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"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel, Rabu (11/12/2024) dengan tema Obrolan Investasi Bersama Yudha Keling dan Habib Jafar."


00:00Welcome back to Anugrah Innovation Indonesia 2024.
00:14Wiki, Prisa, I'm going to borrow the stage.
00:16I also want to celebrate this evening.
00:19Okay, I think you all know who's next to me.
00:23Do you know or not?
00:24Not yet.
00:25Not yet.
00:26Do you know or not?
00:27I know.
00:28Do you know who it is?
00:31It's Yudha.
00:32I'm closer to Bip, Bip.
00:34It's Yudha.
00:35If it's Indonesia Effect, it's definitely Yudha.
00:37How about this one?
00:39Bip, please give a round of applause for our second special guest tonight.
00:44If it's Indonesia Effect's stock exchange, it's definitely Yudha Keli.
00:48That's right.
00:49But if it's Islam's stock exchange, I think I'm more famous.
00:55That's right, Bip.
00:57Please be patient.
00:59Because I'm known as a bad example here, Bip.
01:02Well, usually...
01:03An example of failure.
01:04An example of failure.
01:05If there's an Anugrah Innovation Indonesia 2024 category of failure, it's Yudha, Bip.
01:10Yudha, okay.
01:11It's Yudha Keli.
01:11Bye-bye, Bip.
01:12It's like a cancer picture on a cigarette pack.
01:13That's right.
01:14On a cigarette pack.
01:15Usually, Bip, if there's a stock exchange or a guest, there are two of them.
01:20One is successful, and the successful one is Habib.
01:24No, as far as I know, if there are two people who are not successful, the third one is the devil.
01:31Then who is the devil?
01:32Well, that's it.
01:33Oh, yes.
01:35It needs to be asked.
01:37Okay, we have Habib and Yudha, even though this is still a question mark.
01:41Yudha, what are you doing here?
01:43Again, again.
01:44An example of a bad example.
01:45An example of a bad example.
01:46Okay, Habib, we want to know.
01:49Actually, from the point of view of Habib Jafar, is investment important?
01:53From the perspective of Islam, investment has its own term, which is called mudarobah.
02:01It means to work together to achieve success based on investment.
02:06That was done by Prophet Muhammad himself in the time when he first brought Islam to this world.
02:13Where there was a companion named Fadlullah Al-Ansari,
02:18who brought gold bracelets from the Ganges,
02:22as a result of the war.
02:25Then the Prophet asked for the gold to be invested.
02:28That is the basis of investment in Islam.
02:31Even in Islam, we are encouraged to invest because all the wealth on this earth is not entirely ours,
02:42but it is entrusted to us by God.
02:46So, if we are entrusted with a piece of land and we do not manage it,
02:50then in Islam it is not appreciated because there is a blessing from God through that piece of land.
02:57So, if we have a piece of land, it should be invested for business interests,
03:03which in the end is not only beneficial for us, but for anyone involved in that business activity.
03:09That is why in the latest research, there is a scholar named Maxwell,
03:16who said that the Muslim world is now growing investment, especially in stock,
03:22because the security is guaranteed, then the halal is guaranteed by the present country.
03:30Plus, the country also gives punishment to Muslim countries,
03:33to the businessmen in their countries who then let their assets not be invested.
03:43Wow, okay.
03:44That's great, babe.
03:46And it turns out, what I want to add,
03:49maybe many people think that investing in sharia stocks is only for Muslims,
03:54but it's not like that, babe.
03:55It can be for everyone, because even though it is a sharia stock,
04:00the tick is still the same, for example, BRES, it's still BRES, not Ba, Rom, Alip, Samasya.
04:06Oh, yes, that's right.
04:08It's still using the alphabet.
04:09Yes, even though it doesn't have to use the alphabet.
04:13It doesn't have to.
04:14But what's interesting is that Habib said that investing is good,
04:19even the assets we have should be productive,
04:22because the better a person is, the better it is to give benefits.
04:26For many people.
04:28If we also remember, there is one of the Jakarta Islamic Index,
04:32maybe some people think that the ones who invest there are mostly Muslims,
04:38but the interesting fact is that it's not just Muslims who invest in sharia,
04:43because in terms of value or ethics, it is considered better, then it is also considered sustainable.
