es que a pesar de todos tus intentos para acabar con la familia,
16:47eso no te va a devolver a tu hermano.
16:50Ya se fue.
16:53Ya no está.
16:55Pero ya no puedo parar.
16:57Ya no puedo parar.
16:59Ya no está.
17:02Y no va a estar nunca más.
17:07Nunca más voy a ver a mi hermanita.
17:16Ya está.
17:25Ya está.
17:27Ya está.
17:29Ya está.
17:52Es por aquí, ¿verdad?
17:53Sí, señor.
17:59Ya está.
18:29Ya está.
18:31Ya está.
18:59No hay amor que bien se siente
19:03Si tú te quedas conmigo
19:06Será cosa del destino
19:17Atento, señores.
19:18Atento yo.
19:29Ay, ay, ay, amor
19:31Cómo me duele
19:33Que si te encuentras, mi amor
19:35Espero que esto no sea un error
19:38Pero ay, ay, ay, amor
19:40Que bien se siente
19:59Ay, ay, ay, amor
20:11¿Quién es?
20:23¡No disparen!
20:24¡No disparen!
20:25Soy yo.
20:27Teniente, ¿está bien?
20:29Sí, sí, sí, estoy bien.
20:30Falsa alarma.
20:32¿Qué pasó?
20:33No debió venir sola.
20:34No tenía que arriesgarse así.
20:35Por favor, tiene un equipo, ¿ok?
20:36Recibí un par de mensajes de anónimos
20:39diciéndome que me esperaban aquí
20:41y que los esperara aquí,
20:42pero nunca llegaron.
20:45Ramírez, Fonseca.
20:50¿Todo bien?
20:52Debió avisarnos, teniente.
20:53Ok, somos un equipo.
20:54Trabajamos juntos.
20:55Por favor.
20:56Ya sé, ya sé.
20:57Solo que no quería alertar a nadie.
20:59Tengo la sospecha de que el ataque cibernético
21:01se trata de alguien interno.
21:05hay algo que tiene que ver.
21:26Y creo que hay alguna cosa por acá, mi capitán.
21:32Yo revisé por toda la casa y no encontré nada.
21:35Tal vez un chamarizo que acaba de ser usado.
21:56Gracias, Ramírez.
21:58Con permiso.
22:01Solo encontré una habitación con unos computadores,
22:03pero no tienen la suficiente potencia
22:05para que sea del hacker.
22:15No hay nada.
22:16A ver.
22:19Estos fueron los mensajes que me mandaron
22:21si los encontré.
22:22Vicky, Vicky.
22:24Me preocupé.
22:27Por favor, no vuelvas a hacer esto.
22:28Por favor.
22:29La próxima vez, me avisas.
22:31Por favor.
22:32Y lo hacemos juntos, ¿ok?
22:34Eres mi jefe.
22:35No te quería poner en este...
22:36No, no, no soy el jefe.
22:37Tú me importas.
22:39No quiero que nada malo te pase.
22:40Lo único.
22:42Es lo único importante realmente.
22:46¿Nos vamos?
22:49Tenemos trabajo.
22:51Tenemos trabajo que hacer.
23:22Leave your message after the tone.
23:29Excuse me.
23:30Have you seen Nicole?
23:31She left a while ago.
23:35Do you know if something happened?
23:40As far as I know.
23:41She hasn't told me.
23:43Well, I understand
23:44that she went to work at the sports center.
23:47But with this mess we have here,
23:48what will she do there?
23:50It must have been an emergency, right?
24:03I would never leave you like this.
24:04I'm absolutely in love with you.
24:06I'm going to shoot.
24:07Marta, don't do that, please.
24:08Let go of me!
24:09Let go of me!
24:10I'm sorry.
24:12Let go of me!
24:13Let go of me!
24:15I'm only asking for one thing.
24:16He's my boss.
24:18What do you mean he's your boss?
24:19And what are you going to tell him?
24:21The truth.
24:22If you tell him the truth,
24:24everything I've achieved
24:26will be shit.
24:29Why make up so many lies?
24:31Why go so far?
24:32Why not let justice do what it has to?
24:35Because you didn't make justice here.
24:37Don't shoot!
24:38It's me.
24:40Lieutenant, are you okay?
24:42Yes, yes, I'm fine.
24:44I wish I could go back in time
24:46and do it all differently.
25:03Wait, wait, wait, don't go.
25:09Wouldn't you like to sleep here with me tonight?
