• last year
00:00We see it in the micro about player captains, but I'm hearing everything you're saying and the dynamics of these
00:10Communications concerns and it's that goes to the very top that gets when you say you're talking about press conferences
00:17Because of the Kremlin ology that we're doing here because who's wearing what who's seated where?
00:23Everybody knew that Kevin Warren just snipped off Ryan pulls his balls in front of everybody and we saw it happen
00:30We knew it was happening as we heard it and then you start asking
00:33Who's working for whom and who are who's saying the things that matter?
00:37And that's always been a major issue with this organization up to the very top Dan. That's a great point
00:43It's been that way for the last 12 years
00:45I think you know it starts with George and now we have a new person in like you said Kevin
00:49What is his role exactly and that press conference was a little uncomfortable for me to see Ryan Poles sitting next to him like a
00:55Like a kid looking at his dad. I think we talked about that last week
00:58But the other thing is you talk about who's really in charge
01:00But here's the other thing from top down Kevin Warren included who was doing well at their job
01:06Kevin was brought here to deal with the stadium, right? Is that going? Well, it doesn't seem like it
01:11I don't know Chicago politics and the money and all that kind of stuff
01:14But it doesn't seem like anybody from the top all the way down is doing well
01:17So there's a lot of people that need to be pointing the finger fingers at themselves to get this, right?
01:22And is this new dynamic with Kevin Warren being in charge?
01:25And like you said who is in charge and how is it working? It's the mixings of
01:29Kind of the you know, the business, you know the business flowchart who knows but just everybody in that building right now
01:34Is not doing a good good enough job. Yeah, I think that goes all the way to the top
01:39It bears out whether you want to talk about what's going on on the field whether you want to talk about the stadium situation
01:45Although there's some progress being made depending on how you're looking at it. I want to get
01:51How we're getting there though doesn't it seem like we were gonna be on the lakefront. We were gonna be oh, no
01:56We were gonna just everything is like what are we doing Patrick? What are we doing? Where's the vision? What are we exactly doing?