04:50So it turns out that non-Muslims also have a lot of trends for sharia investment.
04:55What do you think?
04:56That's right, we often have different opinions, but we are in the same opinion.
05:03In terms of opinion, sometimes we are different, even disagreeing with each other.
05:08But in terms of opinion, we are usually in harmony.
05:12Collaborating together.
05:14Our level is above tolerance.
05:16Habib said we have to be tolerant, but we choose to collaborate.
05:19That's right, we even want religions,
05:22whatever religion, whether it's Islam or other religions in Indonesia,
05:26it encourages not only moderation, which is respecting each other,
05:32but also collaboration, which is supporting each other in good values together.
05:39Because we are different in truth, but together in goodness.
05:42All religions teach goodness.
05:44We even encourage transformation.
05:47It means that religion does not only form personal wrongdoings,
05:50but also social wrongdoings in the field of economy, environment,
05:54and especially in this context, it is investment.
05:56Clearly, in any teaching, religion always teaches that
06:00the wealth that is accumulated quickly is quickly exhausted.
06:03But the wealth that is accumulated little by little
06:06will change us to be rich and rich to bring blessings to others, not to ourselves.
06:11That's right, because there is a break.
06:13What is it?
06:14Little by little, but in the long run, it's also tiring, why don't you have a lot?
06:18It's tiring too.
06:19That's the real break, because it's a real break.
06:22It's a real break, the real experience.
06:24And it's true in all religions.
06:27For example, in the Hindu perspective, Mahatma Gandhi said
06:30this world is enough for all people who are not obedient,
06:33but not enough for a few people who are obedient.
06:36Then in Islam, excessive agitation or excessive speed
06:42is the doing of the devil.
06:44Islam encourages accuracy.
06:46That's why it's the same in the stock market, right?
06:48If we are agitated,
06:51not encouraging us enough to know where the time is to stop,
06:58to rest, and so on, we will be exposed too, right?
07:02Well, in Islam, Islam is a religion that is a mercy to nature.
07:06Mercy for the universe, not just for Muslims.
07:09It is also called in ahsantum ahsantum li'an fusikum.
07:11All the goodness that is taught in Islam
07:14is a universal goodness for all humans.
07:18So it's the same in the context of the economy.
07:20So one of the characteristics of the Islamic economy is anti-riba.
07:24Riba is taking something that is not ours,
07:29even though it belongs to others, we take it unfairly.
07:33So it teaches about justice, fairness, and so on.
07:38So it's not just segmented against Muslims.
07:43So banks, or investment, or stocks, or anything that is based on sharia
07:48are actually based on justice, on equality.
07:54Based on justice.
07:54If it's based on justice, it means there is profit and loss.
07:57If we learn from Judas,
07:59Judas said, cut loss mulu.
08:01Yes, that's right.
08:02Well, the name of the investment is the stock market, right?
08:06But Judas said, cut loss again, cut loss again, cut loss again.
08:09So it's not the stock market.
08:10The stock is gone, all that's left is the stock market.
08:13That's right.
08:13Can you share how it is?
08:14Because in investing, I'm just looking for the fun of it.
08:18I'm not looking for the fun.
08:19But I want to ask this, Bip.
08:20I often say that I often lose, I often get bad luck.
08:24I think I am rejected by the universe.
08:27Well, to what extent can we blame this as fate?
08:32I think I'm losing because of fate.
08:35To what extent is that?
08:37Do we blame it as fate or are we wrong because we don't analyze it well?
08:42Yes, actually, fate is something positive.
08:46If we are given reason,
08:49if we are given references about the science of investment and so on.
08:53The problem is that we don't use it to the maximum,
08:57so in the end, we are unlucky.
08:59Maybe the problem is ultimately in the literature,
09:03maybe in the mentality.
09:05That's why in Islam,
09:07a person who prays the sunnah before dawn,
09:10he is considered to have the world and even more than that.
09:15What does it mean?
09:16He was taught in the morning that he has a mentality,
09:20he has the world and even more than that.
09:22So he will not look for the world,
09:25until then he will do things that are principal,
09:29especially things that are haram.
09:31If he fails that day, he will not give up,
09:33it is hoped that if he is successful that day, he will not be arrogant,
09:37because he is mentally rich.
09:40That's the most important thing.
09:41Because if a person's mentality is not rich,
09:44but his money is rich,
09:45he is as arrogant as possible.