25:14Are you sure?
25:15You know you're not used to us being husband and wife.
25:18I don't want to pressure you.
25:21I do want you to sleep here.
25:46Come here.
25:59Hold on, I have to tell you something.
26:01Oh, my God.
26:03I slept with Benicio.
26:06Oh, Vicky, you finally told him!
26:08I can't believe it!
26:09Oh, tell him?
26:10Oh, yes, that sounds horrible.
26:11And how do you want me to tell him?
26:14Everything that happened,
26:15happened because you wanted it to happen, didn't you?
26:17And as far as I could understand,
26:19we had canceled him.
26:21And now it turns out that you didn't,
26:22that you gave him everything.
26:24And I want to know
26:25what position you're going to put him in.
26:32Top 1.
26:33No, Vicky, I love it, I love it!
26:35No, no, no, no, no.
26:36I'm so happy.
26:37Stop, stop, stop, no.
26:38You can't love it.
26:39I have a problem, actually.
26:41And now what?
26:43I don't know.
26:48Benicio Esperanza doesn't know.
26:53Just like you said.
26:55He came to the city
26:56to seek justice for his mother's death.
26:59You're screwing me, Vicky.
27:00That's very heavy.
27:01It's serious.
27:03And that's where the problem is.
27:04All this time,
27:05he's been hiding who he really was.
27:07I fell in love with him.
27:09And I don't know, I don't know
27:11if I should believe him, if I shouldn't believe him,
27:12I don't know anymore.
27:17Well, but...
27:19he must have had his reasons not to tell you, right?
27:23Whenever people hide information,
27:25it's to hurt someone else.
27:29I don't know, the circumstances
27:32lead people to do things like that.
27:35Let's see, Marisol.
27:36When you hide information and you lie,
27:39you consciously know
27:40that you have to face the consequences.
27:43And what you're doing is avoiding them.
27:46Yes, but we also have to see the situation.
27:49Look, look at the situation he's in.
27:51I mean, it's not going to be that easy
27:53to tell everything just like that.
27:56I don't know, I feel like
27:58sometimes it's hard to tell things
28:01and that's why you omit information.
28:05Are you defending Benicio at this point?
28:07No, no, no.
28:08At this point?
28:09No, no, no, never.
28:10No, how can you think that?
28:11I'm never going to defend that man.
28:14It's just that...
28:16I don't know, I put myself in his shoes
28:20and I think about how he must have felt
28:24for not telling you,
28:25for not telling the people he loves
28:27such important information like that.
28:32Oh, I don't know.
28:33Oh, I don't give a damn, right?
28:34Don't listen to her.
28:35Stop it.
28:36I'm serious.
28:37I mean, this is a problem.
28:38This is the melodrama of the century.
28:40I don't know what to do.
28:41Oh, I know.
28:42Again with the same thing.
28:43But, okay.
28:44What are you going to do with this information then?
28:49I don't know.
28:50This is too much.
28:51Hey, this is too heavy, right?
28:53I'm telling you.
29:04Where were you?
29:06Hey, thanks for asking, right?
29:08Fine, I'm fine.
29:11I was working.
29:12Look, Nicole, don't lie to me, okay?
29:15And why should I lie to you?
29:20Let's see.
29:23It turns out that I passed by your office
29:25and you weren't there.
29:27And you said you were going to be on the field.
29:29And you didn't show up there either.
29:33Are you following me, Dylan?
29:35What's going on with you?
29:37What's wrong with me?
29:39I mean, do you think it's normal
29:40for you to disappear all day
29:42with what's going on in the port?
29:43I have a lot of things to attend to during the day.
29:46Look, what a coincidence.
29:49Vinicio must also have a lot of things to attend to, right?
29:52Because he also disappeared all day.
29:56Are you jealous?
30:00Look, I don't like that you two are so close, okay?
30:03I'm going to need you to please define the word close
30:06because it turns out that he and I are family.
30:08He is my sister's husband.
30:11Were you with him?
30:13But then tell me where you were.
30:17Oh, don't lie to me, okay?
30:19Why would I lie to you?
30:20I don't understand, seriously.
30:21What do you want me to think?
30:23If they don't do it, if they don't tell me
30:24that Vinicio is a galán, that everyone wants to be with him
30:26and you spend it with him up and down.
30:27What do I think?
30:29What do you think?
30:31Well, that I am your wife.
30:34And that I only have eyes for you.
30:37That I love you very much.
