• last year
(Adnkronos) - Le lenti intraoculari ICL rappresentano una soluzione avanzata ed efficace per correggere difetti visivi come la miopia, in particolare nei casi da moderata a grave. Con un intervento rapido e sicuro, le ICL offrono una correzione permanente e una visione naturale, restituendo ai pazienti la possibilità di vivere senza la necessità di occhiali o lenti a contatto. Ciò che rende veramente distintiva questa tecnologia è la sua capacità di garantire una qualità visiva eccellente anche in condizioni di scarsa luminosità, come la visione notturna. Inoltre, la reversibilità dell'intervento e la rapidità del recupero lo rendono una scelta molto apprezzata dai pazienti, con un tasso di soddisfazione che raggiunge il 99,4%. Il Dott. Angelo Appiotti, chirurgo oculista Milano - Verona, ha spiegato come le lenti ICL possono migliorare significativamente la qualità della vita di chi soffre di miopia e altri difetti visivi, restituendo una libertà visiva senza limiti.


00:00An advanced and effective solution to correct visual defects such as myopia, in particular in cases from moderate to severe, is what the intraocular lenses ICL represent.
00:17Thanks to a quick and safe intervention, in fact, this innovative technology is able to offer permanent correction and a natural vision,
00:26giving patients the opportunity to live without the need for glasses or contact lenses.
00:32Contrary to what one might think, these lenses were perfect only for high values of myopia or hypermetropia.
00:40The range is around 18 diopters for myopias and 8 diopters for hypermetropia, also associated with astigmatic components.
00:48In fact, for many years I have adopted the system of this lens also for patients with medium myopias,
00:55patients who often have a clearly superior visual quality compared to any laser method.
01:01And above all, it allows me to embrace all those types of patients who cannot be operated with the laser,
01:08such as patients with eye dryness, general pathologies, very thin corneas, or even pathologies such as keratoconus, perhaps in the first stage,
01:19who cannot be operated with the laser, if not with special techniques, while they can have a wonderful result through the ICL.
01:28What makes this technology distinctive is its ability to guarantee excellent visual quality even in conditions of poor luminosity,
01:36such as night vision.
01:38In addition, the reversibility of the intervention and the speed of recovery make it a highly appreciated choice by patients,
01:45with a satisfaction rate that reaches 99.4% and is a relatively fast intervention.
01:53It is done in topical anesthesia, only with a drop supply.
01:57It requires a collaboration from the patients, so this is another very important selection criterion.
02:03Then, through a 2.75 mm micro incision, a liquid is introduced to inflate the front chamber of the eye
02:12to create a space to be able to put this lens, prior to dilation of the patient,
02:17lens that will be placed behind the iris and in front of the crystalline,
02:21so that when the iris will close again, even visibly,
02:25no patient or no person will notice that the patient has something inside the eye.
02:31The intervention can take 5-10 minutes, but it is not a problem of speed.
02:37The important thing is to do each maneuver well, in the right way.
02:41Thanks to the ICL lenses, the quality of life of those suffering from myopia, like Gabriele, has significantly improved.
02:48I feel really good without glasses.
02:51For me it is a dream, after spending many years without glasses,
02:55so I am very happy to have done this intervention.
03:00I didn't even realize the timing, because it was really about 5 minutes,
03:06but very fast, really.
03:09I didn't feel pain, nothing, perfect.
03:12It is a beautiful feeling, because once I struggled to get to certain characters,
03:19and now to get to 7, 8, 9, 10, for me it is a great achievement, really.
03:26I would like to thank Dr. Piotti, who gave me this beautiful gift.
03:32Thank you!