09:46Minimal Nora.
09:48Minimal Nora.
09:49Minimal Nora.
09:50And this is Bip.
09:51Minimal Nora.
09:51My family, Bip, is mentally poor, Bip.
09:54Because there is a shower in my house,
09:56when it is turned on, they take a broom and mop it, Bip.
10:01So if we lose, don't blame fate, Bip.
10:04But because we don't learn.
10:05Even one of the principles of investment in Islam,
10:10that is first, there is no cheating.
10:12Then the second, there is no gambling or over speculation.
10:17Then the third, there is agreement.
10:22Don't be like two people on an online motorcycle,
10:27talking like that.
10:28Where do you want to go?
10:30It's been a while, Bip.
10:31It doesn't connect.
10:32Talking but it doesn't connect.
10:34There must be agreement, mutual understanding, and agreement.
10:37Then the third, or the fourth,
10:42there must be something clear,
10:45that is known to each other.
10:47Don't be like, there's something over there.
10:50Do you want it?
10:51What is it?
10:53It must be known to each other.
10:54And the last, the fifth,
10:56one of the basic principles is
10:58not only to share profits, but also to share losses.
11:02So it's not only about profit,
11:04but also to accept the loss.
11:06But if everything is profit,
11:08don't be surprised because the loss has been taken by Yudha.
11:11And I lost in some companies here.
11:15I asked for my money back, sir.
11:18I swear, sir, I saw it earlier.
11:19Oh, this is the only thing that comes to the meeting.
11:21I cut loss here, here.
11:24But that's the point.
11:26In Islam, it's called Ikhlaq, or literacy.
11:29Before we go into one field,
11:31we have to understand first,
11:33and solve the aspects of literacy and the mental aspect.
11:36That's right.
11:37Because yesterday, there was also a discussion,
11:39it was said that small investors are considered to be gambling.
11:43But no one dares to deny it.
11:46Well, that's...
11:46Maybe they're afraid of being called a son of Abah.
11:51How is that, Bip?
11:52Because there are so many unlawful transactions.
11:55Maybe this is the last one from Habib.
11:57He said that people who play online gambling are safe
12:00because it's anonymous.
12:00But the angels saw it, right?
12:02That's right.
12:03That's right.
12:04Indeed, your account is anonymous.
12:07But the angels have a much more advanced server than you.
12:12And this, maybe to straighten the statement earlier,
12:16I have a trick.
12:17How is it, Bip?
12:18As an inspiration for Indonesian businessmen and gentlemen here,
12:22ladies here, everyone.
12:23That's what is meant by poor literacy and poor mental.
12:27Wow, that's beautiful.
12:29That can be used.
12:31So if you're poor in literacy, it's really beautiful.
12:34Yes, because being rich and poor is mainly not a matter of wealth,
12:37but a matter of mental.
12:38That's right.
12:39A matter of mental.
12:41Please give a round of applause for Habib Jafar and Yuda Keling.
12:45I hope from now on, we can invest with continuous values,
12:50with good values,
12:51and of course, we can expand or diversify our portfolio.
12:55But if it's all fried food, what's the difference with Ramadan?
12:59Yuda, I hope from now on, you'll be more...
13:02More cunning.
13:03More cunning.
13:04And what's the name of our segment, Ocha?
13:06Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
13:07But in short, APAC.
13:09APAC is not Apaan Cu, but Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
13:13We've been practicing.
13:15We've been practicing.
13:16Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
13:18Aku Investor Sahab.
13:20Okay, can I shake your hand?
13:22It's like we're not related.
13:23It's like we're roommates.
13:25Okay, thank you Habib Jafar.
13:30Yuda Keling, I've been waiting for you.
13:33I'll read the nomination.
13:35We'll log in later.
13:37Log in Investasi.
13:39Okay, see you again, Habib Jafar and Yuda.
13:42Thank you, Ocha.
13:46Oh, they're still there.
13:47Okay, let's continue, David.
13:50It's very exciting.
13:51Very exciting.
13:51There are many points that can be conveyed.
13:54Perspective related to stock investment.
13:57I'm quite interested in Jakarta Islamic Index.
13:59It turns out that it's not only Muslims, but also many other religions.
14:04Who are interested in investing in Jakarta Islamic Index, right, David?
