00:00Good news for EPFO account holders with draw PF money from ATM soon. With draw PF
00:11money from ATM by 2025, big news for EPFO subscribers in India, you will soon be
00:17able to withdraw your Prevident Fund money directly from ATM. This facility is
00:21expected to be available by 2025. Reduced PF related hassles. The Ministry of
00:29Labour is modernizing its IT infrastructure to provide better
00:33services to working people. This will reduce PF related hassles for employees.
00:40Access Provident Fund via ATM. Labour Secretary Sumita Dora stated that EPFO
00:45members will have access to their Provident Fund through ATM starting next
00:49year. Simplifying process is to reduce hassle. Sumita Dora said, we are settling
00:58claims quickly and simplifying process is to reduce hassle for people. Access
01:05claims through ATM. Sumita stated that claimants, beneficiaries or insured
01:10individuals will soon be able to easily access their claims through ATM with
01:15minimal human intervention. Changes visible from January 2025. The Labour
01:23Secretary said that systems are evolving and significant improvements will be
01:27visible every two to three months with a major increase by January 2025.
01:357 crore people linked to EPFO. The employees Provident Fund organization
01:40currently serves over 7 crore active contributors.