30:40And that I have to accept that I'm really liking you a little bit.
30:46I don't know what's wrong with me.
30:49It's horrible.
30:51Do you love me?
30:55A lot.
30:56How much?
31:00A lot.
31:13The idea of not having investigated that case well
31:15doesn't let me sleep at night.
31:18You know what I love about you?
31:20That passion with which you live your profession.
31:23It is an honor to give this recognition
31:26to the best student of the course,
31:28Lieutenant Victoria Iguaran.
31:30As you were the one who found the body,
31:32to say that it was a suicide
31:34and that the investigation is closed.
31:36I'm going to investigate on my own.
31:38My new boss is going to reopen the case.
31:40Okay, you trust your new boss more than me.
31:42What happened to me was very special.
31:46Don't you regret it?
31:49I want to talk to my superiors
31:50and ask for a change of division.
31:52I don't want there to be a conflict of interests.
31:54I'm Brian O'Connor.
31:56Sonny O'Connor's brother.
31:57I had no choice but to go talk to Antonio
31:59and tell him the truth.
32:01You knew, Vicky, why didn't you tell me?
32:03Do what you have to do.
32:05If you want to tell him everything, say it.
32:07I don't want to hurt you anymore.
32:09I can't lie anymore.
32:11No more.
32:30Hey, what are you doing?
32:32What's wrong?
32:34I don't want what you want.
32:36What do you mean?
32:38After what happened yesterday?
32:40After what we felt?
32:42What happened yesterday was a mistake.
32:44It can't happen again.
32:46Then why did you write to me?
32:50Because despite all the stupid things we've done,
32:53I have a chance to tell you
32:54that despite all the stupid things we've done,
32:56I have a chance to save my career.
32:58Don't you understand that I'm capable of doing anything
33:00for the people I love?
33:02I know.
33:04I know.
33:06But that's the problem.
33:10How far are you willing to go?
33:14How far are you willing to go?
33:16I'm sorry.
33:24Maybe you're more like the Overlord than you think.
33:27You're wrong.
33:29That's where you belong.
33:35I just came to tell you that...
33:38I'm going to help you.
33:40You have two weeks
33:42to get the evidence you need
33:44to prove your theory about everyone's death.
33:46But if you don't get them in two weeks, Vinicius,
33:49I'm going to do my job.
33:52I'm going to help you.
33:54I can't risk my career for you or anyone else.
33:57You're doing this for Antonio.
34:01I'm doing it for me.
34:03For me.
34:05Because I have a right to be happy.
34:24Congratulations, Mr. Gregon.
34:26You're pregnant.
34:29How do you feel?
34:55With all the scandals
34:57that have been going on
34:59in the city lately,
35:01things don't seem to get any better
35:03for Raimundo Obregón and his family.
35:05The case of the death of Sonia O'Connor,
35:08then boyfriend of his daughter,
35:10Caterina Obregón,
35:12has reopened after more than two years.
35:14Everything seems to indicate
35:16that new evidence has been found
35:18that could, on the basis of trial,
35:20dictate the suicide of the young man.
35:22Although the authorities
35:24have not officially initiated a case,
35:26it is a fact that the investigation has already resumed
35:29and that, therefore, the authorities
35:31are looking for clues
35:33that lead to that moment
35:35when Sonia O'Connor's body
35:37was found on the road.
35:41Yes, Doctor,
35:43Catherine told me to contact you.
35:45Yes, she is willing to do anything
35:47to recover her memory.
35:49I don't know if you know something that will help her.
35:51Okay, I'll wait for the message.
35:53Thank you very much.
35:58Do you think that if Catherine remembers everything,
36:00she won't remember who you are?
36:02And what could happen?
36:04Is she going to blame me for the accident
36:06if there is no evidence?
36:08Sometimes you forget
36:10who we are dealing with.
36:12And if Raimundo Obregón realizes
36:14that we are playing like this
36:16with him and his family,
36:18we are going to pay dearly, you know?
36:20I have to risk it
36:22and risk everything.
36:24Think about it.
36:26The only one who can put Nicole in jail
36:28is Catherine.
36:30Really? And how the hell
36:32are you going to convince Catherine
36:34that she betrays her sister?
36:36Because two sisters are very close
36:38until something or someone gets in
36:40that they both want.
36:42Wow, and that something or someone,
36:44let me guess, is you.
36:48Now I understand why you are
36:50telling me all this.
36:52It's because of the lieutenant, isn't it?
