• last year
Alarum Movie (2025) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Academy Award-nominee Sylvester Stallone, Scott Eastwood, Mike Colter, and Willa Fitzgerald star in this explosive action-thriller about two married spies caught in the crosshairs of an international intelligence network that will stop at nothing to obtain a critical asset. Joe (Eastwood) and Lara (Fitzgerald) are agents living off the grid whose quiet retreat at a winter resort is blown to shreds when members of the old guard suspect the two may have joined an elite team of rogue spies, known as ALARUM.

directed by Michael Polish

starring Scott Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone, Willa Fitzgerald, Mike Colter, Isis Valverde, D. W. Moffett

release date January 17, 2025 (in theaters and on VOD/Digital)
00:06Claps running
00:08Don't waste it
00:11You are not here to unleash chaos. We are here to define it
00:16The final hour won't be boring
00:22Good morning
00:24We'll be nice to have lunch with another couple like normal people that's us normal people
00:35Are you doing after this
00:40How you doing in there
00:42This isn't a vacation. You're working a mark. I'm on standby fine. Take care Wow
00:58Maybe they're both working for alarm. They want to tear down the global intelligence network
01:03Get me a list of the closest arbiters. I'm open for business
01:10We have a location on archibald did you take anything
01:13Where are you? I think I officially jinxed the trip stay alive
01:35I need help. My wife's at the resort. He's gonna kill us all
01:41Do you know she's not playing you did she join alarm this is an a812 pick up one of these
01:48Get to work with you again. Yeah. Yeah
02:01As much damage as you can never use a frag grenade
02:16Do Americans against all your men
02:33The only flaw with this weapon that makes everything too easy
