• last year


00:00Pismo State Beach Butterfly Grove is a little emptier than in past years.
00:04Previously, there was so much more butterflies that looked like a hornet's nest.
00:08It was just a big cluster of them, just all cuddled together.
00:11But now these eucalyptus trees are mostly missing their familiar orange and black winged visitor this time of year,
00:17the Western Monarch butterfly who annually make a pit stop here while migrating south.
00:22The last count we had was 197, so this is the lowest year as far as being recorded
00:28for the population here at Pismo State Beach.
00:30It's a drastic downturn compared to last December when 16,000 butterflies were recorded in the yearly post-Thanksgiving count.
00:37We don't know why the numbers are so low this year.
00:39There's some speculation that early spring storms and some heat waves during the summer may have impacted the population numbers.
00:47So monarch butterflies are really impacted by like random events like this and their numbers can boom or bust.
00:54This year, it's a total bust and not just in Pismo Beach, but everywhere else the Western Monarchs travel.
01:00This is happening all across the overwintering sites here on the for the Western Monarch butterflies.
01:06So each site gets counted within the same time span and it's only being estimated to be maybe 7,000 this season.
01:14So that is significantly low.
01:16Similar low numbers were recorded not that long ago in 2020, just under 200, followed by a big bounce back the past three years.
01:24Still, this year's count is raising red flags.
01:27And that's what has us concerned as monarch researchers that these numbers can fluctuate so much.
01:32And the concern is that they can actually go extinct.
01:34We may not see this migratory behavior any longer.
01:37A worst case scenario for the future.
01:39But for today, the Pismo Grove is still attracting visitors as usual, but they're just not having the same experience as they've had in the past.
01:47It's a little disappointing, especially whenever I hyped it up so much for my friends to come see.
01:52It's really nice to see them up close and stuff like that.
01:54But there is a lot less butterflies, an extraordinary amount less, but it's still nice that there's still some.
02:00In Pismo Beach, I'm News Channel Reporter Dave Alley.