36:55What happened?
36:57Tell me.
36:59Tell me.
37:01Yes, he gave me a last shot.
37:03He gave me two weeks to get the evidence
37:05to solve Sonny's case.
37:07I see.
37:09You are not afraid of the reprisals
37:11that Obregón may take,
37:13but you are afraid of losing
37:15your lieutenant definitively, aren't you?
37:17I always knew you were weak
37:18enough to commit such a revenge.
37:21But I never thought you were such an idiot
37:24to run away and tell everything to your lover.
37:28Again, Brian?
37:30You didn't think about me again.
37:32You betrayed me.
37:34Listen to me, relax a little.
37:36This will be over soon
37:38and you will be here clean and with money.
37:40Listen to me.
37:42And forget about hacking.
37:44I need to do something that makes me look like a hero
37:46to regain the trust of that fucking family.
37:48I don't trust anything anymore.
38:06I want to try.
38:14Let's give ourselves a chance.
38:18Let's try to be together.
38:33It's a shame.
38:35It was very fun.
38:37But it's time to stop the party.
38:39Orders from the administration.
38:41Looking around on that server
38:43I found hot things.
38:45Very hot.
38:46I'm sure no one would like to see them.
38:50But well, if it's over,
38:52it's over.
38:54I just press a button
38:56and the server will work as if nothing had happened.
38:58No, not yet.
39:00I think I have a better idea.
39:02Continue the attack.
39:04Copy that information
39:06and I will contact you very soon.
39:11this was the day
39:13we had our first date.
39:15That was when
39:17I was appointed
39:19director of the foundation.
39:22Yes, do you remember?
39:24Very good.
39:26Well, more or less.
39:30now better than before.
39:33Look at you here.
39:37You look different, don't you?
39:41You look different.
39:42You feel like a more
39:44peaceful aura.
39:46You look calmer.
39:55Forgive me
39:57for everything I've made you go through.
40:00It's okay.
40:13And look.
40:15Come in.
40:17This is my sailboat.
40:20Come in.
40:23And this is the day of the auction
40:25of the foundation you did.
40:29And this is...?
40:32Sonny, your ex-boyfriend.
40:34You two looked good together.
40:36Although people tell me
40:38that you treated him quite badly.
40:39You made him suffer a lot.
40:45Well, I know people talk a lot,
40:47but if you were going to marry him,
40:49I suppose you would laugh a lot.
40:51Caterina Obregón,
40:53the most beautiful woman in the world.
40:55Do you want to marry me?
40:57Let go of me!
40:59It's okay, don't get off.
41:01We're leaving now.
41:03You're staying with that stupid son of a bitch.
41:05Where to?
41:07Before I have a baby with you,
41:09I'm going to have a baby with you.
41:15Are you okay?
41:17I had a very strong nightmare.
41:19I had a very, very strong nightmare.
41:21Calm down, calm down.
41:23Everything is fine, calm down.
41:25I feel...
41:29I feel like they were memories,
41:31that they weren't...
41:33I feel like I remembered ugly things,
41:35I remembered ugly things,
41:37I remember ugly things.
41:39Everything was unreal.
41:41Imagine, calm down.
41:43No, no, no.
41:45I'm realizing something.
41:47I'm remembering something.
41:49It was him, it was him.
41:51Honey, you didn't kill him.
41:53You didn't kill him, listen to me.
41:55I had a gun, but I'm remembering it.
41:57You didn't cut me.
41:59Who killed him?
42:01It was your sister, Nicole.
42:03What are you doing to me, Caterina?
42:05What are you doing here?
42:07Get out of here, Sonny!
42:09Get out!
42:11No, no, no.
42:13Don't provoke her, Sonny.
42:15Shut up!
42:17Oh, no, I'm not capable.
42:19Calm down, calm down.
42:21She hurts me!
42:23She's hurting me!
42:25Let me go!
42:29My sister, why didn't I do it?
42:31Why would I do something like that?
42:33Why, Nicole?
42:34I don't know, if you want to ask her, don't worry.
42:37But it doesn't make sense.
42:39Nothing you're telling me makes sense.
42:41I feel like it was me.
42:43Honey, you told me, it wasn't you.
42:45Calm down.
42:47I'm looking at myself, I'm looking at something.
42:49Stop, stop, stop.
42:51You're getting confused, that's it.
42:55It wasn't you, honey.
42:57Do you want a glass of water?
42:59Yes, please.
43:02I'll be right back.