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(Adnkronos) - “Essere genitori oggi, da un punto di vista prettamente medico, rappresenta una sfida importante: significa navigare tra desiderio e possibilità, quindi incontrando sfide di tipo biologico, culturale e sociale. Oggi la scienza offre tantissime soluzioni straordinarie per risolvere problemi della fertilità, ma non dobbiamo anche dimenticare l'importanza della prevenzione di prendersi cura della propria fertilità. Quindi è importante l'informazione per prendere e attuare scelte consapevoli”. Lo afferma Francesco Gebbia, coordinatore medico Ivi Rma Italia, in occasione dell’evento ‘Essere genitori oggi, tra scienza e welfare’, il nuovo appuntamento di Adnkronos Q&A organizzato in collaborazione con Demografica e Merck, con il sostegno di Medical service consulting, Ivi, Nuova collaborazione associazione nazionale datori di lavoro domestico e WindTre. L’incontro ha l’obiettivo di accendere i riflettori sul sostegno alla genitorialità attraverso alcune direttrici fondamentali: la politica economica, l’educazione e la prevenzione per favorire la fertilità, le tecniche per superare l’infertilità e l’implementazione di un welfare aziendale orientato a favorire scelte di vita coerenti con un incremento della natalità.


00:00Being a parent today, from a purely medical point of view, represents an important challenge.
00:09It is a journey between desire and possibility,
00:12therefore facing challenges of a biological, cultural and social type.
00:16Today, science offers many solutions, extraordinary solutions to solve the problems of fertility,
00:22but we must not forget the importance of prevention and taking care of one's fertility.
00:28Therefore, information is important to make conscious choices.
00:34Today, medical treatments allow us to solve the problems of fertility.
00:40We are talking about treatments in the field of the so-called homologous fertilization,
00:44in which we refer to the use of the gametes of the couple,
00:47therefore the female ovocytes of our patient and the liquid seminal fluid of our patient,
00:52or in some cases it must be necessary to use the donated ovocytes,
00:56i.e. the female gametes donated or the liquid seminal fluid donated anonymously.
01:00These are treatments that, over the years, have led to increasing success rates,
01:05thanks to scientific research and technologies.
01:08Another possibility is to vitrify your ovocytes,
01:12and this is a treatment that has been in effect for more than 10 years
01:16and that is gaining ground, especially in recent years.
01:19Thanks to ovocytal vitrification, a woman can, if she wants,
01:23postpone the search for pregnancy,
01:26having the peace of having put aside her gametes, perhaps at a more favorable age.
01:31Obviously, these gametes, vitrified and put aside,
01:34it is not said that they must be used,
01:36because a woman can be free not to have a pregnancy,
01:39by choice, or perhaps to have it at the moment when she wants to,
01:43and to succeed, fortunately, in a natural way.
01:45If this is not the case, you can resort to your ovocytes
01:49to try a treatment of in vitro fertilization conceived thanks to science.
