• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Nella città un motore chiamato porto”, questo lo slogan che ha contrassegnato il 6° convegno “Noi il Mediterraneo”, che a Palermo ha messo in evidenza gli straordinari cambiamenti che l’Autorità di Sistema Portuale per il mare della Sicilia Occidentale, ha realizzato in pochi anni, sotto la presidenza di Pasqualino Monti. Un waterfront capace di restituire il mare alla città, con opere all’avanguardia capaci di creare economia e attirare sia crocieristi e diportisti, attratti dai confort e dai servizi a loro dedicati.


00:00It is no coincidence to say that the V-qualification and V-generation that the Port Authority of the System of the Sea of ​​Western Sicily carried out by President Pasquale Inomonti is a reference model for the entire Mediterranean.
00:18Yesterday I saw the press conference that took place in November 2017 in Villa Egea, where the first edition of Noel Mediterranea is held.
00:28I must say that those slides, which at the time represented renders of how the port of Palermo would have been a few years ago, have made me very satisfied.
00:41Many of those things have been realized, most of them have been realized, and I think that in the end the result is very, very positive.
00:49The mayor of Palermo, Roberto Lagalla, instead, emphasized on the fundamental flight that the sea represents for the city and that the work to be completed will make the urban dimension even more attractive.
00:59A new relationship with the sea, an increasingly full and complete integration between the city authorities and the port authorities, in a comprehensive framework of regeneration, not only port, but also urban, and a further perspective of collaboration for the completion and improvement of the entire waterfront of Palermo.
01:27The President of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, intervening at the sixth edition of the Noel Mediterranea Convention held in Palermo, underlined the excellent work that Pasquale Inomonti has done in so few years.
01:39The Port Authority of Palermo has shown in recent years, with the management of Pasquale Inomonti, that it has taken a step further. We have grown, we owe a lot to the activity of Pasquale Inomonti, who unfortunately sent me to Tuscany in July. If it were up to me, I would change the law to renew it forever.
